I'm Waving My Magic Kindred Wand

I want you to assume that Kindred is going to be basekit.
Killers need an info perk to compensate, what should it be?
Just humor me and discuss as though this was really happening.
In fairness to Killers, which info perk should they have basekit?
I'm personally open to a Distortion nerf if we could ever all agree on this.
Please chime in. Thank you all! And please 🙏 be civil.
I don't think any killer info perks should be basekit finding survivors should be part of the killers skill set.
That being said I could see an argument for bloodhound being basekit but I don't think anyone would care. For something more exciting make grim embrace basekit to encourage people not to tunnel.
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I play both sides and am sympathetic to both. Fair is fair, they need something, even if it's a "perk" that hasn't been invented yet!
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Grim Embrace basekit to not encourage tunnelling is a fallacy, just like people said how old BBQ and Chilli was doing the same thing.
You can still tunnel the first survivor out, than hook the remaining 3 survivors and activate Grim Embrace, which makes it extremely oppressive . With old BBQ and Chilli was even worse, you could tunnel survivors back to back and still hook all 4 survivors and get the extra BP in the end.
Basekit perks do not discourage tunneling and never will.
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What changed about BBQ other than the BP incentive? I'm not familiar with old BBQ.
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Thats the only change, Old BBQ would give 25% more BP for every survivor hooked
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Killer doesn't need anything to compensate, Kindred is only for Solos, SWF don't use it. Besides, killer already have basekit info: crows.
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The crows work both ways.
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What if the crows could "mark" survs that disturb them, maybe showing their whereabouts for a couple of seconds? Maybe even their direction?
And then Spies doubles down on that info, or gets reworked into something else?
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Maybe Predator? I've been struggling to follow scratch marks since a few updates back, though I'm not entirely sure why.
It's a pretty weak perk, so adding it as base-kit probably wouldn't make a game breaking difference and I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it anyway.
Aside from Nowhere to Hide, I'm not so into using Killer aura perks to be honest and in some respects I don't think they're totally healthy for the game. I tend to just patrol gens to find Survivors or use my Killer Instinct. Or I use perks that can't be countered by Distortion (like Surveillance, Tinkerer or Discordance).
Something to combat excessive hiding and game stalling if no-one has progressed a gen for a few minutes might be welcome, though. Something similar to the object of obsession aura reveal mechanic, maybe.
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I think just a visibility increase to scratch marks and blood + scratch marks being more directional like they all point in the direction the survivor was running
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BBQ for M1 killers or no mobility killers. I don’t think any mobility killers need info basekit, they already have addons for that.
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I'm having a horrible time following scratchmarks too for some reason, it's driving me crazy!
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If by magic this were to happen, we would vote bbq or rancor. Point us in the direction of people after we get someone (rancor has a bubble effect so distortion wouldn't matter).
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Maybe perks like Predator/Bloodhound/Deerstalker can be basekit.
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This may sound a little out there but I think it would be cool if each killer got a fifth perk slot dedicated solely to info perks. Really just minor info perks like Deerstalker or Bloodhound that aren’t too viable anyway. And each killer will have a unique pool of perks they can choose from. So killers like nurse can only use weaker info perks, slugging killers like Oni and Myers can get deerstalker or infectious fright, and the weaker killers like trapper can get BBQ, discordance, or UW.
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We don't need a basekit tracking perk, we need scratch marks to make any kind of sense. They will spawn in areas nowhere near where a survivor ran, go through walls, show up late, etc. and have just gotten steadily worse at indicating where survivors were and where they went.
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Bloodhound is my favorite perk. I would love for it to be basekit.
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I don't like the idea of base kit perks. But if I had to pick something, I'd say that the killer should briefly see the aura of one survivor with the least hook stages every time they hook someone. This would serve as an incentive not to tunnel.
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Probably some form of BBQ. In this hypothetical, because the killer now knows that every survivor has a 100% chance to see which way the killer goes, showing distant auras would be balance.
Though I think if they were to put basekit kindred in the game, the way to have it work would be for it not to turn on for 30 seconds or something like that. Not sure what you'd balance against that.
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Yes. And?
Why? Going in that direction is not easy enough? Maybe make crows even injure survivors or lock them in place for 1 minute.