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General Discussions

Why Do People Think Throwing Snowballs Is Toxic?

Member Posts: 3,586
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

Just curious about this.

Ive seen a lot of people saying that throwing snowballs on either side is "toxic" and I literally dont understand why.

BHVR made the snowballs to be thrown at players, so I dont see the point in being upset when people do it since it's literally intended to be used that way.

I dont know what they expect me to use the snowball for other than throwing them at players, do you want me to throw them at pallets or windows? Throw them into the void? Do nothing but break snowmen (rip snowmen D: )?

JUST TO CLARIFY: I DO NOT think it is toxic, but Ive seen people saying that it is.

Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on

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  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I do it for a bit of fun and thankfully most killers see it the same way. The only time I think people see it as toxic is when it's being thrown at you while on hook or on the ground. I had a Jane the other day that I went down for - she was death hook, injured, and in chase - and instead of unhooking me she hid and threw snowballs at me until I was sacrificed. She was hiding near the exit gate with Sole Survivor (1 gen to go that was almost finished right near her too) and the killer found the third survivor just before I died. She was clearly just being an ass.

  • Member Posts: 380

    I don't find the snowballs toxic, even when I'm on the hook and the killer is pelting me with them.

    But to answer your question about what else can you do with them, breaking snowmen with them gets you 500-750 BP depending on if it's a decoy or not. That's what I've been using them for.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Lol what? I mean, for real? Its the first "fun and friendly" interaction killers and survivors have since the inception of the game. Sure, its a "battle" or "conflict" or whatever, but its also childs play and there are no stakes attached. You can even ignore snow balls completely, but I have so many games devolve into spontaneous snowball matches, and thats the best thing about this event.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I think it’s cute!

    Who doesn’t love a fun snowball battle, fr

    Wish we could make snow angels😇

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    This is DBD we are talking about, people probably think the other side playing the game is toxic

  • Member Posts: 589

    because it's annoying.

    "getting snowballed is so fun" said nobody.

    throwing them at others is very fun, sure, but it's double unfun when you're 1 vs 4 and you don't have time to pick them up.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    Gamers have been taking dbd too seriously since 2016. Why do you think that's gonna stop now

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Really hope they do water balloons for the 2024 summer event

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited December 2023

    Toxic? No, of course not. Annoying? Absolutely. There's no reason to have that overlay obscuring the screen.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    I had a match where I let survivors do the objective and just went to Clown's caravan and did some target practice. It was pretty fun and the entire team joined in on it.

  • Member Posts: 745

    Because people takes this game way too serious and feel attacked by anything even though THROWING SNOWBALLS IS PART OF THE EVENT. The math is not mathening 💀

  • Member Posts: 335

    Finally got a Mikey last night that had a sense of humor and was throwing snowballs back. Haven’t really faced any killers wanting to partake in snowball fights without DCing and thinking it’s toxic (had a Ghostface tunnel out then DC after getting hit with snowballs during chase). It’s really not that deep.

  • Member Posts: 111

    I've watched killers slug survivors near a snow pile and then proceed to pummel them with snowballs. It was funny, for the first 30 seconds. I could see how someone would say that's toxic.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Excuse you, thats how you spread germs, Ove had a severe cols fof two weeks thanks yo people like you.

    Jk love you. Do have a cold though

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    I mean some people do just add it as another form of bm, drop a pallet tbag then throw a few snowballs over as you run away or just sit outside a chase spamming snowballs. Throw snowballs at downed survivors and on hook survivors as bm. But its not the end of the world.

  • Member Posts: 376

    Really snowballs toxic? I literally have snowball fights with the last surv if they're willing of course it's so funny, if I'm losing I'll have a snowball with the whole team you know why not

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    If throwing snowballs is toxic, call me Muk cuz' I be throwing snowballs all day today

  • Member Posts: 534

    depends how you use it. iv seen survivors that just chase the killer around throwing snowballs at them to taunt them or just camping pallets and windows trying to throw them

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I feel people will deem anything toxic if given half a chance. Some people probably even secretly love to be a victim!

    The snowballs are a bit of silly fun. Both sides can lob them. I personally don't see it as toxic.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    because bhvr removed flashy clicking from the game, which was deemed bad for siezure people.

    IMO the snowball effect is far worse. I feel dizzy from it, and its like a strobe. I hate it.

    Usually I never want the events to end, I cant wait for this one to end.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Some people will take anything you do as a slight against them, and will call it "toxic".

    As long as survivors and killers can express themselves, there are things people will consider toxic, just ignore them, let them be triggered about it if they want to be.

    Snowballs have no real impact on survs/killers when hit so there is no truly valid complaint as to why they are toxic to throw... Unless you are like the guy above me who somehow suffers physically from it and even then, only toxic if the other side KNOWS that and is the reason they are chucking snowballs...

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