I won't blame Otzdarva if he leaves Dead by Daylight and as Fog Whisperer

TheSyndromeOfClowns Member Posts: 74
edited June 2024 in General Discussions

This AMA really shown your true colors to the community. Well done, BHVR. Pretty good job so far.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I mean he probably has what like 15k hours atp? I wouldn't blame him if he finally burned out. I think it would be hard to enjoy any game for that long.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    They fail horribly lmao... Like at least copy and paste the same answers onto different questions, why only answer so little?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2023

    They were tragic. Literally. I would like you to tell me any noteworthy things they have stated in that entire AMA that would be of interest to me. They don't listen until the forums flood, Twitter was bursting with constructive criticism each time there was a outlying problem but that was ignored completely. Only when the forums took action were they forced to act upon it/suddenly wake up. Even then they didn't sometimes, prime example being MfT. His ideas weren't always the best, but it allowed people to adapt his ideas and mold it into something better/more effective. This reply you provided is just a "I hate Otz" rant backed up by opinions stated as facts.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Sadly few people actually use the forums. Not the best reputation you know? I understand that they don't want to use the forum for something like that.

    Popular social media sites work better for that. Furthermore, people like to just follow the gospel of their favourite content creator. They have all the rights to do that. But they should also be ready to face other perspectives. This is where I think this forum is strong. Gaining multiple perspectives on a variety of topics.

  • Boobookittymeow
    Boobookittymeow Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2023

    For his complaint about getting better perks that aren't behind a paid dlc character I dont find too big of a deal. Lately my goto perks are bond, kindred calm spirit and botany, (before UW it was open handed from ace which is easily replaceable with other meta perks like any means, pebble or an actual exhaustion perk)

    Most of his other frustrations seem to stem from not really knowing where they are stuck due to technical limitations. Since the game was built in 2016 and some stuff may need big changes to actual implement and none of that is really evident from our perspective.

    Bhvr should have him sign an NDA and have a couple of meetings with him to looop him in, when new DLCs drop he pulls 10-20k viewers, it is in their best interest to you know listen to the biggest influencer to their game, I mean most of what he is saying is actually pretty level headed and makes sense for the total game. Its not like other people complaining about small things that only effects a very small handful of players

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    the blogs would be shared in all social medias, including reddit.

    they don't lose anything by doing those.

    and they already do blog posts for updates. what would be changed beyond the frequency?

    they can just post somewhere else aswell... make the post on reddit, twitter, instagram, orkut... idc... just do them.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Sadly few people actually use the forums. Not the best reputation you know? I understand that they don't want to use the forum for something like that.

    Well... the Forums are the official channel connecting us to the devs.

    Feedback from here definitely should take priority over other lines of communication.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Disagree with that last line. Radiant is correct - if you hang out in other DBD online circles, you'll know the reputation this forum has. Alot of players avoid it like the plague, and honestly sometimes I read posts here and understand why they do. While it's definitely the easiest place for the devs to get a finger on the pulse of the playerbase, the fact that the devs have an increased presence over on Reddit (I'm pretty sure they've taken over the main sub there in recent months, or at least partially) suggests they're well aware that it's not in their best interest to prioritise forum feedback. At least not anymore.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Yeah, I completely agree. I mean even I believed that Fog Whisperer's had this huge impact because it's such a selective system and what not. I once went against a Fog Whisperer as a Wraith and they were just mad the entire time that I was simply playing the killer. Might've been having a bad day, but that definitely opened my eyes a bit more that it's just about views.

    I can definitely understand where he's coming from and I respect his effort to strive for that position. BHVR just listens to the community every once in a while and then go radio silent. It's a never-ending cycle and the reason why this forum is so full of feedback, we hope they'll acknowledge stuff other than bug reports.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    BHVR doesnt have ability to handle this game.

  • Arsyn
    Arsyn Member Posts: 80

    The community has spoken. Seems like the devs don't love their own game... It's sad. Improvements need to come faster. Innovation, quality of life, content, EVERYTHING.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    oh god! otz said it. This is bad for behavior because the community rarely go against this guy.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    He has usually on the range of about 5k viewers (twice more for special events). There are millions of DbD players.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    I would love to see this being true. I feel that it's not...

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I agree they absolutely care about the game but I feel the main thing everyone can consistently agree on is how long it takes them to make certain changes.

    Game has absolutely improved over the years and is probably in one of the better states it's ever been - Just wish the updates came a little quicker. Kind of felt like this became an issue when console was introduced due to certification process but again I don't really have a key way to pinpoint. I remember early DBD from 2016 - 2017 they updated at random sometimes and it was for the better with QoL stuff. Sometimes BHVR just tried things and I feel that helped a lot.

    Maybe it's just nostalgia speaking for me but either way - The slow pace is what I feel everyone wants to see change. It's more our lack of understanding on why things take so long. Like how do certain changes reach the pipeline and how long did it take them to get there.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,153

    I've watched a few of his streams recently and he does seem pretty burned out by the game. I'm not saying the things he says don't have merit. He almost certainly knows this game better than I do. But when you're burned out, it's very easy to focus on the negatives and only the negatives, ignoring the positive changes that have come about for the game. I get that as players we might have different priorities to the Devs, but at the end of the day, this is still their game and their creation. And no creative person on earth wants to do what their audience wants them to do 100% of the time.

    They'll have different ideas for the direction they want to take the game and I think as a community we don't always respect that. There's tons of stuff I'd like them to address or fix, but if the devs don't see those things as urgent or worth committing the resources to, then that's just the way it is. In an ideal world, they could spend a year addressing quality of life stuff and forget about adding new content or events, but they'd probably be hemorrhaging players before long because gamers will always need new content to wrestle back their attention from other games. BHVR can't win, it seems.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited December 2023

    I definitely didn't start playing dbd because of otz. Didn't even know who he was when I started at All Kill Chapter. And that definitely won't stop me playing if he decides to leave dbd tbh.

    And why do we only focus on the negatives? He has made some positives that influenced their decisions before. Be it perks, medkits nerfed, and many others. I don't see why otz is selling himself short.

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