Why do comp players have to ruin everything?

That's all just that question. Why do comp players have to ruin everything? Can't even do the bone chill event without comp players talking about all I need to get the 4K.
I freaking love the DBD forum.
In game I'm SvveetPotato. And I stink. You'll probably never see me in your matches.
😂 also 😢
I'd be happy to get a match without multiple commodious toolboxes. Can't have much fun with snowballs, if the match ends in less than 5 minutes.
I guess it's because this is the best time to experience a power trip. Some people will try to play around with the event stuff and others will just go on stomping everyone left and right.
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Some people will always sweat. Makes the matches where people meme and have fun all the more special. Just had a game of pig where all survivors tried to leave the gate with active head traps while sitting in snowmans.
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Idk about comp but I just want some normal matches, an event match or two is cute but I still want to the normal game a majority of the time in a play session.
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I don't think comp players are doing this on purpose, the problem I think more lies with the wannabe comp players who will stack the deck with the strongest things imaginable to get a crushing victory.
Comp rules have everyone on the survivor team run unique characters, unique perks, yellow items, and there's other stuff on a killer by killer basis.
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Some people don't want to meme anytime an event pops up. You're gonna have a lot of ppl who log in fairly regularly to play DBD, and a 3 week long event isn't going to have them stop playing the game normally. It would be one thing if the event was a separate game mode like how Overwatch does things... but it's not.
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Some people playing this event really don't have a Christmas spirit.
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It's not even comp player, just a bunch of people who seek enjoyment from inflicting suffering on others.
It's a sad truth, but playing DBD during an event is the worst thing that you can do. If you play survivor, you'll get the Knock-Out Nurse slugging until everyone bleeds out and if you switch to killer, have fun playing on Garden of Pain with 4 BNPs.
If only there was a ranked and casual gamemode to put people with similar mindsets against one another.
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It's not even about inflicting suffering to me. I don't enjoy meme'ing around during events. The fun of DbD for me is playing well, optimizing it, and playing against other optimal players. I actually really dislike playing during events because events just turn pubs into even more of a circus.
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They should make a event lobby option like customs option. Only available when there's a event.
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Same opinion as Edgar.
I like efficiency & maximizing it. There's no thought of 'let me make this match as painful as possible for others'. I will ignore events for the most part because they really do make the pubs worse, and more people likely to not play to win. I want to win. I want those close matches where either team can pull out the W. Its just the way I like to play this game. Always been competitive in anything I did, nothing against anybody. Don't get me wrong, I'll check the event out initially but I'm not going to destroy an entire match to meme or joke around.
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Got a clip of this? 🐽🐷
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Sorry for the complaining. It was a inexperienced nurse player who slugged everybody. I'm fairly low skill so I imagine I play with other low skill players. And it's the first day of the event. And my first event match. I just wanted to throw some snowballs. The next match Was a legion player that hard tunneled out a feng player and then memed. The feng player probably did bad manners idk. DBD is whimsical sometimes.
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Dead by Daylight matches are like a box of chocolates. You'll never know what's in store until you open that box.
Here's hoping that the matchmaking has an ebb and flow where things even out and you get to enjoy the event.
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Im my opinion event is not really good so i play as i usually do.You can keep throwing snowballs each other but dont complain if i hook you.I would like something more dynamic than get snowballs and throw it
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But I NEED the cosmetics on characters I never use. DBD has me hooked.
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Competitive Players do not ruin everything, everyone has their own idea of balance (or lack there of) and just because you dont agree with them does not inherently mean they are ruining the game.
Likewise, it also applies to both sides, not just Killer or Survivor.
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Sadly not....
But i have tons of screenshots from today