The anti-camp mechanic is the best thing they have put in this game

Killer literally camp the survivor
I ran away for their progress bar to fill up faster
Teammate still died because, well, maybe I wasn't far enough. Also, other survivors were repairing the lobby gen by the counter. Flawless mechanic
These pictures are the epitome of sadness.
Post edited by Gabe_Soma on6 -
Isn’t it bugged or something right now?
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Nah, it works as intended.
It works badly. But this is intended.
26 -
Why does this thing even exists?
9 -
The bar just needs to fill up faster and start filling as soon as killer hooks you there's a few seconds of delay post hook. I think that would fix the issue. As far as gens being close by on 2 story maps it should be tied to floors as well so a survivor running underneath hook doesn't stop the progress bar.
7 -
You are to close. The meter fills to slow, because you are to close to the hook on the first and third screenshot.
Its to prevent survivors from looping the killer around the hook.
10 -
trash mechanic
17 -
You know that the delay is most probably in there because the killer isn't instantly teleported away from a hook when hoisting a survivor up there?
Why should it start to progress at a point where killer physically can't do anything but be next to the hook?
14 -
Years ago, devs tested a anti camp mechanic. Where the hook progress timer stopped when the killer was to close. Survivors then completely stopped the progress by simply looping the killer around the hook. Devs scrapped the idea and now brought us this.
It only works as good or bad as our community allows it to. I sometimes see my teammates loop the killer around the hook. Which only helps the killer.
I guess the Meg Bot is also somewhere nearby the hook. Because bots are well bots.
12 -
being in a different floor should not pause the progress
6 -
The second the hook animation completes the bar should start progressing to force killer away from hook and encourage them not to stick around. Especially with so many killers having mobility or teleportation abilities it's easy for them to be gone in seconds.
Either that or the longer killer remains within the hook "camping" distance the faster the bar begins to progress so that killers without mobility aren't screwed more than others.
1 -
Killer Sided Game.
5 -
Looks to be working as intended. Why should the killer leave the hook if your right there? No survivor deserves a free unhook. Even if a killer is right next to a hook the progress will still be greatly slowed if another survivor is nearby to prevent survivors from abusing it. In a different version of this test few years ago survivors abused the hell out of it. The grace period is there for the killer to not screw them over (ever played the PTB?) gives them a chance to kick a gen/pallet or reload at a locker and then leave without the bar filling up to %70 before the killer even has a chance to leave. Slowed down on different floors cause on certain maps like The Game, RPD, Silent Hill the killer player would get easily screwed over and be a free unhook.
It's an anti-FACE camp measure, not an anti-proxy camp or anti-spell camp. (Hag, Trapper, Singularity, etc)
Still need to keep the killer player base in consideration. How to keep a game mechanic fair and not abuseable for both sides.
6 -
"right there"
looks at the second picture
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If it takes years to implement a way to view teammates perks, I'd hate to know how long this do nothing mechanic took. And for what?
Regardless of your take on camping/proxy camping/tunnelling, this was an absolute waste of resources by BHVR.
1 -
Reading is hard. Pictures are difficult too, apparently.
I think a loading screen tip of 'please try not to camp' would be possibly more effective. Which is why I'm not a huge fan of 'base kit' mechanics.
Make anti camp perks effective and the problem solves itself (coughreassurancecough).
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Why would you want to prevent that? That's a huge W for the killer.
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maybe there should be a outline on the ground that extend 16 meters from the hook survivor. both killer and survivors would see it of course
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Honestly, the tips in the load screen are terrible
it should have something like "if a teammate is on death hook, try taking a hit for them"
"if you know the killer is close to the hook, try getting away as far as possible if you can't save them"
1 -
thats terrible because the killer would just stay outside the line and wait until another survivor comes close
now for survivors is another story, maybe
3 -
To be fair, any knowledgeable killer who intends to camp memorized how much is 16 meter already. The better ones also know how much closer they can go if they only want to secure the next hook-state.
For survivors who want to stay away it's pretty easy: it's exactly Kindred range.
4 -
Yeah its easy to assume the distance, thats why the extra help will not be helpful for both sides
0 -
Hard concept but killer camps do gens
1 -
Too close? He’s at least 50 meters away from the hook.
6 -
Finally edited the post with a video link
(I was running a meme build, yeah. Only because I mentioned on reddit how selecting No Mither should lock auto-healing perks but I got heavily downvoted. So...)
0 -
And then survivors would abuse it to get free saves as the bar progress when the killer is also in another floor, something they added to prevent the killer to be able to camp from the floor above (e.g. basement). If it doesn't pause when another survivor is in another floor, it should not fill either if the killer is, but then people would complain that killers just wait on top of the stairs in basement to camp.
Also, you should thank all those survivor that abused this mechanic the moment it dropped in the PTB in each and every iteration BHVR have tried to implement over the years for it to be this
fair"trash".6 -
but it doesn't?
1 -
No, he is not. The only moments when he maybe is outside of the 16m range is when he is in the stairs. Also, we have to remember that you have to manually unhook once the bar is filled, so maybe she had the chance to unhook but didn't do it.
This is something that can be solved by allowing both the killer and other survivors to see the progress bar so nobody either fill it up or stop it unintentionally, but that would take years of working according to BHVR so I don't see that happening.
1 -
Yes, it does. In fact, in the PTB having the survivor and the killer close to the hook would make the bar fill slower, but fill enough to allow survivors to basically loop the killer at the same time they get a free unhook for the other one. In fact, the moment you were down you won't count to the bar's slowdown.
That's why they changed it and now at certain distance the bar stop filling with another survivor close, no matter if that other survivor is downed or not (in reality, it start to slow down when another survivor is inside the range, getting slower the closer that other survivor is of the hook, and even slower if there is more than one survivor in range).
In other words, next time you see the killer camping go to do gens to the other side of the map to let the bar fill instead of being around. If they doesn't unhook themselves, then it is simply that they didn't even try to (again, you don't unhook yourself automatically the moment the bar fills up).
4 -
2nd pic doesn't show anything. Killer even still there? Where Kate and the Meg bot? camping hook waiting for the killer to just walk away?
2 -
theres a video
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What I mean is that, if the killer is in a different floor, the bar doesn't fill up
but it another survivor is in a different floor and the killer is camping right next to the hook, the bar doesn't fill up too
2 -
Look at the hook progression between pictures to get a decent idea of time. It looks like he MAYBE went away for like 10 seconds before returning.
2 -
there is a video
I spend at least half the time downstairs, and different floors pause the bar too, because this mechanic is amazing
2 -
That isn’t what the clip shows. He is far from that hook for at least half of the time that other survivor was on the hook. He appears at least from the clip to have gone back within the 16 meters once for a few seconds to see the Deathslinger camping. That hook is in the library, he was at the bottom of the stairwell near the exit. Well beyond 16 meters away.
0 -
And what I'm saying is that you are wrong, the bar fill up if the killer is in another floor with no other survivor in range and you can see it in the video I posted (2:15). That hasn't changed since the PTB, the change was that now downed survivors still slow down the bar and has a 7 second grace period before it start going up (so the killer can use a locker or kick a pallet / gen besides the hook before it start giving the free save).
For someone criticizing the mechanic that much, it seems that you don't know how it works that well.
BTW, that video clearly show that you spent most of the time inside the range, slowing or effectively stopping the build up of the bar and / or even if it filled up maybe the hooked survivor didn't even tried to unhook herself. Like I said, next time, the moment you see the killer camping get out of there and do something useful like progressing gens if you are not going to trade, and if they didn't unhook is because they simple didn't even tried to.
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As a sidenote: if the 'solution' to this is 'just do gens', then the system has made zero functional difference and is thus a failure.
6 -
So the mechanic doing exactly what it was designed for, allowing the hooked survivor to unhook themselves in case the killer is face camping without his other teammates having to invest generator repair time in doing a save or trade is a failure?
You and your logic, dude. Never change.
6 -
If the game functionally doesn't change, yeah, it's a failure. If all the scenarios play out the exact same way they used to with one completely non-functional difference, yeah, it's a failure.
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But the game functionally changed, now if a killer is facecamping someone, that someone can unhook himself without his teammates having to invest time in doing a trade or a save as long as there is no one else in a 16m radius.
Of course, if you are going to play like the system doesn't even exist and stay beside the hook without even trying to go for a save and preventing the system to trigger then yeah, nothing has changed. But that's not the mechanic's fault, it's yours.
So, next time you see a killer camping, get the hell out of there and invest your precious time in doing gens, instead of not letting the anti face camping mechanic work as intended.
6 -
So we go from 'killer is camping, don't go for unhooks and just slam gens' to 'killer is camping, don't go for unhooks and just slam gens'.
This is what I mean with 'the game has not functionally changed'.
4 -
On the first and third screenshot? 50?
4 -
Its not visible where the meg is, when you were far away. Meg could be sitting right in front of the hook. Because bots do this stuff of unhooking at the worst possible moment
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Survivors sometimes need protection from themselves. Remember how years ago, survivors would hook bomb their teammates? Wasn´t exactly fun to play survivor, when your teammates farmed you. I´d suppose its to prevent a similar situation.
Honestly, i would be mad at my teammates if they were running the killer around the hook and prevented a rescue.
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I would be too, but that makes it all the more baffling that some people describe that as a survivor exploit.
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I have seen this system work once in probably 250 games on both sides since it was added. A big problem other than it being extremely lenient to the point of uselessness is that there is literally no way to know the progress as a solo survivor. It SHOULD be something that shows up on the HUD since SWFs can just call it out anyway. Not sure why this isn't a thing. People would play much smarter in these situations if they knew what was going on.
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No, no. Its not a survivor exploit. Sorry if i expressed myself wrong in that regard.
1 -
No, we have obviously go from "killer is camping, don't go for unhooks and just slam gens" to "killer is camping, don't go for unhooks and just slam gens to let the AFC grant the hooked survivor a free Deliverance".
We both know that you like to cherry pick and twist the argument, but come on.
Post edited by Batusalen on8 -
I mean in two of those screenshots you're way too close to the hook and even in the second you've no way of knowing if another survivor was too close instead. Also it takes a while for the bar to fill, so by the time you got far enough away, it was probably too late for the bar to fill fully before they just died.
2 -
It was an exploit, because survivors could literally force the killer to either grant the save or stick by the hook wasting time at infinitum, allowing the other 1 or 2 survivors not looping the killer to do gens while survivors literally lose nothing as the hooked survivor would never get sacrificed as long as the killer didn't allowed them to unhook him. That's why it was discarded.
In the new version that got to the game, something similar could be done in the PTB as you can see in the video and thank the Entity that BHVR did something right an changed it so it was not possible anymore.