The 3 killers I generally never have fun playing against

Whats your 3 most hated to play against killers?
All three Ive listed either feel like you have no chance against them if they find you or a semi good one can just destroy match in minutes
Whats your 3 most hated to play against killers?
Ghostface, Trickster and Blight.
Though Artist and Wesker aren't far behind.
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Why Wesker? Ghostface is so easy to loop. Blight and Artist I can understand.
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Wesker is incredibly boring to go against and Ghostface I've hated since his release.
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Generally most games witb Trickster is unfun insta downs from healthy cause the knives are so oppressive and Blight has broken add ons and an absurd turning circle on the smash reaching full 180 turns sometimes
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Ghostface, chucky, and huntress
Ghostface and huntress for the stealth/insta down and ranged/insta down combos
Chucky because he's everywhere and hard to see with even more stealth
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1) Caitlyn 3Genner II
2) Skull Merchant I
3) Slog Merchant III
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SM, Knight and Nurse.
They all are boring and lack real gameplay.
Only truly fun killers to play against are Blight, Oni, Billy, Wesker.
Killers like Deathslinger, Huntress, Demo and Bubba can be real fun but I find a lot of the players to not be very entertaining to that fun.
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The only correct answer to this thread.
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Chess queen is missing...
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We need to compile a comprehensive list of all the different names we can come up for that dumpster of a killer.
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A nice compendium
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I don't know about 2 and 3, but my first choice goes to Xenomorph. Personally, I think Xenomorph's power is badly designed:
- Xeno not having a tell when they're about to hit with their tail is frustrating. All other killers who can injure with an M2 have a distinct cue that they're about to do so (e.g. Huntress raises her hatchet, Nemesis unsheathes his tentacle, Deathslinger aims down sights, Pig roars etc.) and Xeno just has nothing. So a lot of the looping against them boils down to guesswork.
- Of course, I understand that the reason Xeno wasn't given a tell is because their power can be denied completely by turrets, but turrets are such an unreliable counterplay. There's entire rooms on some maps like Midwich and Hawkins where the game just won't allow you to place turrets. Plus, solo teammates always seem to put them in the middle of nowhere or just not bother with them at all.
- And lastly... hitboxes... Xeno's tail attack has to be one of the most visually inconsistent things in this game. It somehow manages to be worse than Nemesis' tentacle strike in terms of the animation not lining up properly with the true hitbox.
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None of them.
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The only two for me are Artist and Skull Merchant
Xenomorph might be a 3rd
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Skull Merchant
Doctor (he's been on my nerves lately)
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#1 is Wraith, every time I hear the stupid bell I know I'm in for the most toxic match I've had that day. I have to spend a couple seconds at the start of the match questioning my will to continue. Wraith and his Chest Cold Pug Breathing can take a hike far away from me.
#2 is Plague, let's ignore the face all of them seem to play like the lives of their family are on the line if they don't 4k at 5 gens. My biggest issue is I sympathy gag (I gag when I see others vomit or gag), which makes matches straight torture to play.
#3 is Xenomorph, this is just for skill issue reasons. Idk why but I am incapable of figuring out how to loop this killer in any capacity.
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Nurse, Blight, Wesker, Chucky, Skull Merchant, Knight, Chucky, Ghostface, Sadako, Chucky.
Yes, I realize that's not three.
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Skull Merchant
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Skull merchant
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1-2-3-4-5- nap merchant. absolute trash.
6- trapper
7- spirit
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Blight, Hillbilly & Wesker.
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So you don't mind playing against my freddy?
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just clown... f that guy.
other than that is just a playstyle thing and not the killer itself.
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1: Blight - I get so many Blights that I am sick of playing against him. I also get the same amount of Nurses but those games are over quick, unlike Blight games.
2: Legion - Playing mending simulator has never been fun.
3: Huntress - 90% of the Huntress players I encounter camp and/or tunnel at 5 gens. Way more than any Leatherface I have seen. So much so that, imo, Huntress takes the camping throne.
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Skull merchant
Sorry I can't really choose 3 out of my 4 equally hated killers
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Clown is by far my least favorite killer in the game. I find the effects from the pink bottle give me a headache, and I just dislike everything about him: his sound effects (that awful cough), his grating chase-music, and just his overall aesthetic. Plus, I find 90% of clowns I verse are super sweaty and I have really unfun games against them.
2nd place goes to Wesker, and 3rd goes to the Dull Merchant.
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Wraith, Plague, Clown
None of them are overpowered, just don't really enjoy the games against them.
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The ones I never have fun against I'd say is Trickster, Knight and skull merchant. Never have I played a match against them where I thought this is fun