Does anyone feel guilty when taking a break?

I've been up for 24 hours playing. I had to play all last week for the double xp. Can't stop now, I'll fall behind on the event Tome. Oh , double bloodpoints? I need to grind this next week too...ect, ect.
See what I mean?
Like, I have a serious fomo problem. Does anyone find they'd love to take a break but they have fomo and just get burnt out.
I hate this feeling. 😒
I'm not looking for sympathy, just want the community response to this. Do you say enough is enough or grind on?
Thanks for reading.
Never did. I hate stale and stagnant gameplay, which is most solo queue games, so I find the entertainment I seek in other games. Nothing wrong about it at all. If the event is dedicated for characters I do not play, I don't even bother doing the events. When it is for ones I play, then fomo is pretty persistent...
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nope. I was like that but I just stopped feeling guilty at some point.
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A long time ago, yes. All the way back when DBD was a game I considered to be almost perfect.
But not anymore.
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Up until 2 weeks ago I hadn't played for 2yrs. My only regret is breaking that streak because NOTHING HAS CHANGED ABOUT THE GAME
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I have no idea what “fomo” even means but if it’s synonymous with addiction then yes, you have a problem. I think that the average dbd player doesn’t have an issue with closing the game to play or do literally anything else.
I’m not trying to be condescending so I’m sorry if I come off that way.
Also, I personally don’t feel guilty about dropping any game whatsoever. I can always start it up again when I have the time.
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Yes i did have a problem with playing this game a lot a few months ago even when i did not want to just because i felt like i should be playing because i liked the game. I liked the game so i was getting mad when i wasn't enjoying it.
I have a bit of a different perspective now and i only play the game if i feel like it's worth playing. Every now and then i like to get my DBD fix.
I've been playing a lot less but at least once every 2 days i think. But more importantly i am enjoying the game much more and i am more appreciative of it.
I suggest being kind to yourself and doing what you want to do and not do what you think you should do.
I think there is things that people want to do and then there's they want to do because of what will happen if they don't do it.
Playing a game could fall into the 2nd one because of FOMO.
In my experience though playing a game only because of FOMO leads to burnout quick.
I enjoy games the most when i want to play it and then the limited time things serve as an additional incentive and not the main reason.
Nowadays fomo is not the only thing that makes me play games because fomo usually involves limited time rewards but if i don't want to play at that time then those rewards are not going to be any good anyways. Because those rewards most likely don't solve the reason why i am not playing in the first place.
I hope reading my thoughts may help you a little with this.
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No, but I don't experience FOMO. If I miss out, I miss out. I'm not fussed. I've played 3 games today and I might play a couple more tonight if I can be bothered.
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No, these events always give you more than enough time to acquire everything they have to offer. And there is almost always something going on (XP event, bloodhunt, tome, etc., etc.), and you can't do nothing but play if you want to be a whole human being.
For a while I was committed to getting double iri 1 every month, but then I realized the BP reward isn't really significant, so I stopped that.
I do play too much DBD, but "guilt" or FOMO aren't what is driving that. It's that the game is so easy to play and then stop, and is a nice bite sized dose of dissociation.
Post edited by Thusly_Boned on1 -
I didn't play for about a year and started up again a few months ago. Once I get on a DBD kick, it's hard not to play every day. I don't know if I feel guilty, but it does kind of feel like another job/compulsive behavior.
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Nah, there's really nothing to chase. Bloodpoints and prestige grind don't really matter to me. No real reward system or ranked play so whenever I do take a break, I know I'm not missing out on anything important.
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I'm the opposite. I envy you. 😢
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We don't feel bad when talking breaks but we will grind through a day if there's something we actually want (last thing was Carmina's blue dress). If we missed out, maybe sad far a day and move on. It's all a game to us.
An aside, if you've really been up for a day please take a breather. We genuinely don't want to see ya burn out for this reason.
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I'm taking today and the weekend off. I've been becoming irritable and decided to take a break.
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In a way, yes. More challenges to complete... participated in the winter event but missed out on the summer one. Lately (as I have "covered" an entire year) not so much.
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I don't want to give mental health advice to someone I don't personally know, but you might want to consider talking to someone.
Burnout is the first problem with this, but its not the only concern. Eventually you will move on from DBD and if you don't have a healthy relationship with the game you're going to look back with disappointment/depression and wonder why you wasted so much of your life on it.
For me this would be Diablo II in the early 2000s. Playing it was fun, especially with friends, but when I think back to the time I spent trying to grind out items for no specific purpose, well, I regret not spending more time on all of the other things life has to offer.
Like I said, I don't know you, but what you lay out doesn't sound healthy.
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Not so much. I always keep thinking how it would be nice to finish the rift and get to iri 1 for the BP but then I don't feel like playing DBD in a few days and leave it at that. Most of the stuff in the rift I'll never use anyway.
I have so many charms that I just can't be bothered to look through them anymore and a recolor for a skin that I don't like on a killer that I don't play isn't all that interesting either.
I'll be here for Freddy's tome though. Day and night.
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Brother a 24 hour play sesh?
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