The Xenomorph

The Xenomorph should NOT be able to tail strike over a pallet when a survivor drops a pallet nor strike through a window when the survivor has vaulted it.
What would be the point of the tail attack in that case?
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So you want a killer that is worse than Freddy?
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Pallets/windows are not infinite protection. Huntress, deathslinger, trickster, artist, nurse, plague, nemesis, pyramid head can all get you after pallet/window, no reason Xeno shouldn't be able to. She's a mid range killer, needing to be farther away from her before pallets/windows are safe is her main power.
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As much as I dislike Xeno, this is too much.
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Huntress, Nemi, Pyramid Head, Trickster, even Twins can all do this 😭
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Basically a M1 killer without any power then.
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I mean, that's his power? So you just wanna remove his power without giving him anything?
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....seriously though, what would his power be at that point
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Because Xeno is PH on steroids, for one.
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You know Executioner can hit you through walls and objects right? If anything it's the other way around and PH is Xeno of steroids.
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He can switch to a different mode after an 1 second animation and a loud sound effect while Xeno has immediate access to the equivalent of a fat lunge, yes.
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Not even ?
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More like Pyramid Head is a baby Nurse, with the exception pyramid head says "HEY IM USING MY POWER!"
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I could see it yeah if you're using double range. I've made topics about it before but it's crazy to me how rare PH is in relation to how strong they are but then again so are a lot of killers.
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Exactly Pyramid Head can be strong but there's a lot of factors that goes into his kit.It becomes very apparent where the tier begins and ends with the player so yeah in it all depends on the player much like Nurse? But also survivors skill cap? You can be the best pyramid head but if you have good survivors you'll probably walk away with a 2k at best.Pyramid Heads worst enemy is time : /
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Of course it should. What are you talking about? That is very much a part of the balance of the killer. Survivors have flame turrets as a counter for the killer. If you aren't using those then that's on you.
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Because of the tail attack he has good chase power. But you have turrets at your disposal as a warning sign.
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Why xeno specifically? Huntress, nemesis, pyramid head, nurse, and can do the same thing. Its more strange considering xeno can have his power deactivated entirely.
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Strong doesn't always equate to pleasent and fun to play. PH is quite clunky and a good bit of his strength comes from his ability to tunnel more efficiently than anyone else.
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i see a Survivor Main who want to have easy escapes against Xenomorph instead of learning how to counter him 🤷🏻♀️
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Just don't drop the pallet, run to the side. Theyll usually strike and miss. Windows are a bit harder, because lots have stuff next to them so it can be hard to fake a vault.
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Bruh, April Fools is over 4 months away. That's literally the entire point of the Xeno - he is more dangerous at vaults and pallets at the cost of just about everything else he could have been given. He has map traversal, and he's dangerous at pallets\vaults...AND you have the ability to disable his power as a survivor. That's it. That's his entire kit. That's his entire point.
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In my experience, the tail barely goes over vaults and pallets anyway. With how weirdly the tail aims now, especially on console, I can't tell where it's going to hit half the time.
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So a killer with no power? Might as well do the same thing to huntress, deathslinger and trickster then!
After people started learning that turrets actually DO something and started placing them in more strategic spots (not directly in front of the tunnel/right by the gen. Don't do that) then xenos can consistently get knocked out of her power relatively easily making her a basic M1 killer
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yup. Clerarly they just had a bad match and its time to rant on the forums!