Killer DCs are out of control
Seriously in recent weeks it's gotten beyod he pale. Survivor looping you too long? DC. Too many gens done too quickly? DC. The gates are powered? DC. Between this and the tunnelling and slugging going on right now the game is an absolute state. The DC issue is definitely more of a daytime issue, but it's getting rediculous. At least run a solid end game build or something to bring it back; like a NOED-Blood Warden-Devour Hope stack rather than waste everyone's time.
Yes, before anyone says it I know there are a lot of survivors DCs too, but at least that doesn't end the entire match.
Not really sure what I want from this thread; certainly no easy resolve I can see. More of just a rant I guess lol.
Hang on, Killer has a DC button too? I thought its only exclusive for survivors...
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Nah, but killers can't kill themselves on hook if they're unhappy with the match.
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I think another factor at play is that the servers are a little unstable. There are Killers chasing mid chase that suddenly dc. Even me playing as Killer I have been disconnected mid game. The tally screen shows it as me who disconnected even though it was the game that kicked me out.
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Honestly, I am not seeing it.
I had a Wraith who DCed after one gen was done but like, he was the only one. Usually it is survivors who DC, specifically against Skull Merchant.
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killers rarely dc in my experience. They will just hide in basement or sit by the gate. Sometimes a killer will fail at hard tunneling and will dc to avoid the exit gate dance off.
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I've seen maybe 1 or 2 in the past few months.
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Maybe set a good example and play some killer for yourself?
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there have been server issues, might be contrubuting to your experiences.
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They tightened MMR not long ago, so alot of folk who were in a bracket they shouldn't have been are probably struggling. I personally haven't noticed any killer DCs but I'm not in a high bracket.
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Who cares if the killer DCs? The queue times are basically non-existant.
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the only time I've ever seen a survivors dc is because they legit just got off hook like not even 30 seconds ago and killer back on them basically not letting them play the game normally(most killer play in a fashion that they know it going to be and easy 4k something that survivors don't and having tool box and BNP don't guarantee u to get out or actually prevent u form play the game as killer) or 1 person get tunneled out in 3 minutes usually 1 of the teammates of a 2 man or 3 man squad so the rest jus give up because they don't want their third to be left sitting in a lobby for half an hour waiting for the next match it's a 4 survivors man squad and they are teamed winch means they want to play together and the killer are trying for completely shutdown any sort of teamwork, when that, in fact is the ONLY way to GET OUT and survive the match. that why most games when it get down to last 3 gen left the killer hard tunnels because they know it an easy win because their not enough people left to do anything 1 is in chase always 1 is on hook most of the time so that just leaves 1 person to get the person off hook which means not a single gen get completed after their only 3 people left and the only time a 3 man can come back is if there is lot of pallets left which their usually all thrown by the first guy trying to say alive or u have the best looper getting chased but even then most killer get in chase if they can't get a hit in the first 2 tiles they leave
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Yeah, here's the thing: If a survivor has a bad match they can just give up on the hook and move on.
If a Killer is stuck in a bad match, they are stuck until the survivors are either dead or escape and I've lost track of how many times survivors will stand around in the exit gates in the End Game Collapse, holding the game hostage and refusing to leave just so they can teabag me on the way out.
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EDIT: Removed the screenshot because I realized I made a big mistake.
Post edited by GeneralV on3 -
Well. Atleat killers dont hqave a way to avoid the dc penalty. Theyre getting punished if they dc too often.
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Uhhhh, what?
You do know I am the Claudette, right?
I didn't cancel the match for everyone by disconnecting.
Yeah, like, I am not the killer there.
Don't know why they think I did something wrong.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
Maybe they assumed GeneralV bullied the blight into quitting for some reason
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Heh, imagine that.
We all spawned together, right outside the Preschool. Blight came to us immediately because of Lethal Pursuer, missed a few hits then DCed.
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You know that in the screenshot you gave you literally said "ez" in chat to antagonize the killer and is usually the start of a toxic spree of people yelling at each other?
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I've not really seen many killers DC but is it a problem if they do? This forum seems heavily in favour of survivors DCing if they're not having fun, why is it bad for killers to do so?
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The last killer DC I can recall was a Blight whose dog was having problems, and I'm pretty sure they were telling the truth because it was hastily written out with misspellings.
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But the killer DCed and was, most likely, console. He wouldn't see it. That was a little joke for Jake and Ace.
EDIT: In hindsight, that wasn't the best idea. What I meant it as a joke is often associated with toxicity, so like... very bad call on my part.
Ah well, the killer didn't see it, so no harm was done.
Post edited by GeneralV on0 -
It's been weeks that I saw a killer DC.
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I get killer dcs constantly
last dc was a xenomorph because he didn’t hit me once and then one Gen got done
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Killers don't have a way of ditching a game while dodging that DC penalty. Unlike survivors who can ruin every game they get in all day, Killers who habitually ragequit get stopped from playing for awhile.
Also, like a few other ppl have said...actual DCs are a thing. I've been booted from matches that I've hade a rock solid lead, which is just PAINFUL. You lose out on the offerings and such and get 0 BPs because the servers hiccuped.
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So what ?
Take your free exit and be happy.
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I'm not surprised at all, but let's keep denying the poor state of the matches.
They can always add bot killers with perfect game sense and wallhack, sure that fixes the problem as it did with the other side.
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Should be like hara kiri from mortal Kombat.
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The fact that you even did it regardless shows that you are the exact type of player people complain about in regards to toxicity. At least you recognize that. But if i were you, i would look at the behavior that I do in game and in chat and reflect on that before i complain about other people. Admitting it was a good first step.
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I am not a toxic player. You can ask anyone who has ever played with or against me. I don't tbag, flashlight click, nor insult anyone.
Though I understand this one was a bad call on my part. It was supposed to be a joke for the other two survivors "ez escape", you know? And it was! But if the killer had seen that, it definitely wouldn't have the intended effect.
That was a mistake, but it is also an isolated event. It never happens.
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Something to keep in mind is when a player DCes, they get sent to that screen first. Also, the killer might NOT have been console just because they aren't on Steam. You also have...that OTHER PC platform...
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I didn't send it immediately. Even if it was... the OTHER platform, I'm convinced the killer didn't see it.
Still, it could have backfired in a way I didn't intend to. Not my brightest moment.
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Who cares about the killer DCing? It gives all the survivors a free win when they do. Take your points and move on to the next match.
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I thought it was a funny joke tbh
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Nah, everyone else here is right.
It was directed towards the survivors, "ez escape" since we didn't actually do anything. But this is often associated with toxicity and I should have thought of that.
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Yeah now that I think about it, it's funny to say "ez" if you get stomped, not as much so if someone else ragequits. Idk what I was thinking