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Solo Gameplay

Someone explain why survivors should even try playing anymoee when on Christmas day my first game on is a lethal pursuer nurse that hard tunneled, slugged, then air thrusts on the last survivor. Then the second game is a full slug/condemn knock out Onryo. Come on killer mains do better.

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  • Member Posts: 9,039

    The first pointer is why I run distortion

    not interested in being found by a nurse 4 seconds into the game

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I played two games on Christmas (yesterday here in Australia) and stopped because first was a camping killer and the whole game was hook trading, and second game I was matched with a trio who left me to die on hook. I think it's just a weekend/holiday thing. My games are usually all over the place during those times.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    Because the 2x BP is an incentive to make sure every match ends in a 4K. This is how many killers approach the event and survivors must start looking for matches with this in mind.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    This could not be more wrong. Just had a match with Clown where I could hook only 2 survivors. The team was genrushing and probably cheated as a Steve suddenly appeared behind me. There is a huge number SWFs out there at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 48

    This, I'm trying to have fun. Do challenges and killers want to slug, camp and tunnel. BM for no reason, I'm solo it's not on me if my teammates want to play like idiots.

    1st game on a Pyramid Head that slugged and tunnelled, second game, a Plague that tunnelled and hit people on hook, third game, Onryo slugging/condemn, forth game slugging Wraith.

    Like how is this fun???? There is no wonder that there is always a survivor bonus cos no one wants to play against that. Then they take great pride in making everyone miserable. Like just play the game, have chases, get hooks what is this new breed of killer who just wants to kill everyone quickly and chuck in the BM?

    Don't get me wrong playing killer I get full swfs where I can't do anything because they are working together so on the flipside that can be equally as frustrating but you know as a killer if you are in a winning position and you can adapt you can play. Maybe even you know let everyone have fun!

    This game will not last if BHVR don't commit to a party game or comp because the 2 types of players mixing is killing it altogether.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    It's not really a convincing argument if they were using cheats.

  • Member Posts: 421
    edited December 2023

    Then the second game is a full slug/condemn knock out Onryo.

    Guess they're just out there today. I regret playing this evening. I had two slug/condemn/knock out Onryos in three games. The third one was a Good Guy who was hard camping, tunneling and slugging from minute 1 and I assume my teammates were a 3SWF because nobody did gens, but they did just crouch close to hook and hook traded because they ran in injured or went down taking hits for absolutely no reason.

    I just noticed the start of the misery is just after the end of the bloodhunt. Looks like all the better survivors and normal killers stopped playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,198

    very far from a killer sided game in most ways. Have you played hawkins at all? It depends on killer but usually it's very survivor sided but survivors have to play pretty coordinated most of the time or just you know do gens then it's super survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 4

    There's a lot of comments about coordinated teams and SWF when I specifically bring up solo gameplay. Yes a SWF team can definitely out perform killers, but that drastically changes with a soloque team. There is no reason for killers to be playing the way they do sometimes regardless for points or a 4k. They can usually get the 4k if they just play normal.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Plus most of the times in a soloque game if killers played more normal they would get the 4k and the game is satisfactory for everyone. Even as a survivor I can justify tunneling, slugging, or camping in the right situation. Forcing that gameplay from the get go is just bad for the game.

  • Member Posts: 4

    The worst part is I had distortion on against the nurse, but I spawned next to my teammates and she just happened to find me via them lol

  • Member Posts: 303

    half the killer roster is unplayably bad. they can't compete

  • Member Posts: 14

    I got some similar when I was doing the survivor challenges. I queued up some games on bubba and billy to try and give people some lax games. Idk what has been in the air lately, but I have been hearing this from my friends that play survivor and seen it happening to some of the streamers I watch.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Nope. I only play past 11pm so I get survivors who know how to play the game. 100% killer always :)

    You likely play during high survivor hours such as 4-10, When most friends are playing together. Solos end up getting a very short end of the stick during that time.

    Games do seem unplayable when one survivor is mismatched due to autofill and/or doing challenges. That's what happens when your are down half a player off the bat.

  • Member Posts: 391

    It's literally 100% survivor bonus like 90% of the time. Solo players get the short end of the stick because the game is horribly balanced.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    It's always killer before 4pm and after 11pm for me.

    The game isn't as horribly balanced as you make it out to be. It's simply mmr not functioning, incentives to not play the game being in place and people just not playing to win. You can't balance around that garbage. Is blight with his add-ons too strong especially when tunneling? Yes. Is 90% of the killer roster and playerbase too strong when tunneling? Not really. I have probably 300 hours of survivor under my belt and even when being tunneled rarely have less than a 3 man out. I'm not defending tunneling I don't do it and it could be removed. You can't balance around people not wanting to win though, that's the essence of solo queue. Killlers typically are trying to win or just messing around completely due to the nature of the role. There's a good chance one survivor is just not playing to win.

    Also 4man solos are likely not too common, swf was taking up nearly 50% of the survivor playerbase before I started playing dbd years ago, I see no reason why that number wouldn't increase. Having a duo in a game is more likely than 4 solos for sure.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    It actually depends on region and MMR too. Back when I started on PS5 and was low MMR, the 100% bonus was on killer most of the time. At the same time though, on my Switch which had 2+ years of play time and firmly in mid-MMR it was 100% survivor most of the time. I'd literally have both switched on at the same time, one with killer bonus and one with survivor bonus lol

  • Member Posts: 937

    For me, survivor is nearly ALWAYS 100%.

    And yeah, I agree with mecca. I find it killer sided. Started since Chucky came out (playing killer, I mean) and it's quite simple.

    As someone who plays both sides, killer is way more easy. You just rely on yourself.

  • Member Posts: 464

    If every survivor would just bring a beefed up toolbox with hyperfocus, stakeout, fast track and built to last, and just focused on gens, 3.5 gens would be done on the first chase. Not only is solo q unorganized, but with pain res in play and tunneling at a premium, the 3v1 becomes nearly impossible. The only counterplay to the strong tunneling meta is if all a urvivors would just commit to actual genrushing every round.

  • Member Posts: 338

    First game of the day for me, so much fun at moment. Of course left to bleed out. Quality of matches is utter dreadful at the moment.

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