Reason for The Plague to kill

Morteth Member Posts: 42
edited March 2019 in Lore

Every other killer has a reason to kill. Be it intentional or not. Also, every killer already had some bodycount before the Entity took them.

Now, the Plague... She was helping people, even exiled herself so that she wouldn't harm anyone. Before she dies of the disease, the Entity takes her, now she's in the realm and starts killing. Why?

My personal opinion is that she saw the Entity as a manifestation of the gods she actually worshipped, believed that the God's will was misinterpreted, believed that what the Entity tells her to do is actually holy, righteous, the way things should be. That the disease is meant to be spread. And so the Entity doesn't need to force her to kill, she believes it's what the gods want.

What do you think?


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I agree. Adiris has no reason to kill, but she was a priestess, devoted to her gods. She literally sacrificed her own flesh to those gods. I think we all know what'd happen if someone like that heard a god-like voice telling them to kill.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    I think she kills for the same reason as the hag or the wraith(not sure) - voices in her head. She has schizophrenia and she literally was driven mad when the Plague was turning her into rotting abomination. So she obeys The Entity as her gods.

    Or she just thinks that the survivors are already infected and the only way to save them - to end their sufferings, in other words, to brutally murder them.

    Hail Entity!

  • DragonFiry
    DragonFiry Member Posts: 5

    It also could be seen as a method to "save" them, as @JAWS_BDSM said: maybe Adiris thinks that she could save the lost souls, as her duty. Don't they look tormented enough?

    Maybe she's feeling guilty for not saving her people with her prayers, even as High Priestess. Or else, she may see Survivors a way to "prove her devotion" to the gods that didn't listen to her.

    *If I'm not too clear, please let me know! English is not my native language, and I may write some mistakes here and there.