Should Syringe and Brand New Part be balanced

Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

To be honest. I believe these two items should be removed from the game, as they provide an unfair advantage for survivors, especially when more than one survivor can bring such an item into a match, albeit a rare sight.

Given the variety of tiered Toolboxes and Medkits available, it might be more balanced to link the progress they offer for the Syringe and Brand New Part to their respective item tiers instead of their current default value.

My suggestion is that lower-tier Medkits could extend the duration, while higher tiers would decrease the timer for the Syringe before taking effect. Similarly, for the Brand New Part, lower-tier items could yield a larger progress bar, while higher tiers could result in a smaller one, but no more than what it is now.


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    They have already been significantly nerfed from prior levels of strength, to the point I honestly don't take issue with them anymore.

    Syringe was nerfed from a personal 16s base to 24s base. That is on top of burning the medkit entirely, so no reuses with Built To Last.

    BNPs also were significantly nerfed from 22.5 gen seconds to 10 gen seconds. Technically if a gen is regressed multiple times it can still be a buff, but you need something like 1.5 gens worth of regression AFTER the BNP is used to be equal to the old 22.5s. That being opposed to being able to use the old BNP when Tinkerer would show up and bypass that entirely.

    On top of all of that, Nurse and Blight both still exist in such a broken state that Survivors need equally broken tools to compete. I would gladly have a separate queue for no Blight/Nurse/Syringe/BNP if it came to it, but as is, you need nukes to fight nukes, and you can never know what armaments your opponent(s) is(are) bringing.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I thought they were already balanced few months ago

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I would gladly have Nurse completely removed from the game if BVHR can't bring themselves to rework her completely. The whole teleporting and ignoring pallets and windows is just downright busted and has always been. Also, he is very annoying to play as due to her downtime after a swing while she stares at the floor disoriented and exhausted. Everything about her just screams outdated for modern Dead by Daylight.

    As for Blight, I think he is way overpowered with his Pinball ability able to catch up to survivors in mere seconds after a swing and also able to land hits from tight corners.