Q&A | Ask your questions on Chapter 11
Why the Plague itself is a tall character, but when I play for it, the camera lowers at the level of the chest or shoulders? And when will the developers move the camera back to the killers head? Because of this, some of the animations of Memento Mori look silly.
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which language and messages in English is telling the new killer?
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Will the changes to the killer's emblem system go to the live build?
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Will The Plague remain the oldest killer? I would love to see more ancient killers.
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Does the intermittent vomiting from survivors interrupt actions such as generator repair, healing, sabotaging, etc. and if not, can it?
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Because you made rank system harder is there a chance to give the high rank players rewards?
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Will you be giving perks like Premonition and Spine Chill some love since Infectious Fright was created and BBQ, tier 1 and 2, got a buff (which are definitely much appreciated, btw)?
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Why the strange choice to buff Thanatophobia ?
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Why wasn't Vile Purge given the ability to Hinder/Reduce action speed instead of simply hurting (with broken as bonus)?
Would fit the killer a lot more and make her power a lot more interesting.
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Are The Plague perks final, or will they be receiving updates as time goes?
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What is the point of changing the rank system when you guys have made it clear you want to balance around casuals.
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Will the ability for survivors to get fully healed on the fountains be removed on the full patch?
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Does the plauge involved in a romantic relationship with any other male killer character? (Like you said about nurse and wraith)
Thanks for answering
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Can you confirm if the plague is the tallest killer?
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We're having more and more characters and is hard to gain bloodpoints to prestige all of them and make everyone have all the teachable perks. Will be new ways to get bloodpoints easier?
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I love the way that Adiris speaks during her mori and when being stunned.
Who voiced the character? And will any future killers have spoken lines, too?
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A few months ago you said that none of the killers will speak in the game, only if it'll play a role in their powers. So why did you decide to give lines to Adiris? Not only in the teaser and during her mori, but just random times during the match. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but it's quite surprising.
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How tall is our new barf-y waifu?
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when do you think chapter 11 will be released on ps4 i hope it comes out this month
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Do you plan on unlocking parts/adding more to the current maps in the future? In example making it so killers and survivors can make it up to the third story of the meat roasting hut in the red forest?
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The new map seems like red forest 2.0 i was waiting for a new map not a remake like happened for the clown too. Why this poorly map design? Can a map be changed in future with the lore?
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(This is not a question but they already addressed this, it was a language but now it's an out of date, unused and extinct language).
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Question: Can you please make Fire Up gain a stackable bonus of 4% for each generator popped instead of the 3% implemented in the Ptb? Many people still find it a underwhelming perk.
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What was the reason for the DS Stun to not be effected by Enduring?
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Was the Plagues power always meant to be her spewing vomit? Or were there other ideas that you had for her power?
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Is there an issue with the ranking system making it much harder to pip than intended?
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What is the roadmap for the realms, maps and tiles themselves?
At the current rate of one new map per chapter, it would take 5.25 years to give all current, non-licensed realms the same 5 maps the original realms enjoy. 13.5 years, including all licensed realms. On a side note, I enjoyed seeing new tiles for Red Forest’s Realm and wonder if this may be part of this future?
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Have you guys played The Plague with a controller for consoles? Is it easy to control the vile/corrupted purge with controllers?
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Will you be changing the Calm Spirit to affect the scream from illness and Infectious Fright or are those not affected?
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Will there be any other moris that change? I love that if you mori someone with corrupted purge it changes the color!
Post edited by KingB on0 -
Any lore based awnser for the fact that Adiris is able to speak and others can’t?
Thanks, love her design :) ♥️
Post edited by Artangels on0 -
Dear Developers, I have a short question. Because of the recent decisive strike change, will Dying Light get modification (like a slight buff or some effect changes) to combat it?
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Are you still planning on nerfing Spies from the Shadow into being a worse version of Whispers?
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What was the decision making behind the change of Fire Up?
From a late game perk, it ended up switching to an end game perk (nerfed for the mid-late game, buffed for when gens are powered) while still being heavily outclassed by NOED and Blood Warden.
Are you planning more improvements to this perk, after monitoring how well it will be received?
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I'm closing the thread, thank you for all your questions <3