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why is Maria so expensive?

I get that it's a legendary skin and all but $20 for a skin cosmetic? She costs more than the dlc itself. I could unlock so many characters with $20 and get new perks and possibly buy cosmetics for other characters. I love Silent Hill 2, along with Maria. I'll still buy the skin even though it will make me go broke. I just don't get it.

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  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I think it’s good that characters that give actual new gameplay features (namely perks, in killers case also power) are not as expensive and this is only a matter of cosmetics. Hopefully that doesn’t change.

    though yeah, skins feel a little bit too expensive still. In case of legendary (survivor) chars the least they could do is enable bloody outfits and possibly even (better affordable) alternate outfits for them..

  • Member Posts: 919

    Because her name is Maria and all Marias are expensive and high maintenance

    They only wear designer and their favorite song is a Lady GaGa song which is titled “Donatella”.

    “She costs more than the dlc itself” she knows her self worth like the true boss Queen that she is.

  • Member Posts: 68

    If outfts were half the price I'd more inclined to buy. But for now I will window shop 😅

  • Member Posts: 3,009
    edited December 2023

    Think of the monetization in this game like a Santa sack with spikes inside of it.

    Think of your arm as your wallet/purse

    At the top of the sack you have the game and the chapter DLCs. Underneath that, is the cosmetics. The legendary ones are at the bottom.

    The deeper the sack goes the more spikes there are. More money will spill out of your wallet/purse.

    The deeper you go for dbd content the more expensive it's going to get. The cosmetics are "premium" content and the chapter DLCs are what i think are the "essentials".

    So why is it more expensive? I think it's because really invested and dedicated players are going to get these legendary cosmetics because they want even more out of dead by daylight even if it's actual value is disproportionate to the "essentials".

    BHVR scores big and the invested players feel even more invested in the game than before, their wallet/purse is turning into shreds!

    But hey, that's just a theory.

    Personally i still feel happy with the cosmetics that i buy because i am just that invested in the game. I feel like it's worth it even though i know logicially, the price doesn't match up with the value of what you're getting compared to what else is on sale. But perhaps the value lies in how you feel about the cosmetics. Yes it makes no sense how you can buy a survivor at 500 but maria is at 1485 but if you really like maria as a character then maybe that justifies the price, just for you. Yes it's not a "logical" purchase but if playing as maria will make you happy, parting with 1485 could be worth it.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    yea $20 to much for a skin $15 is pressing it.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited December 2023

    They charge more for cosmetics so that they can charge much less for actual gameplay features. DLC in this game is really cheap, especially with how often they go on sale.

    I'd much rather have it this way than have cheaper cosmetics and more expensive DLC. TCM has it that way and it got massive backlash for it.

    For original characters there are also plenty of good, lower rarity skins that don't even cost that many shards, or you can save for the REALLY good ones with shards and not even pay real money. I've spent nothing on skins and have Mr Puddles Clown and Krampus Trapper just through shards (though mr puddles is ONLY through shards anyhow)

    Or you can buy the rift pass once and forever collect a bunch of skins every chapter so long as you play enough. I've bought it once and gotten dozens of skins, and many of them are actually really good.

    Yes, if you want the good skins for licenced characters, you either fork over heaps of cash or you're out of luck. It's the main reason I rarely play licenced survivors actually, but it's not a big deal. If people didn't buy them at that price, they'd lower it, but plenty of people still do.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Also the fact you're still going to buy it only encourages this pricing.

    Companies don't price things 'fairly', they price them so that they're juuuust within the range that someone is willing to pay. People complain that it's more than they wanna spend, but they reluctantly spend anyway and the company gets more money.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    There are two theories on this I think, a positive and negative

    1: By making a lot of their money on cosmetics, BHVR is allowed to offer the actual gameplay to most people while making the money off of those who have money to spare / are considerably more into the game. In this view its a great way to fund the game because the biggest spenders are those who play it the most / have extra money to spend.

    2: By making a lot of their money on cosmetics, BHVR is tapping into people's addictive tendencies. While most people will buy zero or just a few cosmetics, the game is funded by those who have a psychological need to be completionists. Entry costs to the game are low to maximize the player pool who they can potentially snag. In this view its an awful/immoral way to fund the game because we all (both BHVR and players) are being funded by those with an addiction.

    I like to think its the first, but the second issue is definitely a portion of it.

  • Member Posts: 278

    The whole cosmetics store is over-priced. Crazy how 1 cosmetic outfit costs much more than a dlc that actually gives more content/gameplay in this game.

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