Should Distortion Have A Different Method For Regaining Tokens?

I don't think the perk is necessarily broken or over-tuned as it is. However whenever I play with randoms and they choose to hide all game I can always count on their perks being Calm Spirit+Distortion. Since being in the terror radius is the only requirement, they can have tokens all game without progressing the objectives or helping teammates. I think If instead tokens were earned by working on generators (similar to flash bang) or if they required safe rescues (similar to we're gonna live forever) the perk would let sneaky survivors be both sneaky and helpful. I don't want the perk to be nerfed, but I want it to better encourage team play.
I think it's fine the way it is. You could argue for building up faster/slower depending on how close to the killer you are, I suppose, to balance it for killers with a large TR. But then again, it's not very good against stealth killers as it stands.
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If anything Distortion needs alternatives.
The biggest issue it has atm is oversaturation from the pov of those who get countered by it. What do I mean? An aura-reading-reliant-build is by no means the norm - but if you do run one you will always notice a player running distortion and that number has gone up over the past year or so. And you will pretty much only see distortion (safe for the odd OTR where it actually hides the aura at a crucial moment) counter your build. So if you run into this whenever you play more than a handful of matches you will get tired of it really quick.
On the other hand: survs who don't want to be screwed by one of the many kinds of aura reading available have exactly one perk available to them. It used to be that you could tell which aura reading perk/add-on the killer had based on what happened; there were only so many. But now there are a ton of aura reading things that you will not be able to identify at all and consequently it's impossible to adjust your playstyle to it and "play around it".
One perk I would really look forward to is a perk that tells you (idk, smallgame style) whenever your aura is being read but doesn't actually hide your aura unless you're injured and within x meters of the killer. the first part would only give you information to help you adjust your playstyle. The second part is to make it more than just a gimmick for solo (in swf value is there already: call out perks and add-ons): it helps you out when you need it the most (e.g. healing against nurse's or being in a tile where a killer kicks a gen with nth) - while also being very anti "hide edgemap with distortion and never be seen" since you still show up with all the aura reading perks/add-ons that help a killer find survs that aren't right next to them anyway; e.g. floods, bbq, darkness revealed, murmur, gearhead - just to name a few.
Post edited by Halloulle on1 -
The only issue I have withit is that it recharges in chase. Stake Out only gains tokens while in TR outside of chases, both have a concept of staying hidden so why does Distortion gets rewarded for failing (You got found) - never made sense imo.
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Either make it like Stake Out where it doesn't charge in chase, or just make it take longer to recharge each token. No point in it even having tokens at the moment.
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Having it regain tokens from doing gens would make it quite a bit stronger against some killers.
Hook rescues would not be a good idea.
People hiding all game is its own problem. If BHVR can code in something to detect killers going for the 3 gen from the start, they really should do something like that for survivors hiding the whole game.
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Do Gen to gain token can work. Its the best change for both side. Getting rewarded by doing the same thing isnt good (Gabriel toolbox perk for example)
Perk lets you hide and gain token while doing so. Perhaps Distortion users wanna take chase, but that would not let them gain token, so they hide again. Being in chase can be a bad requirement.
May be gain 1 token doing every 30sec of Gen
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I'd say how fast they return should slow or not gaining tokens while in chase. Distortion is in almost ALL of my survivor builds, and it's incredibly rare that I don't have at least one token available. Only times I don't is when a killer is doing some sort of massive aura read build with addons and such.
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The tokens should not recharge during chase
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Yes! This! 1000% This! Tokens should not be earned by creeping around the killer, they should be a reward for completing objectives.
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Distortion is fine the way it is. As long as there are so many aura perks in the game, distortion if fine.
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Opposite. Tokens should only recharge in chase. Rewarding killer engagement with stealth capability later in the match. So instead of hiding all game, you're spending chase time to earn stealth.
Add in some tokens for getting hooked as well, so it has some minor anti-tunnel effect to compensate.
This'll encourage users to engage with the killer and take chases early-mid game in the hope of it paying off towards the end of the game.
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I would tie it with gen progress. At least it makes some of the msot useless team mates running it *actually do* something (looking towards distortion calm spirit players)
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No for the love of god and all that is holy leave it alone. They already ruined so many perks on both sides, enough lol
It's balanced. As a perk that often times is a wasted slot, just leave it be.
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Yep, c21 blight is the only great way to delete distortion.
The perk is gameplay denying
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gen AND chase time would be my suggestion. and maybe 20 seconds of them for one token not 30