Want a Live Example of Why People Are Burnt Out of DBD?

Pulsar Member Posts: 20,437
edited December 2023 in General Discussions


No insults to anyone in the match, they clearly have different priorities and that's fine.

That being said, when you get teammates that don't do gens and then do things like this, it's extremely demoralizing. You have a Killer that excels at camping and I'm put into an instant-loss scenario through zero fault of my own.

That is exactly why a lot of people are burnt out of DBD. Lack of meaningful agency and feeling like their own skill doesn't matter, be that on Killer or Survivor.



  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 270

    Yeah I've seen this against Trickster a lot. Good luck if you end up in basement or a bad positioned hook. Personally I played survivor (soloQ since I don't have a swf) till I got my challenges done and I'm not touching them again until the next section unlocks.

    As you say, everyone has their priorities and unfortunately many time those doesn't take on account fairness or fun for others (both sides).

    I know killer can be stressful sometimes but at least right now I'm able to enjoy the event a lot more as that role.

    Hope your next matches are better Pulsar.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,464

    inb4 all the "it was your fault, you should've done this instead" comments...🙂

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,208

    The biggest problem and cause of this all though? Is simply MMR. MMR creates a scenario where every single game you have to sweat hard to win. This is "fine" in the sense of, this makes matches more "fair" but the problem with this, is it eliminates all variety and fun of the game itself and because this game is so horribly balanced, it all falls apart. If you want MMR you must have a balanced game, if you don't have a balanced game, you shouldn't have MMR. Like, sure set it up so brand new players aren't playing with people who have 5k hours. But realistically MMR shouldn't really exist with the game in its current state.

    What makes this even worse is that, several times, the feedback regarding MMR was negative.

    There were warnings the system would cause problems.

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    Certain people would say this is the Trickster's fault, sadly.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,299

    Must be the cosmetics you're using. A good outfit change usually improves my matches!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,437
    edited December 2023

    It's not the cosmetics.

    I've switched Survivors and I've switched builds.

    Thank you for trying to help, but I've tried everything.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 487

    Oh my god same. I have always despised Trickster but he didn't come up that often but because of his changes I have been going against turbo-tunnelling Tricksters. I have significantly reduced my hours on dbd as a whole because of the camping, tunnelling and tricksters. Problem with multiplayer games you go up against different people with different playstyles which usually you probably don't like.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 264

    My games have been like this too, killers camping from afar because of AFC, and tunneling as soon as someone is unhooked. It's really unfun to play against these types of playstyles on survivor right now.

    I was playing with a friend (who is newish, shame I introduced them to this game) who went down in 30 seconds to a plague, who proceeded to facecamp them to death with power at 5 gens...

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,117

    Yea this would definitely irritate me, lol.

    I was shaking my head at the Laurie while she ran around the hay bale stack & then started internally screaming when I realized she was going to commit to the save. Also love how you had just been hooked, plenty of time to play around it & she rushed for it regardless. You call it different priorities (I get it, you don't want to be rude) but lets be real - they're bad players to have on a team. They're the ones that kill the team & half the time, don't even realize they're the reason for the loss. They are the greedy & selfish ones, the ones who dive bomb, don't touch gens, last 10-20 seconds in chase, constantly want to heal before doing anything else, etc.

    Think most of us relate to this, sadly.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,674

    If I have too many bad games in a row, I just stop playing. No game is worth feeling frustrated over.

    I havent been playing much lately but I played 2 games last night and first game was a crazy sweaty Artist, and a survivor ended up letting go on hook pretty early. Second game was a seemingly sweaty Nurse, who was trying to tunnel at 5 gens but was unsuccessful at finding the survivor (indoor map helped). She wasted too much time and just ended up having a snowball fight with everyone later so I'm glad she decided to chill out.

    I'm kind of at the point where I don't put a huge amount of effort against sweaty killers anymore. For me it's not that deep and if the kill means more to them than anything then I don't care, they can have it. I won't give up but i won't try very hard either. Only time I'll try is if team mates are sticking their neck out for me but that's pretty rare.

  • TheSyndromeOfClowns

    maybe using less meta perks will improve your matchmaking? Unequip windows of opportunity, distortion, lithe or adrenaline.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 743

    I highly recommend a duo partner. Matches are still frustrating but I know at least one person is one gens if I’m being chased. The amount of matches it’s a 2v1 is insane but I don’t feel alone

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 269

    Played a bit of survivor today just for the event tome challenges, played maybe 4 or 5 games and 3 were hard tunnels from 5 gens. As a killer main I was super disappointed like they literally just relied on perks and bloodlust to tunnel straight off the hook. None of the matches had any toxicity from my side in the slightest either.

    Usually I give them the benefit of doubt being a killer main myself, but after looping a Chucky the whole game which is a feat for me and then dying because the last other survivor hid to get hatch after I'd saved them twice was the tipping point.

    I finished my challenges and switched to killer and gave the survivors the most wholesome matches ever.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,373
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,373

    Whenever you would like, feel free to join me for some Remnant 2, or Baulder's Gate, or Conan Exiles, or heck I was streaming some Minecraft today.

    Not worth your mental health & peace fam.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,373

    I hope someday they do your Freddy justice, and get him to a better place. If for no other reason than bring a smile to your face! 😁

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 456

    I play so many team based games like R6 Siege that i like Killer on DBD so i don't have any teammates. Its a nice change of pace.

    Maybe its a hot take but most of my frustrations regarding Solo Queue aren't from balance. I really don't judge or care what Killers pick or do unless they go full 4 slowdown perks and tunnel the first guy they see at 5 gens. Most of my frustrations come from other survivors, and i don't mean mistakes that many don't know better or simply mean well like helping you up when you use Plot Twist.

    I absolutely hate survivors that do things that goes against all common sense like leading the Killer back to the hook. I saw multiple times this day alone that a survivor brought the Killer during a chase back to the hook, tries to unhook in his face and complains about camping in the endgame chat.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,084

    That trickster bit wasn't really in your control. Your teammates, especially that Laurie, shouldn't have went to save so soon. Letting survivors sit on hook for a little most of the time leads to a better chance of surviving.

  • Chaos_Brother
    Chaos_Brother Member Posts: 376

    This is why I’ve been running Deliverance lately. What would you rather, a safe unhook with Deliverance or an unsafe unhook with OTR? For me, it’s nearly always the prior.

    I’ve had a couple of Deliverance uses lately that saved my life. On my last survivor match I was hooked and then the only person left that could unhook me goes and throws themselves at the killer and suicides basically. After using Deliverance, I waited out a locker heal with Inner Strength and got the hatch shortly after.

    In response to the Trickster video, I’ve been playing a bit of Trickster lately and he is OP now I get a 4k most games. His main event now is just bonkers with how often it goes off, so you’ll often be in a good position to use it. You can shred Survivors like a hot knife through butter with that.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,059
    edited December 2023

    Ok, but did dodging those knives feel consequential?

    But seriously, it's rough out there. I think SBMM/MMR/whatever has a very difficult time quantifying game sense and playstyle. The distinction might not matter in a big data sense because it all comes out in the wash, but it does absolutely matter in terms of how players experience the trial on an individual level, and I think that's getting lost lately.

    Just in the Trickster clip: why are 3 players at shack? Nobody is on a gen, and then we're all 3 running towards shack in a V formation, so when the killer sees one of us, he sees the entire team. That is carte blanche to camp that player out, because every survivor not on a hook has now shown the killer they have no gen progress. And then someone is starting a gen near shack, which you might think is an ok idea, but will lose all of its progress if the killer proxies the next hook in that area after the inevitable 1 for 1.

    I'm being harsh and a bit nitpicky, but this is the problem with how matches are made. There's a reason I take a syringe every game and pre-drop everything. You can't leave it up to the mood of the killer because there's nothing perk-wise or game mechanic wise that effectively prevents them from hard tunneling other than the gens being done. My biggest bit of advice: stop trying to heal under hook. It's not worth it. Wave the teammate over to a tile and heal yourself if they're too dumb to follow. I pre-drop just about everything at 5 gens, hold W like the key is broken, corner tech, you name it. Just is what it is these days. Escape rate is 60-70% over the last couple months.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,101

    People have been against MMR for a long long time, going as far back as the old CoD and Halo 2 days when TrueSkill came around.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,208

    And it just doesn't work here. I don't think it ever will, actually.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    yah def a skill issue on his part when to win you have to count on 3 other people that have abosolutely not idea of what they are doing 9 matches out of 10