Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Does any other killer play with a killer "codex"?



  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Good for you I guess. Many killer players don't have constant easy games though, they have games against good survivors who can loop well and focus heavily on doing gens as quickly as possible. Against teams like that you need to use all the tools at your disposal, and that includes the 'meaner' ones.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,518

    Having standards for yourself is fine, though I would avoid trying to enforce it onto other people.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Not really? It's not like hard rules but generally I have a few tendencies that affects my gameplay.

    -AFK survivors hang once and then will be left alone unless they're still AFK and gather 3 crows after being unhooked.

    -Teams with someone who gives up get one free gen.

    -Teams that bring map offerings receive zero mercy under all circumstance and are likely to experience tunneling otherwise I generally don't tunnel in most cases.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    "people-pleasing nonsense" ๐Ÿคฃ

    No son, its not a bad thing to be nice. Sorry i am so late to tell you.

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    Ain't no handicap in that for me. Game is too easy playing a killer, I can't remember the last time that I did not have control of a match.

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    I am pleasing myself with these rules, instead of just killing off survivors as fast as I can. Which would be much less fun matches, with a lot less BP.

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    Oh, I don't always have easy matches. I have rougher ones as well, which is great. I love me a challenge.

    Most matches are still very easy tho, even against the more difficult survivors. It is very rare that I have to break my rules to get control of a match.

    I had a group yesterday that was very impressive, was fun, and then I won.

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    I can't force anyone to do anything.

    I do however think killers that camp and tunnell are very weak and low life killers. If they need to use those low skill tactics to win.

    (And I'm not a very impressive survivor, so me dying to low level killers is on me. And me thinking that matches against killers like that is not very fun is also on me ๐Ÿ‘ It is more fun to play against killers with a more interesting play style, even if I lose. I've GG'd many killers that have killed me, when they have been actually good, instead of being a camper/tunneler with no skills)

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 648

    well, of course it is, looking at the video you sent. I think no power nurse could beat them

    Waiting for second video, against good survivors, as you said

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 398

    I follow the 10 Killer Codexments. ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ’…

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited December 2023

    Mikaela didnโ€™t know how to loop, gave away 2 free hits, second of which she just stood still for. Bill ran up to you and took a free hit and then promptly dead-zoned himself, someone stayed hiding in a locker after they saw you checking lockers, David ran right into you going for a save, etc. Gens were repeatedly exploding because of numerous botched skill-checks, so clearly there was little experience on the Survivor side.

    You carried multiple people past pallets without checking if anyone was near for the save. Other small things like using static blast while facing in a direction that you know nobody is in, which just wastes time. Without spamming the static blast or your aura perks, you seemed to have little ability to find anyone that didnโ€™t run into you face-first.

    Your entire strategy falls to pieces the moment a semi-competent team comes along. Youโ€™re talking like youโ€™re the Big I Am, but really all youโ€™ve done is creatively tank your MMR to keep yourself in lobbies with people that actively choose to dead-zone themselves or stop mid-chase.

    You think everyone was having fun? People were coming to you to be hooked at one point. They only started throwing snowballs because that was literally the only thing you'd let them do. You were refusing to kill people while also refusing to let them finish even a single generator until YOU had had YOUR fun (and you still couldn't resist pulling people off gens only to immediately drop them). Youโ€™ve lowered your MMR so you can bully weaker/new players and clearly keep them in a match longer than theyโ€™d like.

    And then the best part: you let them all go. Youโ€™re reducing your MMR to the lowest possible point so you can bully people and delude yourself into thinking youโ€™re fantastic. Actually, Iโ€™ll take that back. The best part is you got to P100 on Doctor by bullying people that are clearly new to the game.

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    That was a chill match yes, which is kinda the point why I posted it. I could have taken them down very early on, but that would be very boring.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,689

    It's a 25 minute match. Those don't normally happen unless someone is forcing the match to extend out longer than it needs to. I jumped around and there's no reason this game needed to be longer than 10 minutes.

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 648

    well then, post a video with good survivors, as you said

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 648

    as Raconteurminator said, because of you letting survivors go at the end, you end up lowering your MMR, which makes you face more and more bad survivors, which is why you can play by "codex"

    But for some people, it's extremely boring to play against survivors, that are way lower at skill than them

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    As I wrote to another dude, that was kinda the point with posting the video. Just beating them down and killing them right away just because they were easy would be no fun at all.

    I had one somewhat challenging match yesterday, but I was also quite drunk so I was not at my best ๐Ÿ˜œ Had another earlier today which could have been challenging, but the survivors messed it up by 3 of them running around with flashlights trying to keep me busy while only one worked gens. They were good at looping and them flashlights, but that does not help when gens are going nowhere :p

    I'll post you one after the weekend, as I will be busy during the weekend ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 648
    edited December 2023

    There is no fun playing against these survivors in the first place, since there is zero challenge. That's why you kill them, so your MMR raises and you go against good survivors

    now it's after the weekend... before you said you will post it the next day

    I guess, we won't see any good survivors video, but i'll be happy to be wrong

    And you also deleted your first video. Why?

  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    I have only 2 rules. 1.if they are doing a glif I let them finish it. 2. If you name is funny enough I will let you go

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 648

    well, the weekend is over. will you keep your promise? :)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited December 2023

    It's not universal, I'll have days where anything goes or I focus on challenges above all else. But generally:

    No survivor hooked back to back.

    Everyone to 2 hooks before eliminations.

    Last survivor either gets hatch or exit. (This buffers my MMR gain so I don't get catapulted to the top too quick)

    If I'm not 'winning' enough to ensure that happens it might loosen a little to an earlier elimination before a full 8 hooks, but typically no less than 6, besides if I'm struggling before then it's usually not a 3K anyway.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2023

    Personally i don't camp/tunnel, and usually i chase different ppl until there are 2 gens left, at that point i hook whoever i want. Generally i try to adapt to survivors, if they are chill/not competent, then i chase mindlessly; But if they play good, then i try to do my best also (again, trying to avoid tunnel and camp...unless they BM a lot)

    And i dont give a F about 4K so u'll never see me slugging for 5 hours.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,495
    edited December 2023

    My codex is simple, and it applies to both killer and survivor.

    • Do what you find fun, try not to do anything you would get angry about if it was done when you were on the other side.

    That's it. That's the only rule you need IMO.

    This is why I am a Betrayal Pig lately. Hilarious fun.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I play to the situation. If it calls for camping or tunneling I will. If it's a chill game and I am well ahead in my objectives then I play more relaxed.

    I play to win, but I also don't care about losing. It's how i keep having fun in dbd. Do what I can in the match. Win or lose Be a good sport. After all it's just a game.

    The only codex I made for myself is, if your the last survivor and I get you down. If you don't struggle I will give you hatch / door if i have already closed the hatch.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 365

    i dont really play by any rules but ill play in a way so everyone has fun. it a game afterall.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Before MMR I had the most fun playing Ghosty with Devour Hope and Undying. I could only kill with the Mori, or if they cleansed the totems before I got a single Mori, then I could kill each person who cleansed a totem (only if I knew who most likely cleansed it). If I got a Mori kill and they cleansed both totems, the remaining 3 got to walk. My rule was 'I need a photo of everyone', so that meant if you photobombed someone else's Mori it was a secret survival technique and I'd let you go. It was still possible to have fun like that a little bit into early lax MMR, but now too many matches are nothing but sweatfests.