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General Discussions

I don't get why everyone is suddenly talking about Nemesis

He's the most snooze inducing killer in the game. Tentacle whip and that's it? He could had more abilities than just some boring whip. Running, rocket launcher, flamethrower or just straight up punch a hole in a wall and make a new loop zone.

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  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited December 2023

    Sure, they could do more with him. But let's be honest, a rocket launcher or flamethrower? How would you implement something like that? Imagine, if he were to use a rocket launcher on a Feng Min and all that happens is that she loses a health state. Same with a flamethrower. In order for that not to look ridiculous, you'd need to have that as an insta kill mechanic and judging by Tombstone Piece, I don't think many players will like that.

    Punching holes into walls, while fun in theory, would have a similar issue. Who decides which walls you can break through? Make it any wall, and no window on the map can delay him anymore. Make it only breakable walls and this becomes useless because you won't break most of them anyway.

    It would be nice to see something more for Nemi, but unless someone actually has an idea how to do it without it either overpowered or useless, I can't say I blame them for not going there.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2023

    Get rid of the whip, place more zombies on the map. If a survivor is hit by the Nemesis or a zombie they are infected, but can continuously create vaccines with a time investment. Each pallet stun increases its infection rate because just like in RE the more it’s damaged, the further it mutates. At tier 3 (after three stuns) it transforms into Nemesis T-2 and plays functionally like Xenomorph (minus the tunnels). It cannot transform back into T-type/origin form. It has permanent haste in this form (5%) but has a pallet stun duration twice as long. Any attacks in this form makes a survivor sick.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    I don't know a lot about Resident Evil, but a lot of Resi Evil fans have suggested that he have a sprint or movement ability.

    I think my only main issue with that suggestion is we already have plenty of killers with a spriint. What could they do to make it unique, and not just feel like a re-hash of Oni or Billy. Then again, Nemesis isn't super important to me, so I'm not sure it's fair for me to judge any of his

    In general, I think it's really hard to make lore-accurate versions of some of the killers. Chucky is easy - He's just a little ######### in a dolls body. Sadako, as far as I understand, does some insane ######### in her expanded lore - To the point if they wanted to make her accurate, she'd be overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I love how people keep wanting Nemesis changed their only suggestion is something that would instantly kill survivors or just make Blight again.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    he is fine as is imho but can use small improvements on zombie ai and some reward as you keep people infected, like wesker and singularity.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    People are talking about Nemmy?

    My only complaint is the zombie AI.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Allegedly, the game can barely handle 2 zombies. Anything more than that and we might have an issue on the technical side of things.

    The idea of Nemesis mutating with pallet stuns sounds nice, but would it be the only way for him to mutate? Because if so, he would never leave tier 1. Survivors don't need to stun you after all. They would simply pre drop pallets and counter this part of his power. Which would leave him powerless.

    The idea of permanent haste never works. Let's not do that. It would make him incredibly boring to play against and straight up remove any chance of counterplay once he reaches tier 3 with the right build. It could also encourage pallet camping depending on how exactly his anti loop would work.

    Also, if we're getting rid of the whip, then what does the infection actually do?

    Yeah. That's the only thing I could imagine that wouldn't look stupid. But it would feel extremely dumb. So I am not blaming them for not doing something like that.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    No kidding. I was 100% joking. That being said, we already have the world's least dangerous chainsaws. Letting Nemi fire a rocket launcher that breaks any thrown pallet/breakable door in an area isn't the craziest idea.

  • Member Posts: 366

    Glad I wasn't the only one who woke up realizing how boring Nemmy actually is. The zombies are such an abysmal element that only rarely does anything, even rarely on purpose. And the whip/infection should've inflicted an injure from the beginning, unlike Wesker where they only get infected if you charged in the open.

    Either of these could be boosted and he'd be a lot better, but for now he is such an underwhelming killer that plays like one that released with the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    One fun interaction could be this: every 90s or so he can target a window or dropped pallet and press secondary power, to let the vault location be swarmed by zombies. Not actual zombies, but like in the games hand are coming out of it or around the corners and any survivor can only slow vault it and get infected while doing so. One of the Iri add-ons could also damage healthy survivors. Maybe already infected survivors get hindered for a short while after vaulting a zombie vault. This would give him the "Zombie overlord" vibes, without putting too much strain on the game engine and CPU.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Giving him a rocket launcher and an Oni dash would be silly as ######### but I'm so down. Take notes BHVR, this is the buff Nemesis deserves.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    He should have actually had forms. When you charge to t2 and t3 you can hit ctrl and a little flesh bubble covers you, 5 seconds later you come out with a changed model and a modified ability.

    The m2 over vaults and windows is very boring design on all killers like that.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    One idea could be nemesis can infect zombies with Nea virus to make them more clever and chase infected survivors no matter where they are and they get ranged attack.

    That would be lore accurate also giving better function to zombie.

  • Member Posts: 303

    I'm down for losing whip for double zombies at half speed

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