Is there any changes planned for killers not being able to lobby dodge?

random1543 Member Posts: 14
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

It screws up the whole match, especially for baby killers.

It happens nearly daily but in today's example, I cued for like 10mins, spent another 15mins in the lobby because killers kept leaving, and then the game decided to match us with a killer with less than 50 hours (i have over 3000 hrs) because other killers kept lobby dodging so matchmaking prioritized finding the killer as soon as possible.

Are there any plans to fix this? like hiding the survivor level, not letting the killer see the player profile till end of game chat or changing the lobby screen so that killers don't see the survivors like how survivors cant see the killer or his prestige or profile before the game starts.

I don't want to restrict people from leaving a lobby, but if it's just because you don't like how certain surviours look then we should be hiding the survivors or something.

I've spent over 30mins in a lobby before because the killers kept leaving the lobby as soon as they loaded in, i feel like this needs to be addressed. if survivors could do that to killers it would be removed right away and it was years ago.


  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2023

    I was in solo q. not everyone is a SWF., its a horrible killer main mentality. I'm fine with seeing items just make all the survivors generic so killer cant just leave base of prestige.

    afking and memeing is better than being stuck in the lobby forever and then straight up getting someone new too the game and feeling like we are just bullying them. to the point they just stand in the corner.

  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2023

    I was solo q not everyone high level is swf.

    I do not agree with it being balanced around seeing items, if it was they would remove surviour quick switching last second.

    All though I am not asking for killers not to see items, I want the survivors to look generic and no prestige so the killer can't just look over a lobby at a glance and go "oh everyone is decently high prestige and got nice skins time to leave" then we stuck waiting for match for 30mins.

    I understand leaving because of real world issue but that is not what's happening as it's like 10+ killers in a row doing it.

    I know we can do stuff like hide our profile but they need to add a option where we only show it in EGC in case you meet nice people in game or giving surviours the option to hide there prestige, skin ( uses default skin of character you are)/and profile in the lobby I would be happy with that too and those thing have nothing to do with balance of the game.

    Also side note devs know this is a issue and tested thing like hiding prestige before.

  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2023

    Ok then lets let survivor do the same then (not serious)

    It's not punishing anyone. It's hiding stuff like prestige and skin so killer can't just leave based on those factors.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited December 2023

    Still don't know why the lobby even exists. All it does is cause problems and delay the start of the match.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,455
    edited December 2023

    Yeah I got matched with three P100s the other day and I, no joke, waited in lobby for the longest that I have ever waited in the 3 years since I started playing. I was just browsing on my phone and could just hear the sound of killers leaving repeatedly. And the P100s weren't any good either. Hiding prestiges would have helped.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,310

    No need for punishment.

    • Eradicate all lobby info besides survivor picked, outfit selected and item equipped.
    • Use completely normal matchmaking logic for replacements when someone leaves with no exceptions.

    Pick one. Or both, if you're feeling spicy and particularly cool in my book.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    I feel quite different when I play killer, I don't even look at my screen while I wait for a match to start at this point. Honestly the only thing hiding survivors from the killer in the lobby would do is buff flashlights, imo.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076
    edited December 2023

    "The ability to see the survivors and what items they're bringing is a core aspect of the killer being able to setup their perks/items to help compensate and know what to expect."

    Sadly this is not the case anymore. Because Killers use this information to dodge the Lobby instead of preparing. I mean, what do you want to prepare anyway?

    • Franklins Demise? I only see it when Events are going on where Survivors can obtain Items. I never (and I really mean never) see it outside of those events.
    • Mangled to counter Medkits? Mangled is already in almost every game... Even without a single Medkit.
    • Lightborn for Flashlights? Can be a point, but since Residual Manifest and Flashbangs exist, you cannot really prepare for it anyway, so Killers who dislike being blinded should probably equip it anyway.

    The only purpose currently is to dodge Lobbies.

    "I'm guessing it also doesn't happen nearly often enough to be a concern or more people would be complaining and BHVR would've made a change (likely for the worse) by now."

    There are complaints. And BHVR was at least testing to hide Prestige Levels in the Lobby, but apparently it is a hard decision to do that (it should not).

    At the very least the Killer should not be able to see the names and profiles of the Survivors. But as I said, the information for the Killer are used for dodging almost all the time instead of preparing. So the Pregame-Lobby can really go at this point.

    EDIT: And the worst thing is that the people who are punished the most are Killers who get backfilled into Lobbies where they simply dont belong. Having a Killer with below 100 hours going against Survivors with 20k hours combined? Yep, happens. And who is at fault? The Killer who decided that they want an easier match who dodged the Lobby before.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,609

    Lightborn for Flashlights? Can be a point, but since Residual Manifest and Flashbangs exist, you cannot really prepare for it anyway, so Killers who dislike being blinded should probably equip it anyway.

    Imo, the thing about Flashbangs and Blast Mine is that there is no preparing for it. Like, a killer who doesn't like being blinded cannot waste a perk slot for something that may or may not be there.

    At least with Flashlights there is a clear warning they will be present in the trial. So the killer can choose whether or not to bring Lightborn.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    The only way to settle this is allowing survivors to see the killer for equalized dodging

  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14

    im not against seeing items. show items on a generic survivor that the person is playing with no prestige level. also, that argument of its balanced around seeing items isn't true as survivors can quickly switch in the lobby so its not balanced around that at all.

  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14

    I would rather meme matches or afk as that would be faster then the lobbies.

    no, it's not balanced around that, if it was Survivor quick switching wouldn't be a thing,. I'm fine with seeing items just put them on generic survivors with no prestige level,.

    and the devs know its a issue, that's why they tested hiding prestige levels.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,343

    That would just kill the game due to survivors quickly changing loadouts to counter the killer character that the killer player is locked into. You'd have ppl swapping off their healing stuff against Plague and swapping on calm spirit against Doc.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    You know what else bhvr should do? Let the survivors vote on the killer the killer has to play. Then let the survivors pick the perks / addons for the killer.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    idc as long as survivors can't leave the game for free once in, exclusively.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    some Killer Mains like dont want to Play against 2 Toolboxes in 8 / 10 games when i see more than 1 toolbox or Survivor who has Team Names im going to Lobby Dodge

    But yeah let Killers punish for everything 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Btw why are Survivors allowed to Switch items in the Lobby ?