Bit of confusion with calm spirit and screaming perks

So I am a bit confused. I found out in a game the other day that if there are two survivors and you have friends til the end and hook the obsession while the other survivor is in a locker not only do they not scream but they dont become the obsession. In addition with ugh ulitmate weapon if youre in a locker when you enter the terror radius you dont scream. However if you enter the terror radius again within the 30 seconds you then are affected. Like this confuses me. I know lockers block you from screaming or showing your aura but if youre in a locker does it just negate perks. Or is this because the scream is surpressed in which case why does it allow for it to happen with people with calm spirit. Like shouldnt they also not be blinded or have the obsession change. Or is this just a bug that I should report. I am confused and not sure if anyone has clarity.
