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Which Killers need balancing the most in your opinion?



  • Member Posts: 1,437

    Ghost face should get some buffs in his ability. Maybe attacking someone doesn‘t deactivate his ability or that he is faster in his ability.

    For Myers I would only want a new tier between 2-3 where he gets 120% movement speed.

  • Member Posts: 118

    An idea I had for a Nurse nerf was to allow Survivors to see where she will appear after her Blink allowing them to dodge it in time if they can react, kinda like Dredge's remnant. Allows her to maintain her identity as a Killer that can teleport through walls but making her easier to counter.

  • Member Posts: 118

    This is very true. Hag is very reliant on her trap setup, even more so than Trapper because she's a 110 killer. If Survivors just constantly destroy your traps you're useless. They could maybe make it so triggering traps don't destroy them, in order to destroy a trap you have to actually wipe it away which takes up more time. Either way survivors should defo be punished in some capacity for destroying her traps.

    An issue I see with buffing Hag though is she'd become even more of a pubstomper. When her Power does work, it's brutally effective and against uncoordinated Survivors she can snowball easily even in her current state. She's weak against experienced and coordinated Survivors but oppressive against newer or solo queue survivors.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Blight has the second best movement power and is 4.6m/s, that isn't a problem to you? How are Spirit and Hag 4.4 and Blight isn't?

  • Member Posts: 65

    Basekit blight is fine nerfing his baskit would probably only make weak blights weaker and not effect stronger blights

  • Member Posts: 489

    You basically need balance on all killers. No exception. But its more urgent to tone down several things to get a hang on how players adapt.The thing is bhvr doesnt have a good view on balancing anything in this game, like we saw on trickster. No fun at all, so lets buff it making it an complete overkill and have to undo everything. Or buffing Trapper and it basically didnt change anything. Or the great perk overhaul, which just ended up in killers trading their regressions perks with other regression perks but completely killing several unproblematic survivor perks.Thats what happens with balancing by bhvr. Its just no good.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Nurse is very problematic. A Killer that ignores every defence mechanic that Survivors have which gives her the best chase power in the game, traverses the map in seconds giving her map and gen pressure as well, some oppressive add ons and she does not require that much skill to learn.

    Sadako has a poor design in my opinion. The rework she got with the Nic Cage patch made her Condemned playstyle the core part of her Power, and gave Survivors a lot of counter play options, all they have to do is hold onto tapes from the start of the game and put them away every now and then and half of Sadako's power is gone. Either that or she's a pub stomper and gets a mori 2 minutes into the game and everything just goes downhill for the survivors from there. She is getting another rework in 2024 to make her more like her originial iteration, which is good in my opinion. They could buff her Demanifested state so she's better in chase and stealthier (maybe she vaults/breaks quicker while demanifested or her invisibility is better allowing for mind games at loops) and most importantly bring back the range to Condemned when she teleports, maybe increase it a bit from the original range but it should not be infinite. She gets condemend moris too often at lower MMRs, when really she should rarely be getting them instead the condemned should be a deterrent from gens and passive slowdown like pigs traps.

    By "reveal mechanic is broken" I meant it's buggy not overpowered. It's not consistent enough. I was trying to be brief with my explanations lmao. In my opinion the Survivor who reveals Ghostface should be punished in a mild way like a 5 or 10 second Marked duration, at high MMRs Ghostface gets revealed so much to the point he has no Power.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    No, because his power cannot be used at every tile, or in every situation.

    Can’t compare the other two. The nature of the power, and the applicability is different.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Hot take but I actually think Spirit is fine after the directional audio nerf, I play her quite a bit and it's actually pretty difficult to predict Survivor movement now that they know exactly where you are. Her add ons are still a bit problematic I guess, MDR and Cherry Blossom mainly, but I honestly think she's fine.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Blight's power is usable at most tiles when he has 5 rush charges, various techs he can use and the ability to break pallets.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Unfortunately not true. There are many tiles he cannot use his power on, for chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    A lot of killers need tweaks, a few of then need full on reworks: sm (delet ) and feeddy (rework his power and make him do something pls)

  • Member Posts: 118

    SM's anti loop is strong, but it's better than her 3 genning so I'll take it.

  • Member Posts: 603

    I agree with you spirit add-ons are the problem. When her audio became directional (and after they fixed the bug with her audio) the only problem I have with her is that her best add-ons (even yellow cap) are just way too good imo

  • Member Posts: 118

    I know MDR is OP and all but I can barely play Spirit without it lmao. Her base phase just feels so slow for me. Part of me would be saddened it if it gets nerfed again but it probably should. Cherry Blossom definitely needs a change, just makes Spirit too hard to counter because she knows exactly where you are.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I don't like that idea to be honest. It just doesn't sit right with me when a killers power is that telegraphed. Maybe they could test it on a PTB though.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    I think it doesnt feel right because it feeds into the mindset that survivors need all the info spoonfed for free at all times.

    Its on the same level of giving survivors free bond. Etc.

    Alternazively i heard some killers complain about survivors getting more info about their powers than themselves. Could be that too

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    Blight - The obvious thing Blight needs done are add-on adjustments. Compound 33, Adrenaline Vial and Alchemist Ring are so busted it's mindbogglingly crazy they're still here years later. Stacked speed add-ons are a tad overtuned. Basekit Blight could need one of the following adjustments: 4.4m/s movement speed; can't break pallets with his rush hits (reworked Compound 33 could enable this again); stunning Blight drains his rush tokens.

    Nurse - The only thing Nurse would really need done is a lunge reach reduction for blink attacks. The exact percentage of the reduction would have to be figured out, but 33% seems reasonable (given that good Nurse players still perform with the 50% lunge reduction of White Nit Comb). Perhaps the reduction could also differ on the first and second blink, with the second having a larger reduction. Apart from that, stunning Nurse should also be possible during fatigue, and it should drain her blink tokens.

    Spirit - Further add-on adjustments are in order. The existence of Dried Cherry Blossom is laughable, the add-on takes all of the - already severely limited - means of counterplay out of phasing interactions. Mother-Daughter Ring is overtuned. Also: Stunning Spirit should drain her power bar. More controversial perhaps: Hits out of phase should be treated as a special attack.

    Pyramid Head - Cages need rebalancing because they are a tool to camp and tunnel with impunity. Fortunately BHVR has finally increased the relocation trigger range on cages to actually account for Pyramid's ranged attack, but there are still various issues. Cages don't reset Exhaustion, all the tools survivors have to combat camping and tunnelling don't work on cages (DS/OTR/Deliverance/BT/Kindred/Reassurance/etc.), there is no uncage protection like there is for hooks. The very least they should do is implement i-frames for uncaging just like there are for unhooking, such that Pyramid can't just instadown people again right as they get uncaged. Better yet, make it so the cage instantly relocates if Pyramid enters within the specified range, not only after 3.5 seconds, which still allows him to camp for prolonged periods by going in and out of range. Pyramid also should not get a notification as to where someone was uncaged. To compensate, buff his trails. You shouldn't be able to avoid trails by crouching. Trails should never disappear unless the maximum amount of trails has been set. Trails should apply various status effects to survivors, modifiable with add-ons (Pyramid needs an add-on pass anyway, most of his add-ons are nigh useless).

    Skull Merchant - She still excels at 3-genning. I won't suggest a larger rework which would be necessary to actually make this killer interesting to play as and against, but what absolutely has to happen is robbing her of the propensity for area control. One slight and completely sensible change that would only mostly affect her 3-gen prowess is making it so that she can't recall hacked drones.

    Twins - Buff Charlotte, nerf Victor. The latter has no counterplay, the former has no play.

    These are the most egregious cases of killers that need balancing in my opinion. I won't go into killers here that I think could do with buffs, because that would make for quite wordy a submission (slight buffs: Wraith, Billy, Leatherface, Clown, Oni, Slinger, Trickster, Nemesis, Pinhead, Sadako, Dredge, Pig; moderate buffs: Trapper, Myers, Doctor, Freddy, Legion, Ghostface, Demo).

    I think particularly the stun adjustment for the big three (Blight, Nurse, Spirit) is kind of a no-brainer in terms of game balancing. Stunning these killers is difficult and risky and often still gets you hit regardless. Rewarding stuns by making it so these killers then have to wait for their powerful abilities to recharge (starting after the stun animation has played out) is completely reasonable. It would also alleviate the issue that Decisive Strike does next to nothing against them, as well as collaterally buff Head On, one of the lesser Exhaustion perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    For me blight is completely fine, like Wesker he is easy to dodge and most times he uses his ability, he gives me more time to react. In my opinion he is completely fine even with strong addons.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    The killers I would want to get buffs are first Freddy (rework) and then ghost face/pig/Myers/dredge/twins.

    For Sadako I hope Behaviour returns to the old Sadako and gives her good buffs, there are a lot of good ideas in this forum.

    Why are people saying trapper is weak? Right now he is good how he is. The only annoying thing is to get your traps from far away and when people follow you to disarm traps.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    On the one hand it's Nurse, so helping survivors out against her is probably not a bad thing. But on the other, you're right. This feels just very excessive and I don't like when the survivor side (or either side, really) is dumbed down in that way. It should be about prediction and mind gaming on both sides.

    This would lead to her counterplay becoming a simple "dodge the glowing light or whatever", which sounds a bit boring to me. A good Nurse would still be just as hard to counter because she would flick at the last second, while a newer, less experienced Nurse would not be able to hit anything. So it would also end up targeting the wrong players.

  • Member Posts: 128

    Oni - make his demon dash charge faster and his pallet smashing in blood fury faster - it feels very clunky without add-ons. And give him an ultra rare to dash through pallets in demon dash, comparable to blights ultra rare. A hit with his basic attack should also grant more charges for his power. He is literally the only killer that needs to hit 2 healthy survivors to get his power, which can be easily outplayed.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    The Wendigo, so broken it's not even in the game yet (a true crime)

    For real though I feel like out of everyone that isn't OP like Nurse, I'd say the Nemesis zombies' AI needs tuning.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Every D-tier and every S-tier should be brought up closer to the middle.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Nurse is number one for me and Blight is second that need to be toned down. Nurse doesn't make any sense. Imagine if survivors had perks to go through walls? Or just...could jump through floors.

    I play nurse a lot and it just feels really crazy, the things I can pull off.

    The rest, well, Freddy needs buffs for sure. Meyers could be looked at a bit and I'm sure there are others that need buffs as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    I’m hoping Hag’s confirmed changes aren’t too big, she really feels fine atm.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Seriously, they should've played vs old Omega Blink Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 566

    What kind of Rework you guys have in mind for the Knight?

    I think the killer can be mostly fine with a minor update to his power (I've made a topic about it).

    Outside Nurse, i think only the low tier killers need some buff. The others are fine.

    For Nurse, i think she could be a 4.4 with one blink. But it might kill the character, so i don't know.

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