Looking for More players with Mic's preferably
I solo Q mostly cuz most my friends on playstation don't play DBD sadly, once in awhile I have 1 friend who does play but for the most part I get enraged by how toxic randoms are and get frustrated playing solo q for it seems I'm the only player doing Gens or healing and it's just annoying.. would be alot more fun if I had people to play with and with mics we could easily win games. I'm in USA but don't mind playing with people from other nationalities or countries, English is only language I know but that wouldn't stop me from playing with people who don't know it. Just want more players to be helpful and work as a team then me soloing most the objectives every game.
Thank you for your time, longer post than planned I apologize.
Feel free to add and just send a message saying DBD 😊
Adding you in game. Are you on discord?
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heyoo i owuld love ot play ^^ ill try to add you :D (( lapewarriors)) on ps4 :>
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I'm not on discord but I fixed gamertag cuz you need the #9d1f in the tag or you won't be able to find me in game
Looking forward to playing soon
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Fixed post you gotta have the #9d1f in the tag or it won't find me
Look forward to doing some games with ya
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I would like n add if possible. Not good at chase (getting better) but I def do gens, heals, etc. Can voice on mic as well. US here also. Feel free to add me: anICEguy06 (i play on PC).
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added you in game; I play pc :)
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Need the #???? On urs too add you.
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I added you. I am BlOoDyASR and I could say the exact thing you said about myself so i thought we could give it a try.
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Sorry everyone for late response, I will be going thru and adding everyone. Also if you wish to add on discord for PC players specifically cuz I play on ps5. Discord name is : Gucci_218_TTV
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@laurasaxx I do not see you nor can I find you in game sorry and if you sent me request it wasn't the real me cuz I didn't get yours
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@Kuffowi I also do not see you maybe try again on finding me?
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add me im lavic17 in ps4