Does any other killer play with a killer "codex"?

When I play killer I play with a clear set of codex/rules:
- Everyone hangs once before anyone hangs twice
- No one hangs twice in a row unless it is hang nr. 4 and 5
- No one dies before everyone has been hanged twice
- Leave room for unhooks, don't knock down any individual going for the unhook
- I allow myself to knock down survivors just to buy time/keep survivors busy, but I don't hook them
- Any survivor that fails to unhook someone that could have been saved is off my codex, and becomes a target of me not necessarily playing nice. If one die then all die (quickly), unless they were not able to perform a unhooking at the time (like if they were in a dying states, as an example)
- If I survivors reach 2 gens left and my progress as a killer is bad then I allow myself to take the gloves off, and play more dirty, codex is pushed aside
- If I use a survivor to get another survivor, then the survivor I use gets to escape (like if there are three survivors left; one is hooked, one is hidden and the last is on the ground with me. The hidden one hides instead of going for the unhook. The hooked die on hook, I pick up the survivor on the ground near me, let him (or her) wiggle off, then I go find the one survivor that could have performed the unhook, kill that survivor, and then let the last survivor escape, because I kept him (or her) alive to get to the one that failed the unhook.)
- Probably a couple more points but I can't remember right now as I'm tired.
Usually when I play a survivor I feel that most of the killers I meet play without a mind, most killers just feels empty to go up against. I rarely meet killers that seems to have a plan going on, other than the huge amount of tunnellers and campers, there are a lot of those. (If that can even be called a plan. I just see it as a ######### low skill way to play the game. Lol.)
But yeah, are there any other killers our there with a "codex"? Or is it just me?
- No camping, unless pretty much almost all survivors are lurking around the hooked one. If all survivors are there then it makes no sense running off trying to find survivors elsewhere
- No tunnelling, but that is kinds almost mentioned
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Actually, i dont think your codex mean anything. Basicly you say you play a certain (fairish) playstyle, but only as long as you win doing so. As soon as your victory is threatened, you throw that codex out of the window and play dirty.
Dont get me wrong, when i play killer i usually neither tunnel nor camp, unless i am threatened to lose, and i need to kill one survivor fast. So i dont blame you for that, but a true codex is meant to be kept up even if it means you are losing due to it. And there are players that do that, and they have my respect.
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Nope. I’m not here to give survivors an easy game, and I’m not going to deliberately play badly for their sake.
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I don't really have a codex per say as I have a looser playstyle that focuses more on winning but still keeps out toxic behaviors in the sense that it's more viable rather than more friendly.
I do not tunnel people off hook and always exclusively go after the unhooker. I will even go to the extent of ignoring the unhooked person entirely should I find them again immediately after, though that only extends to games heavily in my favor.
I do not camp either as it cost me bloodpoints and I possibly might activate the anti-camp mechanic. Plus I believe my time is better spent spreading pressure to stagger the team rather than staying in one area. That is unless I'm caught severely disadvantaged during end game.
I also don't extend chases longer than necessary if it's costing me pressure, but I will commit if one person is already dead early in the game.
Lastly is an intolerance for survivors who sabotage their team. I will slug them and keep slugging them so they spend majority of the game not getting what they want which is normally wanting to die on hook early.
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A killer actually following the "Survivors' Rulebook for Killers"? Foolish. There's zero reason to play nice when all it gets you is toxicity. Yeah, yeah, the cycle continues, blah blah blah. It's on BHVR to fix, it's their game.
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I don't handicap myself when playing killer, goodness knows survivors aren't.
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Majority of people who play this way are doing it because they don't want to tunnel or camp. It's boring and toxic yet isn't being done for the sake of making survivors happy. It's mostly just a cherry on top.
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Tunneling and camping aren’t toxic or unfair.
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My only codex - The first survivor that hangs once… will hang thrice, before any other survivor hangs once.
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I don't have a list of rules, but I do try to play nice until at least 2 or 3 gens are finished or the team seems to be really coordinated. By play nice I mean don't eliminate someone, target different survivors, don't stay around hooks, don't set up a 3 gen. Once we're a few gens in though it's go all out.
I used to have more rules, but over time as my MMR improved I generally didn't need them to make Killer entertaining anymore.
I do tend to let survivors escape if they really try to rescue each other in the end game.
If someone on the survivors is afk or suicides on hook, I'll probably just let them finish the gens and leave.
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I find most survivors aren't very good and don't mix up their playstyle except they're on death hook in which case they might start playing boringly cautiously. because of that, I try to always hook each survivor once before second-hooking anyone, or at least give each survivor one good chance at a chase (maybe one survivor will have my number). my main goal in this is to get to play against as many playstyles as possible - individual players may not mix up their play styles, but different players will probably run different within the same game so that's how I get my variety in.
i don't super care what the result is at the end game screen (though I won't turn down the opportunity for a 3-4k), and i feel i pretty clearly play like it, so i understand anyone who teabags or trash talks at the end is just too bad to even be able to tell I was being chill and it more amuses me than anything else.
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Yes, I work hard to play killer as fairly as I can. I kind of feel like as killer I am the host of a party and want everyone to have a good time. I also try to hook everyone once before anyone person twice (this gets tricky if people come in all the same character). I do not camp or tunnel but will slug people to slow progress or because they are death hook before someone else has their hooks. My matches are usually fairly long and everyone gets high BP. I almost never have a DC, even before DC penalty was a thing. So I hear ya completely and it is nice to see someone else who likes to play with some integrity and with forethought abut how everyone's game is going.
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When I play Killer I don't have a thorough codex such as yours, but I do judge how a trial is going to adapt my playstyle.
If the Survivors have clearly been screwed by the MMR, or one of them decides to have a paddy and not play right, then I'll be more lenient and maybe even let them live. If they're competent then I'm more aggressive.
However, I don't play on easy mode, so no tunnelling a Survivor repeatedly off the hook early on. Towards the endgame, maybe - depends on the scenario. However, it's just a braindead and weak tactic early on, I find, so that I do avoid.
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No because its not fun for myself when I purposefully gimp myself for a few extra points. People want to make stupid plays I will absolutely punish it to either make them learn or remove them from the game.
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Not an outright codex, but I do try to behave in a way I would like to see other killers behave.
If I'm SoloQing and my team has been garbage while I gave the killer a good looping, I very much appreciate hatch.
I don't tunnel off the hook, but if I run into the survivor while patrolling, chasing, I'm not exactly going to turn a blind eye to build pressure, especially if the gens are flying.
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If survivor would show appreciation for such conduct, then yes. Because positive feedback when playing like this gives validation to these playstyle.
Sadly reality is that the majority doesn't care/shows mild signs of toxicity (tbagging, not leaving without an audience) and only minority gives positive feedback and they get overshadowed by an equal or slightly bigger minority of open hostility/toxicity.
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i simply don't have fun playing in "such" ways. won't camp unless it's almost 2nd state for the hooked survivor and i still couldn't find another survivor, won't tunnel unless it's a shadow step/ftp buckle up user or they body blocked me after getting unhooked. if they are not a bunch of babies or don't give up, i don't get 4ks that often and my matches still hold hopes for both sides. i generally have fun in my matches even if i get 2/3 outed where i could easily win if played differently.
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I have a rule book, well, it's more of a pamphlet.
- Find the Survivors
- Kill the Survivors
Obligatory: you're a monster, won't someone please think of the children, etc.
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Rules are for drools. I'm full-on chaotic here. I can switch my opinions on how to play mid-game for literally no reason.
Don't be shackles by Order. Embrace the Flame of Frienzy.
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I see that more as a guide than a codex but it's how I usually try to play. You'll also find me limiting myself to less than 4 perks sometimes. Though, that's more because I want to learn the killer I'm playing and not the perks. This is my casual mode.
When I play serious though, you can expect to be slugged, tunneled, camped and have your morale broken before the third gen pops. This mostly happens, when I play against survivors, who have the clear intention to make the game as terrible as possible for me (like the ol' Boil Over squads).
Sweaty Blight main. Have you no shame?
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We don't talk about the Codex. Big E is watching. 🤫
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Sure, I play to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
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And thats why devs start balancing around that kind of thing, and rightly so. Also, sounds very boring for both sides.
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That's pretty much my base way of playing almost exactly. Largely it has nothing to do with concern for survivors other than just making sure everyone gets a chance to play a bit. Mostly it's due to how boring it is to just camp and/or tunnel my way through the game. I want to hunt and chase and out think survivors on a macro level. If I win doing that, awesome. If I lose, no biggie, I still had fun playing.
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I don't intentionally tunnel, but I will try to avoid people I've two-hooked when there are other people that haven't been hooked once. I do tend to two-hook every one before I start killing, especially if i'm winning. I play both sides, it feels bad to die when that Dwight hasn't been chased once.
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It is not about giving the survivors an easy game. I follow this set of rules, and I have had full control of every match I've been in for as long as I can remember. I follow this set of rules to be a good killer, not to make it easy for the survivors. Just fair. If they live or die, that is my choice, and I can't remember the last time when it was not my choice.
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Handicap??? I follow this set of rules, and still it feels like it's the survivors that are handicapped. It is so easy to be a killer in this game, it's ridiculous. Which makes it even more funny when killers whine about how terrible those pesky survivors are.
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Imagine ignoring 3 people because the next survivor you have to hook is the distortion+calm spirit Claudette in the bushes you haven't seen all game.
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What is your giant list of codex rules that you follow when you play survivor?
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As captain Barbosa would say about the survivor rule book "They're more like guidelines than actual rules"
I ll play how I see fit. Anything that survivors don't like will be reactive instead of proactive.
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I'm a bit late on replies/responses here. But as usual in these forums it is killers struggling with those terrible pesky survivors.
I don't play by these rules to make it easy for the survivors. I play by these rules to make it fair, and to make it more fun. I still own pretty much every match I play in.
It would be terribly boring if I did not follow a codex such as this, because it would be so simple. It's too easy to be a killer in this game.
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I'm a very bad survivor, I just try to survive. And then I die.
Playing killer = Super easy. Playing survivor = Kinda hate it.
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I basically operate on a don't be blatant principle.
I play serious for 10 hooks (typically will let the last go), but I don't tunnel, camp hooks, camp Pig boxes, excessively slug, run dirty perk combos or play overly mean. I will usually give bambi survivors a chance, such as if someone accidently runs into me when DoH, I will usually down them and let them get picked up again... basically everyone has one free grace point.
However... any survivor doing the following: -
- teabagging pallets or windows.
- unhooking under my nose.
- body blocking me with DS, DH or OTR.
- trying to hang around for flashlight/pallet saves.
- sabotaging hooks under me.
- going down in a far corner with a destroyed hook where I can't hook you (yes I will bleed you out).
- run back in my way after I've already given you a free pass.
Then its all fair game. If you want my attention, you get it.
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There's no reason to. It's not like your opponents are going to play in a "fair" way back. Best to take advantage of the mistakes of your opponent regardless how they might feel about it.
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If you can not win against tunneling and camping easy you have no skills
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The reason to is that would be to easy if I did not follow this set of rules.
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If I want I can level to Red 1 within 24 hours of level reset. It is too easy to be a killer.
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I wonder. Do you follow your self-imposed rules because you feel it the right thing to do, or do you follow them so you can tell other people you follow them? It seems like you're just using the Codex Hamstringicus to rag on people at this point. If following those rules gives you a sense of contentment, cool beans, but the way to raise yourself up isn't to drag others down.
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Good for you, I guess. I guess if it helps you feel superior to others by following an arbitrary set of rules that only provide to make things harder for you.
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Lol. It would be too easy if I did not follow my codex.
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My survivor skills are mediocre. I am not a great survivor, I have no problems to admit that. I am a great killer, but for some reason I am not able to transfer those skills to being a good survivor.
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To rag on people needlessly it is, then.
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Love such triggering posts, shows how salty, sweaty and miserable some players are. "Easy wins", "Survivor rulebook" and other bs 😁
And I like how you put yourself in such very strict challenge (with hook order).
I think you should split your topic in three parts: rulebook, challenges and strategy.
As for myself, my rulebook is simple: if I win (all alive survivors are downed), I let everyone go. And could even throw in some achievements (like pallet stun, or last survivor finish gens and escape through door), because I play both roles and know how painful and hard playing as survivor.
As for challenges: I almost always play without perks or addons (unless doing some book challenge). Make understand killers powers more.
As for strategy very simple too: gens over survivors. I understand why camping and tunneling are detrimental, therefore could compete with solid teams.
And, surprise, surprise, I almost never had any toxicity as a killer. Like maybe 5 times. In a few thousands. But love-messages - PLENTY. I think "<3" symbol in nearly every single EGC as a killer.
Players that tunnel / camp / sweat and hate other side, always complain about toxicity, gen-rush and survivor-sidedness. Why is that, I wonder? xD
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I don't have a "codex." Rather I give the same energy I get. If it's clear the survivors have no idea what they're doing, or they are being memey, I'll chill and maybe join in the memes. If they're slamming gens and looping like thousand+ hour gamers then I will also play like a thousand+ hour gamer.
Otherwise, about the only "rules" I try to strictly adhere to are:
- If one survivor clearly gives up near the beginning of the match without any apparent cause other than that they don't like the killer, or I injured/downed them first/quickly, etc., I will not hook them and force them to either bleed out or take the DC penalty.
- In exception to the above, I do not begrudge other players their hooks if they want out of the trial after a teammate gives up. It's not their fault they have a child on their team.
- If it's clear one survivor is actually trying to play the match even after other survivors have given up, they always get to escape.
- If two survivors are left and one is doing gens while the other isn't, I will try to find and kill the hiding player and let the gen-doer escape to reward them for not dragging the game on.
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This is what I consider a fun match:
Full control is established before any gens are completed. After that it is just fun and play, having a good time.
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Ironically I feel like you letting them go is the reason behind this. These survivors were SO green they couldn't do basic things. The current event leading to no one touching gens also kinda invalidates this as an example of an average game.
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It is not about how easy the match is. This was just an example of a match that just happened.
I had a more challenging match just after, the survivors were really good and almost had me. Which was a fun match in another way, because it was a real challenge.
I can upload that match tomorrow, as I think I got it saved (gonna sleep now). But I applauded the survivors after the match for giving me a real challenge.
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Oh, and I'm drunk now, and I was in that match. If I ever feel like a failure in life I can always play a killer round in DbD to feel that I am able to perform somewhat good in something. It has not failed me yet.
Being a killer in DBD is too easy. Which is funny because in these forums there are tons of killers whining about how difficult it is to be a killer, and about the survivors that are so very mean.
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There is only one rule Killers have to follow:
"Smartasses get killed. We always see to that."
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My codex is pretty simple 3 main rules
give people benefit of the doubt that they will play for fun and to win not just only to win
do what you need to do when you need to but try to wait until you need to
if you get stomped forget all that and take it out on the next group of people its their fault blight + meta built time