Trickster Perfected...IMO

_Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

To put it plainly, the current Trickster is the strongest he has ever been, but he is also the most boring, both as and vs that he has ever been. Now, as someone who loves...loved this character, here is what I would personally do to make him strong, fun to play as and vs, while also having potential for flexing by players that are good at playing him.


16m Terror Radius w/24m Lullaby


- 99 Blade carry capacity.

- Main Event has a 30 second expiry window when the power gauge is full.

- The Trickster has a golden sparkle effect around his entire body, that Survivors can see, when the Main Event power gauge is full.

- Laceration decays after 15 seconds of no longer being hit by a Blade at a rate of one Blade per 2 seconds. (would take 29 seconds at most for Laceration to decay and expire)

- Lacerated Survivors being healed will begin Laceration decay immediately and accelerate the time that it takes for Laceration decay to expire to one Blade per second.

- Main Event activates after 16 Blade hits.

- Main Event has a 10 second duration.

- Main Event consumes Blades from the carry capacity.

- Survivors are damaged after 8 Blade hits.

- Throw Rate is 3b/s which increases to 4b/s after continuous throwing for longer than 3 seconds.

- Main Event has a 5b/s throw rate.

- Throwing Blades with alternating left and right hands has adjusted aim to ever-so-slightly to the left or right of the center of screen respectively.

- Movement speed while throwing is 3.8m/s and decreases to 3.6m/s after continuous throwing for longer than 3 seconds.

- Main Event movement speed is 3.8m/s

- If Blade capacity reaches zero while Main Even is active, Main Event ends immediately.

- Reload speed at lockers is 2 seconds.

Add-Ons: (any that are not included remain the exact same)

Death Throws Compilation:

- Reveal the auras of all other Survivors when downing a Survivor during Main Event for 6 seconds.

- Reveal the aura of Survivors when their Laceration meter is one Blade hit from maximum for 6 seconds.

Iridescent Photocard:

- Main Event no longer consumes carried Blades.

Diamond Cufflinks:

- Survivors damaged by a Blade suffer with Blindness and Oblivious for 45 seconds.

Bloody Boa:

- Decreases the amount of Blades consumed from carried capacity during Main Event by 1 per second.

- Main Event cooldown is decreased by 1 second.

Fizz-Spin Soda:

- Increases the time before a combo ends by 20%.

- Reveal the Survivors location via Killer Instinct for 1 second when a Blade shatters on the environment near to them.

Waiting For You Watch:

- Increases the Main Event expiry window by 10 seconds.

Ji-Woon's Autograph:

- Reveal the Survivors location via Killer Instinct for 1.5 seconds when a Blade shatters on the environment near to them.

Trick Pouch:

- Decreases the amount of Blades consumed from carried capacity during Main Event by 1 per second.

Now, I'm aware this would never happen; and we are likely stuck with the Trickster as he is now for probably years to come. But, there it is, Trickster perfected...imo


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    you seem upset that he is strong and no longer a free-win to play against as survivor so your listing changes to nerf him so you can escape easier. so weird.

    trickster is where i think he's suppose to be. a killer that has weakest ranged attack however can ramp up the strongest range ability in the game where he can machine gun health-states better than any killer in the game. This gives him a unique identity compare to other ranged options where you get lows and high's. The experienced trickster can suppresses his lows(minimize his weaknesses) and take full advantage of his high's(use main event at correct time to deal considerable damage). This version of trickster is how I always thought trickster should be. So many ways, dev fulfilled a vision that i saw within this character from the start.

    Given how well they did with trickster, I am very excited for what they do with huntress. I have always seen huntress as something like a jack of trade killer where she has no weakness but no real defining strength. I am mildly curious for how they will improve her fun factor. She's already pretty fun to play but perhaps a little behind total-power curve on killer end.

    Deathslinger is what I would consider opposite of trickster where he is in theory has best ranged option for tiles/loops with (old) instant-scoping but has worst muti-hit health-state potencial making him a polarizing character that has oppressive 1vs1 but struggles to build map presence due to his binary 1 health-state option.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    @Devil_hit11 I'm upset he is no longer fun to play as. Like I said, he is the strongest he has ever been, but in making him stronger they made him boring to actually play as him. I always wanted Trickster to be able to have skill expression, like how he did on release. Where the amount of Blades allowed the player to look for gaps in walls, sneakier angles and feel like the large capacity made it possible for them to attempt those throws without worrying about losing all pressure and having to reload.

    Elaborate more on how this current Trickster is his best possible form and should remain this way. I wanna see him through your eyes to see if can learn to fall in love with him again.

    When it comes to Huntress, I agree. In my eyes, a simple, yet maybe lackluster, change would be to give her more hatchets at base, reducing her need to constantly reload against the higher level Survivors that know how to manipulate their movement and dodge hatchets. But I'm curious what they do to her too.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited December 2023

    so one of the changes that is not obvious to understand was his trick-blades. This is a purple add-on that allows you to bounce his blades this add-on was previously garbage for him because of two reasons.

    1) He did not do enough damage in short bursts to make bounces meaningful.

    2) He had random recoil where aiming a surface was nearly impossible because where the blade would bounce would be random because your throwing was random. This made you have no control over using add-on effectively.

    Thanks to Trickster's improvements to his main event alongside his base-throwing mode, His main event can deal damage in short bursts and The recoil change makes it so that you have control over using add-on. In term of Trickster-skill floor, he is easier to play than ever because if your not good at his throwing mode, you can play him as 4.6 which allows newer player to pick him up. What matters though in long-term for a killer is their skill-ceiling. You know, does your time investment in mastering the killer make you feel rewarded when you play this killer? Trickster's skill-ceiling has risen. The most important skill-cieling is that purple trick-blade add-on. What this add-on allows you to do is gain new angles of attack allowing you to hit survivors behind objects and surfaces that would previously be a major weakness for trickster. So if you have knowledge for where to bounce his throw knives , you can hit people behind objects and defeat his weakness. The other two aspect that increased his skill-ceiling is when to use main event and his ammo efficiency. If you have good aim to be ammo efficient with his base-throwing mode, you will acquire his main event in less blades and by acquiring his main event in less blades, you become more ammo efficient because main event does not cost ammo. I am not joking when i say that i am reloading less as trickster per game then I am with huntress. This used to be completely backwards before. While his base-throwing mode is less potent, his main event is more potent meaning that if you use it at correct time, you can end chases quicker than before. It is high-pressure ability because you only get to use it once and it is limited time ability but a couple successful usages can swing the game in your favor.

    Contrary to your opinion, The ammo efficiency, looking for gaps in walls, sneakier angles are more present in his kit. I think his only issue is that he is kinda reliant on trick-blades to gain unique skill expression and somewhat reliant on duration main event add-on's to take full advantage add-on.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 235

    The current iteration of trickster is pretty insane. The amount of team wide damage he can put out is just nuts with main event, and he doesnt have to earn it. I dont think anyone could make an argument that he is NOT overtuned atm. I think most people just want a punishment for missing knives. There is no reward for juking his knives since he will never have to refill them and give you the advantage as the survivor. That being said, he was very undertuned last patch and was very weak. The balancing game with this killer is proving to be a bit of a nightmare. I think the current iteration of trickster could be okay if they removed main event entirely and decreased the number of knives trickster has. I don't think that results in a fun killer or survivor gameplay loop still however.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    @Devil_hit11 I'm still not seeing how this Trickster is more exciting to play as. The no recoil is definitely needed, it has been since day one release. When it comes to ammo efficiency, you're right, being able to access Main Event frequently does make him less reliant on locker reloads. However, this is partly the reason why he is too far gone the other end, where he's strong but just not enjoyable to vs or play as. This is all coming from someone that has loved Trickster since release btw, I don't just want him to be strong, if I did I wouldn't have made this post, I want him to be in a state where I feel like I can compete with high-mid level teams while being able to have a flare to my gameplay and knowing my opponent can have their own nuisance counterplay vs this character. Having a large capacity but making it so Main Event eats into that carried capacity would definitely put him closer to that image. I don't necessarily see his need to reload being a problem if he's still able to get 2-3 downs before hand. While also making it so Survivors have an actual way to manage Laceration from their end rather than just dodging and breaking LOS and hoping he misses long enough for it to decay. I mean, that's something they could add to this Trickster I suppose. At least then there'd be somewhat of a back and fourth to his gameplay. That would make him interesting again.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,015

    I disagree with all of this to be honest. A lot of this is reverts and those changes happened for good reasons.

    To start off with

    4.6m/s, 16 terror radius w/ 24 lullaby

    This is not a fair change and is out of line with the rest of killers. Only killer in the game that is 4.6m/s and has a 16 meter terror radius is The Shape in Evil Within 2 and he only has a basic attack.

    99 blades, 2 second reload speed

    Also unfair. Trickster having 44 blades at the moment works because it allows survivor to make him run out of blade forcing him to drop chase. This pretty much just trivialises the reload mechanic and you may as well make it unlimited at that point which would be too much.

    - Main Event has a 30 second expiry window when the power gauge is full.

    This is how it currently is

    (Revert the ramp up of movement speed and throwing rate)

    This mechanic got removed because it wasn't healthy for the game when line of sight gets broken frequently. This mechanic was for when you catch a survivor out in the open. But if that doesn't happen then the movement speed decrease was just a disadvantage which it was.

    Sorry but i just don't understand or see how any of these changes are good. Lots of is bringing back problems that they already fixed and adding advantages nobody is asking for.

    I also do not see how this allows for more skill expression either. A lot of these changes are just restrictions and this does the exact opposite.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Having a large capacity but making it so Main Event eats into that carried capacity would definitely put him closer to that image.

    i do not think that bvhr wants to deplete ammo as counter-play towards the lockers killers. the objective of looping is always to waste time to finish all 5 gens. The more time you waste in the chase, the more likely you are to finish all 5 generators. depleting ammo is more of a bonus time-waste and often relies on killer making errors + a little bit luck/skill on your part.

    This is all coming from someone that has loved Trickster since release btw, I don't just want him to be strong, if I did I wouldn't have made this post, I want him to be in a state where I feel like I can compete with high-mid level teams while being able to have a flare to my gameplay and knowing my opponent can have their own nuisance counterplay vs this character.

    these two statements are opposites. you want killer to be relevant vs high level teams but don't want killer to be strong. Only killer that are strong have relevancy towards strong teams. The nuisance to any killer is how long your able to survive in the chase for all 5 generators to be completed. ranged killer have plenty of nuisance between survivors that do poorly in the chase/gens vs survivor that are good at the chase/gens.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    @Devil_hit11 BHVR haven't got a true vision for Trickster. They thought fast throw rate was what everyone wanted, realised a static 4b/s was broken and changed it to 3b/s. Also, the function of Reloading killers is to try to make them miss their shots/throws to reward you with them wasting their time reloading. Trickster is no different, the fact he doesn't need much hits to activate Main Event and not typically need to reload before 3-4 players hit the deck is nuts and not what a Survivor would ideally like to go against. Especially with no true counterplay mechanic to aid them i.e Laceration being a time related aspect not manual thing for Survivors to 'potentially' manipulate.

    The two statements I made was that I want Trickster to be strong but also be able to have a flare to his power; meaning players can showcase how good they are by doing high level plays with his power. Much like a sniping Huntress or a Thread-the-needle Deathslinger has flare. While also making it so Survivors have a proper counterplay mechanic other than just looping safe/tall tiles and hoping he runs out of Blades, while also being able to Basic Attack more effectively cos he's 4.6m/s

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    @OrangeBear the whole killer blueprint has been forgotten about and moved on from for a while now. There's little reason for Trickster's lullaby to be as pointless as it is and always has been.

    99 Blades and Main Event consumes them. Also, this paired with Survivors being able to trigger Laceration mid-chase if they have access to a heal action or a smart teammate. I definitely think 99 Blades wouldn't be as problematic when you look at the big picture of my Trickster rather than as separate bullet points.

    30 second expiry window is the same yeah. Not everything about my dream Trickster is changed. Some of it the same and others are throwbacks to when I loved his gameplay but maybe little tweaks here and there.

    The throw speed makes no impact in areas where he is already getting quick downs. The bonus speed to throws is what can allow Trickster a down or injury in a tile that he can use more high level plays at. Hit by 2 blades through a gap instead of 1 etc.

    I'd say, please read it all again and see if you can see my vision, how it all ties together and how that would play out in your head both as and vs Trickster in multiple different tiles.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    Make it 9'999 blade capacity and 1 knife hit to down a survivor at any health state and I think we will have a killer that can rival old Freddy in effectiveness.