Noone is using hex totems

literally noone. you want survivors to stop gen rushing and give them a side objective but no you refuse to use hex perks and instead you stack 4 gen regress perks. make up your mind folks
Personally I don't use them anymore, because I've had multiple matches when 3 of my totems were cleansed within 20sec into the match.
A complete random mechanic is not something that I adore too much.
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With how many perks are in the game, killers don't really need to run perks that can be destroyed and often not strong enough to warrant the downside.
I do like the recent Hex design of having hex totems light up dull totems when their conditions are met.
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Hexes are unreliable by design, and people crave consistency.
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I still use them, but only Devour Hope and Third Seal.
Ah, if only we still had Old Ruin around.
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Hell yeah I love perks that suck and are usually destroyed in the first minute. Can’t understand why more people don’t run them!
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People still use noed
that counts
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After I tried running cheeky Third Seal builds with Undying and BOTH totems spawned right in front of the survivors in a match I gave them up
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A seldom-mentioned side-effect of making all the maps stupidly small is that totems become easier to find. Fewer tiles to search and they spawn closer together.
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I tried using hex perks and they usually get destroyed 20 seconds after the game starts. Not really worth it.
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Why are you expecting killers to run terrible perks?
Edit: Also I am giving survivors side objectives. What do you think deactivating SM drones is? Lot of them don't seem super keen on doing it though.
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People still use them and babysit them like no tomorrow. This is where you have the great divide. Maybe not in the higher MMR but in a lower or even mid level they will use them and camp or trap them.
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Nobody runs hex perks because they are trash. Half the time, the hex totem spawns about 3 feet from a generator or out in the open in blatantly obvious spot. If if they are hidden, experienced survivors (which is pretty much everyone if you're at a halfway respectable MMR level) know where all the totem spawns are and find them about 30 seconds into the match. Unless you're playing against solo q noobs, you're likely not going to get any value other than a very slight amount of slowdown on gen progress.
The hex totem mechanic needs to be reworked completely to make it a more time-consuming secondary objective. Maybe something like make the hex move to a different totem if the survivor is interrupted while trying to cleanse. In their current state, hex totems are nothing more than a minor annoyance to non-potato survivors and certainly not worth running over the plethora of better perks available to killers.
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yeah dude let me bring a build with full hexes that might result on 0 value on my matches at the cost of survivors gen rushing the game within minutes more easily due to not having decent gen defence.
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I would bring Devour Hope if the totem only lights up after I down someone with the Exposed Status effect.
But that’s not the case and I risk losing it even before I get 3 stacks every game.
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I've been trying to run devour on Xeno lately cuz I love that mori animation but I've gotten it to work like once, every other game it gets cleansed at 2-3 tokens and gives me basically no value.
I don't know why you would ask why people don't run perks that don't do anything like that's a real mystery. Also for the record people did used to run hexes back when we had old undying and survivors complained about it nonstop to the point it got nerfed so how about survivors make up their mind on if they actually want hexes to be viable or not.
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A single Hex at least buy you 14sec of Gen time. Even if they see a Hex at distance, it still take them a few sec to run toward, and extra time to run back to Gen. Which can cost 1/4 a Gen. And thats still not counting the searching time, and effect value time.
You're underestimate the time a Hex can buy. People only see 14sec of cleansing. Its only worthless if survivors spawn on top of Hex.
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But if you are using hex for that amount of time, using other perks like pain res, pop and deadlock is much more better since that is more effective and stable.
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People likes everything consistence, and thats understandable.
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I wouldn't say 'literally no one' but yes they're pretty unpopular.
The problem has always been the RNG nature of them, you can have a game where your Devour is in a nasty place and never gets found, or you can have your Devour AND Undying cleansed in the first minute.
Players generally prefer reliability and regular hex perks are just too unreliable. Some of them are also just way too weak for being so RNG, mainly Huntress' Lullaby, Ruin, Third Seal, and maybe Thrill, but even the genuinely strong ones can't do anything when they're cleansed. You also basically HAVE to bring Undying which means now half your build is being used for a single perk, and it's -still- very RNG even with Undying.
The better ones are the unusual ones like Plaything, Pentimento and NoED, mainly because they CAN'T just be cleansed really quickly.
Overall I don't really know what they could do, maybe just don't light them up until a minute has passed or something.
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I think Hex should be an alternate time buying than strength, because of you dont decide where Hex spawn. Make them all work like Plaything.
This is my idea for Hex in general.
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Ok lets see:
Ruin: borderline useless.
Devour: Can be good, but also can be cleansed before it even does anything.
Noed: This thing almost never lasts once people know its in play.
Pentimento/Plaything: Good players will either not cleanse Plaything, or immediately deal with Pentimento cause they know where it is.
Crowd Control: Lol
Two Can Play: Mostly a meme of a perk.
Blood Favor: Mostly good on certain killers and likely wont last long due to how early its revealed.
Undying: Essentially takes an extra perk slot to make sure another perk lasts more than a min.
Third Seal: I hardly see anyone use this, and it only really affects Solo Q.
Face the Darkness: Extremely niche to builds and killers.
Thrill of the Hunt: Worse Undying and hardly worth using over it.
Anyway, most of them are either niche or a joke, on top of being incredibly risky, aka not worth.
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You forgot Retribution and Haunted Grounds.
EDIT: And Huntress' Lullaby.
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If you get lucky, Huntress' Lullaby is actually pretty good.
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Yeah, but it's lit up at the start and you gotta charge it up, at that point you may as well bring Devour which is MUCH stronger.
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I'm surprised Plaything + Pentimento isn't more popular tbh. It's such good slowdown, at least from my perspective as a solo survivor. But yeah, it'd be nice seeing more because I'm running a totem build atm 🤣 Overzealous + Inner Strength + Counterforce with a map and red twine add on. It's actually alot of fun.
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Hexes are only somewhat decent on Singularity now. It can station its pods around hexes. Place a pod near the hex. Then another in the distance. With a good view of the hex, and its perimeter. Away from the EMP range. That way you can always monitor whenever you think survivors are cleansing, and tag them. You can teleport accordingly.
This is mostly RNG as the Hex position may, or may not allow this. When they do you are rewarded immensely.
I was running Ruin, Undying, and Penti on Singularity the other day. Won a lot of matches. I rarely used the killer too. Might start. Always wanted a killer that effectively utilize the hexes.
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very few hexes bring an effect powerful enough to justify the risk of cleansing - the major exception ofc being Plaything/Penti, the former can be ignored and the latter will be quickly cleansed by survivors with a working memory.
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hex:undying is too weak to provide a secondary objective. I would like to use hex:lullaby and undying.. but you only get 2 totems. you need to work hard to get 5 tokens only for survivors to easily 2 totems and disable the perk.
hex:plaything requires hooks on 4 separate survivors and it does not promote tunneling. The other problem is that smart survivors will often not cleanse hex:plaything granting you no game-delay. It might be worth it to run hex:plaything if they buff Grim Embrace to be good perk in 2 months.
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My only issue with hexes not currently being meta is that it's hard to progress my achievement to boon hexes. I'll have to wait until another hex becomes meta before I can attempt that.
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Yeah that's why I mentioned from the perspective of a solo survivor. Most of my team mates won't touch a gen until they cleanse their hex totem. Some will play on without worrying about it, but in general games where the killer has Plaything + Pentimento are pretty slow games.
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They should really make undying base kit. Hexes still wouldn't be that strong, but it'd let you get at least a little value out of some more interesting builds. Always having a lit totem on the map is also a positive.
Devour Hope with lifeguard whistle is really the only Hex build I have much success with.
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Because totem perks (that includes boons) are trash.
While boon perks still have the benefit of survivors being able to reignite them, hex perks are simply gone. Which is pretty weak for a "high risk, high reward" perk.
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Hex perks are terrible - that's why no one uses them. It's entirely RNG. Most of the time they get cleansed within the first minute of the match. They just aren't worth it. You get very little reward for a lot of risk, then you're out a perk for the rest of the match. Just an awful design...of course no one is going to use them. They would be more viable if they would only appear visible occasionally like face the darkness (though that appears only when it's active).
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No, that's kind of part and parcel of being a high risk perk.
It's the reward that's lacking with most of them. Like Ruin going from 200% to 100% was a total waste of a perfectly good perk. I wager a lot of these hexes could be saved with a few adjustments to either their risk or their output.
Here, let me try it:
Blood Favour - If the hex is cleansed, gain a token whenever you hook a survivor. At two tokens, a random dull totem becomes the new Blood Favour totem.
Crowd Control - Increases vault speed through blocked windows by 100%.
Huntress' Lullaby - First ignited upon getting a hook, so it cannot be cleansed before it comes into effect. Additionally, while it can only gain tokens while the hex is up, if the hex totem is destroyed, the effect persists at whatever number of tokens the killer had acquired beforehand.
Retribution - When another hex is reignited, Retribution is reignited if there's another dull totem available.
Ruin - Back to 200% regression.
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Your ideas are completely fine, but distroying huntress lullaby shouldn’t save the token after getting distroyed. It‘s a pain with 5 stacks to play against.
I read a comment / post today, where someone suggested that hexes are looking like normal totems for the first minute so they aren’t cleansed directly.
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Most of the older Hex perks are useless these days, predominantly those that start the trial already lit.
But NOED is still going strong, and the likes of Plaything or Pentimento, or anything that ignites only when it takes effect, are more than viable.
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Hex totems are inconsistent. I rather have my toe stubbed against a steel pipe than using these perks but then again it's better to have hex totems than no perks at all.
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Hex ruin should have remained unchanged. Worst nerf in the history of this game. Why would anyone now run this perk?
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I see them a fair amount. Blood Favour, Devour Hope, NOED, Plaything, Hex Undying and Ruin seem to be pretty common.
Some of them can be pretty miserable to face in Solo Q games, because unless they're in a very obvious spot, you can bet they'll be staying up all game because nobody knows totem spawn locations.
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Sorry, i expressed myself a bit wrong here. You´re right. Being cleansable is part of the high risk part. But whats lacking is the high reward part. Hex perks should be strong af, simply because the killer has to take other perks to protect the hex. Needs to divide the attention between survivors and gens, to also cover the hex.
Also, with weak hex perks, no one really bothers to go search for them. But simply ignores them. Which also causes survivors to spend more time on gens.
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Too many totems now lol, cant remember every single perk in the game.
Anyway about those.
Huntress Lullaby largely only affects new players or work on really, REALLY niche builds (That often get patched)
Retribution can work, but its a weak aura perk compared to many others.
Haunted Grounds is too much RNG if you even get value out of it, specially cause most players will hide the moment it pops.