The anticamping mechanic is failure in all senses
Since the implementantion of the "anticamp" mechanic i have been camped, proxycamped and facecamped close to a houndred times the "anticamp" mechanic has worked once.
As a solution to tunneling base borrow time also fails but at least it was something, the anticamp is the same as nothing.
If it only worked once u didnt got facecamped or hardcore camped.
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No, BHVR is not going to give you free escapes because the Killer is nearby.
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dude i have a bubba that camp me in the basement and it didnt work
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You were chosen to be a sacrifice to appease the almighty basement bubba.
Accept your fate.
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I still don't understand how that mechanic works, tbh.
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when the killers is close a bars fill up if the bar is full the survivor can unhook himself but the bar doesnt fill up if a surivor is close.
The problem is that the process takes like 20 minutes if the killer is five meters away of the hook, so your teammeates that cant see the bar are going to try to rescue before the second stage so the killer doesnt need to stay away from the hook and the bar doesnt fill up.
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Thanks for the explanation.
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This is a skill issue on thr survivors part tho, if you know the anticamp mechanic exist you will see the killer is close and leave, why try to rescue? Its a dumb desicion.
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You have just proved the OP point about the failure of the anti-camp feature if you hadn't noticed, that's what I was referring to.
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There comes a point when a feature goes beyond solving an issue and it starts to become a handholding mechanic. The mechanic is fine, it combats facecamping but it’s not going to just let you get away because the killer is nearby.
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Bar fills up much slower if there's a survivor nearby or if the killer is on a different floor to prevent abuse or getting screwed over on certain maps. It's an anti-FACE camp mechanic not an anti camp for free escape if the killer just happens to be nearby.
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If thats the case I think it should be as it is, a team should not be able to get a free unhook thx to a misplay.
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I am starting to think someone creating a macro to automatically answer & explain this point will make a killing.
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That is the point it doesnt help againts facamping either
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If the feature does literally anything other than save you from a facecamp, then its just plain handholding.
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its anti FACECAMP not anti CAMP. proxy camping is different than face camping therefore it does nothing against it. if the killer is standing directly in your face and sitting there youll be able to get off. thats how it works
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killers are now having to switch to proxy camping which is why theres an increase of proxy campers
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The AFC is definitely "not a failure in all senses", although it is flawed. I guess they could try to code it so that the basement elevation difference doesn't add to the distance that a killer is considered to be away, or just increase the range slightly when someone is in basement but this is not going to go anywhere. Bubba will always be a fearsome basement camper because he could wait outside of the range and make his way down when someone comes for the unhook.
You would need to completely break either him or this mechanic to prevent that, which would neither be fair to him nor any other killer in case they decided for the second option. This mechanic is only supposed to stop face camping. That has been explained explicitly. And one might argue that this is already the case. He can no longer stare in your face while you die in the basement.
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It doesn’t help against actual face camping either. If you are in solo and don’t have kindred, you will unknowingly slow down the meter. And even if they do get off the hook, they just get tunneled immediately anyway. Now if they get tunneled out quick enough and the killer has pain res/deadlock/nowayout etc, they still get a minimum 2k. Most likely a 3k/4k. There’s a reason why the majority of people camp and tunnel. It’s because it’s consistent. And no matter how many times people say “just get good”, it does not change the fact that camping/tunneling are still just as effective as they’ve ever been.
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Yes it does. If the killer stands at the hook without moving then it will give the survivor a chance to stay in the game. Or are you defining face camping as a killer just guarding an area when they have no where else to go to?
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doesnt have anywhere else to go? dude killers that camp stay there when there is five gens remaining
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And here-in lies the problem.
You are correct that the "anticamp" mechanic was a completely failure because no such mechanic exists.
Lets take a look at the patch notes shall we?
I'll highight it for you:
Now lets see here. Ah i see. It clearly states in the patchnotes that this is not an "anticamp" feature but an "ANTI FACE-CAMP FEATURE"
Looks like its working fine if you are getting proxy camped. And if you are getting "face camped" the mechanic kicks in pretty quickly and you should be able to unhook yourself.
But if the killer leaves you, then comes back 20 seconds later, they are not facecamping.
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It's not anticamp. Its anti facecamp. Anti FACEcamp.
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I've never seen single killer facecamping survivor after patch.
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Neither have I. I'd say it was a resounding success of a feature.
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"It's anti-FACEcamp"
Then it's still a failure, because we already had that, making the system a waste of resources.
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But it does. If the killer is facecamping (as in, literally standing right in front of the hook and not leaving), the bar will fill and the survivor will be able to free themselves before going to next stage.
That's all the mechanic was designed to counter and it does that well.
I think you may be under the false impression that it was supposed to counter camping in general, which is incorrect.
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All hail the basement king
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Just imagine a 16m radius bubble around your hook. The closer the killer is in this radius, the faster the bar goes up.
The problem here are the survivors. When they get in that 16m radius the bar just stops and does nothin.
Best perks to bring here: Kindred (solo) or Reassurance (SWF)
And only heal under the hook if you're sure the killer is busy. Your friends will tell you or just look at the HUD.
In general only heal near a loop anyway, just play it safe!
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It's an Anti-Face Camp system, not a general "Anti-Camp" system. BHVR made it clear that the system was NOT designed with the intention of shutting down tactical and proxy camping.
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They put all the effort to create a system that only helps against the most egregious forms of camping, and that's it. In my opinion that's just laughable, and the perfect example of why this game just isn't improving in any noticeable way.
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Thats because the other forms of camping (notably proxy) are considered legitimate strategies. Between the AFC and the removal of hook grabs, the devs have made their stance pretty clear on facecamping specifically.
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Yes, I get it, the devs have made it clear that this is an anti-face camp mechanic. I am just saying that it's ridiculous to create a system like this just to counter facecamping and that's it. It clearly barely has any impact on increasing the enjoyment of the survivor experience.
And normally, you want to change a game in ways that improve it noticeably, making it more fun for the playerbase. Clearly this feature has failed to do so, because getting camped normally and tunneled isn't much more fun than being face camped. BHVR is just way too timid with the changes to actually push this game forward in a healthy way. It's ridiculous in my eyes.
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People were complaining about facecamping before the system was put out. Now that facecamping is practically non-existent, people are just moving on to the next thing to complain about.
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People were complaining about camping in general. Because being camped in general isn't fun. Has nothing to do with just looking for the next thing to complain about, like come on. This game just has a lot of unfun stuff to it and the devs are either clueless how or unwilling to actually address these issues.
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Camping isn't an actual issue. Hooks are an objective and killers are allowed to play defense against unhooks.
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I mean yes, fair enough, the game has seen improvements over time. And the game is arguably in the best state it's ever been. But the main complaints that I have seen, camping, tunneling and gen rush, are still problems nowadays, with plenty of people complaining about them. I would just love to see the devs actually taking more risks, making spreading hooks as killer more viable, and making tunneling and camping much less viable.
The improvements we did get until now all feel so slow and minor in comparison to me.
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To you it isn't. To most survivor players it is an issue however, because again, getting camped is not fun at all. Just because you don't care about the survivors fun doesn't mean their opinions are less valid.
In a better game that was more fun for both sides, killers would be more motivated to spread hooks by having that strategy be more viable, and camping and tunneling would be much less of a problem because those strategies would be much less viable.
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If you want to make it into an us vs them go ahead, but I'm not going to engage with this mindset.
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It is Anti-FACEcamping feature. Nothing else needed to say.
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You are trolling me now right?
Where in my post did I turn this into an us vs them argument? Hello?
Way to avoid the discussion completely.
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I still remember how face camping was the thing where the killer stood in the exact hooking spot. Preventing the "press m1 to unhook" prompt to appear. Devs introduced unhooking from every angle. They removed body blocking the hook for killers. Survivors then jumped to call standing next to the hook face camping.
Hell, i´ve seen a twitter screenshot from a killer who stood on the second floor, like 20 meters away from the hook and it was still called face camping.
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Sometimes it feels like some people wouldn't be content unless the killer was removed from the map after a hook.
Though the funniest thing I personally got was a Dwight who complained I tunneled them despite them escaping via the escape gate because they were my obsession and I was running Play With Your Food. Back when leatherface could actually make use of that perk without an addon.
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It is, though, and the developers are aware of it as well, I think.
IIRC, in the dev update where they initially introduced the AFC, one of the presenters introduced it by talking about how frustrating it is to spend the entire game on the hook. That's a problem with camping, not just face-camping.