When the killer runs 4 slowdowns and mistakenly chases you.....

So after being ignored for several matches, and having multiple teammates have 3 second chases. I ran into yet another killer with 4 slowdowns. He get 4 stacks of dying light with 4 gens left to do... and then he chased me until all gens were complete. I did get hooked near the gate and a beast of a Feng got us both out with Rebecca just missing an escape. As someone that plays soloQ, these are the kind of matches and wins that feel the most satisfying. Had the killer brought ANYTHING to help him in chase, this could have turned out differently.
So this is not just a humblebrag post, I would love to hear from you the most recent satisfying matches! Tell us all about it!
I have genuinely not seen someone use Dying Light in years
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I've seen an uptick in it recently - And much like this game, only stacked with at least two other slow-downs.
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Dying Light is practically a survivor perk
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I think someone’s done a video recently as I have seen an uptick
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This build is so cursed. Running Pop with Surge AND Pain Res??? You can’t really get that much value out of it if the generators are already regressing 😭
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It didn’t help that Jeff ran into lockers when he knew he was going down after we both noted he had it went Rebecca went down
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It might be that its a common perk in some of the more popular comp scenes. Only reason people run it in comp is because most other perks are banned. Dying light is only good on like plague and legion and even then its terrible.
It'd be super easy to make not only good but healthy. Its no longer an obsession perk; just a flat "You get a hook, you get a stack", however, the caveat changes. Now you can only gain stacks when you hook different people, if you hook the same person twice in a row then you lose some or all of your stacks.
You could then buff the action speed penalty to like maybe 4%, but that might be a bit stronk
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I don't have a recent one to share, but I do remember fondly that one match against Ghostface...
It was shortly after his release, and I was playing solo on Old Haddonfield. I was the first to be found and chased for 5 gens.
Then my teammates left me to die.