Want a Live Example of Why People Are Burnt Out of DBD?
I have fun via winning, improving or some sort of pyyhric victory.
None of these happen consistently. Even improving or doing well has little effect on the outcome of the match. Individual skill matters little for Survivors and it feels bad.
It is difficult to say you shouldn't blame bad teammates. On the one hand, they could be new and that is a terrible thing to place on a new player. On the other, having horrifically bad teammates is a consistent gripe and is demonstratably true.
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He needed it, the team was good and I had a good game; but it didn't matter
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It's stuff like this for me. I literally purposely used my last hook state to go down for this person, who was on death hook and injured and being chased, and this is what I cop in return. They have Sole Survivor btw, guessing that's why they're hiding near the exit. There is a gen nearby that was almost finished too. Another person to add to my list of folks to dodge..
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I don't know if this is an option for you, but I will share it anyway.
Maybe you can make a new account where you can play on if you're burned out of your main account and/or completed everything.
I did that a while back on ps5 as well and my games are very different on my main than on my other account.
Since there is an event going on, you get some good BP to level up some killers or survivors and you also progress in the rift for some BP.
Maybe it's not for you, but you can always consider it.
To be more secure, you can also make your account as anonymous as you possibly can, with a completely different name than your main.
Hopefully you can get better games in the future on your main account.
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I didn't see that trickster camp.
I saw him chasing other survivors whom made bad chase and unhook decisions and then the killer capitalized on that.
If you are gonna cry camping then it helps to have an example of actual camping.
This is the problem people can cry camping in almost any scenario when in fact its really nothing to do with camping. But it makes great excuse so that you can rationalize your anger about the game.
Lets face it, you seem burnt out and are really projecting that onto the community... take a break already.
If you aren't having fun then take a break. I didn't see anything wrong with that video other than some poor decision making by a team mate.
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Woah, your responses are so really wonderfully worded😅
Retrospectively, yes absolutely do agree that we’ve all had some form of unfulfilled expectations; I’ve unfortunately, and much too frustratedly, been, overall, pretty harsh regarding these issues, for sure, especially toward players, which is unfair.
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I have gotten more 5 gen chases when playing with my friends who purposely stays in low MMR than I do at the high mmr I’ve been at for awhile. The killers in higher mmr understand when they need to drop a chase / survivor. Killers in low mmr, from my experience, do not. Many have committed well past the point of no return.
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Well, sadly I've got more experiences to share:
The camping and tunneling has been out of control recently.
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You can't go lower than 1600 MMR once you hit it.
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I thought you stopped playing survivor months ago because of stuff like this.
In any case I think in the first clip the other survivors were all coming for the save because you had been tunneled (from what you said) and no one had Kindred to see that the others were on their way to the hook. They broke off when they saw Laurie get hit by the trickster. He wasn’t necessarily camping because he did appear to meet her halfway (so no reason to leave the area) but you mentioned he tunneled you so it’s likely he would have proxy camped anyway. Lastly I think Laurie saved you for two reasons:
1.) She thought you were trying to let go. There is no universal code of body language or w/e that every survivor agrees to—especially new players.
2.) By the time she was injured she wasn’t going to escape so she figured she could get a trade out of it rather than her going down while you were on hook.
As for the other clips…
Chucky is a very good killer despite whatever people here say, and yes killers are in an incredibly good spot strength-wise—again despite what people here say. But I mean why shouldn’t killers camp and tunnel? These are avenues available for a win. Like who’s gonna check them—it sure isn’t BHVR. And neither DS nor OTR + MFT + DH is gonna save you. The best thing you can do to send a message is to stop financially supporting DBD, criticize it loudly and discourage new players from playing the game. Like so many players in this forum you are jaded and miserable so it’s too late for you, but there’s still time to save others.
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These are how my games are going when I play Feng Min, especially in the pink bunny outfit. Jill (in the swim outfit), Claire and Heather, I get let go. I've no idea.
They focus on me and only me and ignore my teammates when they interfere, put the flashlight in killers face, etc. It's really creepy.
Often times this causes them to lose, they can't tunnel me successfully as long as my teammates are on generators.
I don't know what their issues are but as I said before, it just seems like we are a punching bag for someone's irl problems/issues in game sometimes.
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Source? Lol
I doubt that’s true.
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It's been stated somewhere. Although if the game can find equally rated players quick enough it will match them together.
It's decently rare but true.
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It seems to work for me. The sweat/skill of killers I’m getting matched with on survivor has dropped significantly after dying every match. I even see banana perks commonly now.
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That does not say you cannot go below it. Only that you lose less points for losses. Which makes sense, because it took many deaths to start to see noticeable changes in lobby. But you can drop.
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It's the easiest way for a KIller to reduce the pressure on them and simultaneously increase the pressure on the remaining survivors.
Blame BHVR for incentivizing Killers getting a survivor out of the match ASAP.
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I could be wrong, I was just pretty certain in the past it either got stated or data mined that you couldn't go under the threshold once reached.
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It's not that they've incentivized it, rather that they've not punished it.
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Why would they punish it? It's the easiest way for a Killer to relieve pressure on them while simultaneously increasing the pressure on the remaining survivors.
The sooner you can make it 1v3 instead of 1v4 it becomes easier to win.
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Well duh. And its clear by the rampant tunneling that most killers just want an easy win. This is why win streaks and such have become moot in showing skill. Its pretty skilless tbh. I'm sure a small part of killers enjoy this style, but i wouldn't say its the majority. It certainly isnt fun for the survivors.
So in a game that's meant for entertainment, you're pretty much destroying the whole fun factor for everyone, including yourself. I just don't see the logic. A win isn't a win if its boring and effortless. Its basically just a custom with bots. Thats the comparison.
But you do you! :)
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Because it's not really fun for anyone except people who do it to be an #########.
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You’re taking it too personally. I guarantee most tunnelers couldn’t care less about your gaming experience. And they don’t care how you feel about their play style. They’re doing as they do because it’s an endorphin rush to win and the strategies most detestable for survivors are incidentally the ones that most easily produce a win for killers. These players frankly aren’t emotionally-invested enough to be a-holes; they’re just people who want to win (like you) and have better strategies available to achieve that (than you). It sucks for you and other survivors certainly but what are you going to do about it?
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Punish it and promote more healthy playstyles?
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Fun? Seriosly, there is fun down there? Like fun fun? Monsieur, you have quite puculiar taste. Please, share, how many whips, leather bondages, plugs and spiked collars do you have at your home?
I'm on low MMR constantly. There is only pain. Now I'm currios how more worse it could be on higher MMR.... 😬
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What do you mean by punish?
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Make it more difficult and dissuade people from attempting it.
You can't reward people into not tunneling
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BHVR has something in store. We just have to hope its good enough. Whether players lack empathy, want to win, or just like making others angry knowing its distasteful to play like that, its driving players away. I've lost a handful of friends* who play already this month alone.
This can't be something BHVR wants, right? Any fool knows this about businesses: money money money.
*: as in they stopped playing the game, not being my friend lol
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What are some ways you think this could be implemented?
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Not all of these would happen at the same time. Just some ideas off the top of my head.
Re-balancing the 3v1 to be less Killer-sided. Whether that be via action speed buffs or respawning pallets or something, idk.
Having unhooked Survivors be intangible until they perform a conspicuous (or rushed) action or until another Survivor is downed. Could have some issues with flashlights, but honestly, that's two people not doing gens.
Having a basekit DS. Buffing DS.
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Buffing DS.
Yes, please.
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Great, how do we punish gen-rushing and endless looping survivors while we're at it?
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If a Survivor is consistently looping you "endlessly" that is entirely on you.
Also, blatant whataboutism.
Post edited by Pulsar on11 -
It really isn’t. It doesn’t take a genius to waste time at a strong loop since most killers effectively have no counterplay. Even if you drop that chase and surprise hit another survivor, they’ll use the speed boost to get to another strong loop and start it all over again. Killers don’t have enough agency in a match. It comes down to survivors making mistakes and RNG.
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I am genuinely very sorry that you feel that's the case.
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Feng Min is just a really easy character to hate. Her "hardcore toxic gamer girl" personality and tacky "kawaii" cosmetics coupled with a reputation for attracting toxic players has made a lot of killer players resent her. Nea is in the same boat. Obviously your choice in survivor has no real bearing on your personality or playstyle but reputations accumulate regardless.
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That first suggestion punishes every killer no matter how they play and arguably hurts those NOT tunnelling more.
If you tunnel someone out they will have the penalty earlier, but there will still be a lot more gens left that it won’t make much difference.
If you go for spreading hooks, by the time you kill one of them you are probably done to only a couple gens remaining in which case faster repair and more pallets can be massively game changing. You played fair but still get massively punished for playing well.
You’re going to get the penalty anyway, so people would just tunnel one out REALLY earlier or slug everyone. Doesn’t seem fun for anyone.
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Presumably, we would also re-balance the 4v1 to be slightly less Survivor-favored.
I don't think it's a hot take to say that a lot of Killers can keep up a 4v1 for a while, but will eventually lose the attrition gen battle; wheras the 3v1 is massively against Survivors to the point where the Killer would need to intentionally throw to lose an early 3v1.
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It still has the problem that killers can just slug everyone to bypass the penalty entirely and killing off a survivor regardless of your play style still punishes you.
I think your intangible idea is the better way to go, but even that still has issues.
I honestly don’t think there is anyway to effectively eliminate tunnelling without completely reworking how the game works.
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I fully get where you are coming from. I’ve been avoiding Dbd cause I’m sorry but it’s been boring and repetitive. I will say that when I come back from a break, I always run into some problematic players while playing both survivor and killer. But for luckily, for the most part my survivor games are more chilled then my killer matches. At least from my personal experience. But I also hope you get better games here soon. And that they also try to spice things up here soon. But we will see what the new year holds. So here’s hoping to some new game modes. Also happy holidays.
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Well, I did say it was all off the top of my head 😅
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You're the one complaining about and wanting to 'punish' Killers for using a valid strat and are unwilling to accept that removing a survivor from the match and making it 1v3 is one of the easiest way to start snowballing for a Killer.
Survivors control the flow of the match, not killers.
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Tried to meme for a single match by running chest perks and putting presents under the tree in basement. Here comes Nurse with Ult Weapon and 3 slowdown perks to turbo tunnel me out of the match immediately!
Gee I ######### wonder why people are burnt out.
Merry Christmas everyone! Do yourselves a favor and spend it playing a different game.
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That is....literally exactly why I want to change it. It's easy, extremely effective and nearly impossible to counter.
Likewise, Killers control the flow. Everything is dependant on the Killer.
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When you play killer and you see a team struggling, do you pull back? Like let’s say you see a Meg working on a Gen, you get really close, she panics and blows the Gen then runs into a wall (accidentally) and her teammates are equally poor. You’ve got them all on death hook with 3-4 gens left. Would you pretend you didn’t see her and kick the Gen or just finish them off?
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A year ago? no.
This last year? Yeah. New or bad players deserve to have fun matches too in a game increasingly dominated by sweat.
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1:41 heh. that was great.
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I certainly wasn’t expecting that answer. Well played