Should basekit Blight be nerfed?

Title. His addons are changing soon, but do you think the killer is too strong even without them? Or is he fine? And what would you change about him if anything?
Asking because of how often I see him in balance discussions lol
Blight's addons is only thing that make him S tier. His basekit is perfectly fine and way more counterable than many people are pretending it is. He also needs his speed addons to have antiloop and give hits in most places same as Billy or Bubba (he is less depended on it, but anyway).
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No. He's very much fine. Is he strong? Yes, very much so, but he's still a skill killer and has reasonable counter play. (seriously, The Blight HATES lockers. lol.) And quite frankly, this game needs more strong killers, not less
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Just nuke the addons.
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Maybe, maybe not. This can be decided after they nerfed his Add Ons. If they nerf all of his problematic Add Ons (Alchemist Ring, Adrenaline Vial, C33, both Speed Add Ons) and he is still too strong, they can think about Basekit-Changes.
Personally, I dont think Basekit-Changes are needed (at least currently). And to be honest, before they touch Basekit-Blight they can give Nurse a proper Nerf which is actually impactful...
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No, I think they should learn from previous errors (Billy, Freddy) and take a more incremental approach with Blight. Start with the add ons and work from there.
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The moment BHVR makes him 4.4 m/s killer / makes you unable to destroy pallets with lethal rush, etc. he would be much less enjoyable for me.
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Unclear as of this time.
No Blight runs bad add-ons. It's hard to determine base strength without having any data.
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I don't think so.
As much as I dislike to play against this killer, his base-kit is fine.
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Yes. No killer should be able to win thousands of matches in a game. A hundred matches should even warrant a nerf.
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Yes. This has been evident to anyone with a bit of knowledge and proper understanding of the game ever since his introduction 3 years ago.
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Base-kit? No.
Add-on? Yes.
Fix his exploits? Hell, yeah.
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Please introduce me to the person winning thousands of matches as Blight without add-ons.
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Do people really believe the game needs more killers on the level of Blight? I knew this specific forum was biased but my god.
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Add ons are long over due for changing.
Basekit the only change I see is have his power work on an ammo system like huntress and trickster. Can't just keep pulling those syringes out of no where.
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More killers like addon-less blight? Um, yes. How is that even a question?
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Blight is not good an example for balanced killer. Chucky, Wesker, Xeno are strong killer but not op as Blight. This need to be direction to go.
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Momo and pretty much anyone that streams can get huge winstreaks. Killers are not balanced when you know how to play them.
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Without add-ons.
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Base-kit Blight is a pretty balanced killer, it just so happens that he has busted add-ons. There's a reason why the roadmap only states his add-ons will be updated.
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In the event that they nerf his addons and Blight is still crazy dominant they can revisit it. Take one thing at a time.
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Hot take: for the overall balance of the whole game: yes.
Then other aspects could be adjusted without making Blight and other killers (Nurse) overbearing.
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Some don't. His kit has the potential of being busted.
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Who doesn't? Could I get a name or a link to someone who has done Blight winstreaks without add-ons?
And what part of his kit has the potential to be busted? Specifically his base-kit. We're not talking about his add-ons here.
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Lots of things have the potential to do lots of things; that's not a good starting point for a nerf. If someone with 10-15k hours can do something amazing, you don't dish out nerfs because of it. You accept that that person is not representative of what 99.99% of players will encounter, let alone achieve, and move on because it's not actually a problem.
Blight's add-ons are the problem.
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I mean that should still require attention like in any game. Even if it is a small percentage of players. If a few players can "break" the game, it should be changed just because some haven't learned how to do it. Imagine if a survivor could learn a trick and can use that trick to win thousands of matches (escaping every time). Would you actually think that is fair to play killer against that person, knowing you had no chance to win?
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We don't know yet, nobody is playing base-kit Blight. But his base-kit should not be nerfed, add-ons first. And then we can collect data if his base-kit is fine or not.
Thankfully they are gonna change his add-ons only.
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I don't think so. But then again, I happen to think it's OK for the game to have a handful of very strong Killers that can really clean up. And he's definitely that. I think even a mediocre Blight could wipe the floor with most of the lobbies that I've ever been in. Plus, having him in the game as he is keeps the more competitive parts of the DBD community happy.
That said, I probably see one Blight a month. So no doubt I'd feel different about him if I saw him more often.
I do think certain maps and perks are a struggle to balance for all the other Killers with him in the game, however. Nurse and Blight sometimes feel like they've been teleported into the Entity's realm from some other game completely. If BHVR are aiming for a truly "balanced" game, they are kinda game breaking Killers in that respect.
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Yeah that's fair. I just hope they don't butcher his add-ons too much. Blight is strong but he shouldn't have Billy or Pyramid-tier add-ons but definitely not Wraith-tier either because that would be too strong.
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Basekit blight is completely fine his addons just reduce counterplay or remove his downtime as a m1 completely
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I lean towards basekit should get minor nerfs BUT start with the addons and then we'll see.
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No but only because they couldn't design a power to have any interactivity and be fun to face while being that strong again. At least I highly doubt it.
The add-ons at their current level can literally over double his strength. Alch-ring/green speed is roughly a 200-250% increase in power level not in a vacuum. Iri-tag/Alch-ring is roughly 400% power level increase in a vacuum. Imagine if wesker had stuff like that, it'd be the same story.
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#########, I guess we are nerfing speed limiter bubba then, Scot got 30 wins in a row withou camp/tunel
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I would like a slight nerf to his base recharge speed. I think ,even without add-ons, he is able to rush a little too often. For comparison, Spirit has a 15 second cooldown from a full power usage, whereas Blight has a 10 second cooldown to recover all charges.
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Considering I've never actually seen a vanilla blight, it's hard to say. If he continues to be an issue after the add on nerfs, then yes. If his only problems were the add ons, then no.
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When you know how to play killer you can break the game with anything.
There is numerous people getting huge winstreaks with any killer. The game is very unbalanced.
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Someone mentioned on the forums his hug tech had been deemed a bug by the devs that needed to be fixed. Obviously, I don't know whether this is true or not. If it is a bug I'd nerf that to work the Blight as intended.
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Being able to cross the map in a couple of seconds and then score a 4k in a couple of minutes seems broken af to me.
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His add on nerf will fix quite a few of his problems to be honest. I dont think his basekit should immediately receive a nerf even though I used to think so. What would fix him more than anything however would be removing his various exploits. Moon tech ect.
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Let me ask this: Why should his techs be deleted without saying the words "they are unintended"
Because that means literally nothing to any person who has any real video game history/knowledge.
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The issue really comes down to tunneling at the moment though. Low tier killers and some mid tier killers rely on it to ever go even/ win IN A EVEN SKILL LEVEL GAME. A high tier killer like blight is fine if he couldn't hard tunnel and his add-ons didn't give him a higher boost relative to his power than every other killer in the game besides Myers who has such a low base power level that purple tombstone is probably reaching 500% increase in power level.
Point is tunneling is op right now, matchmaking sucks and basegame mechanics that very much deter tunneling need to be added. Then we pray low tier killers can be buffed up without being abysmal or even more abysmal to play against then they already are.
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Then what about you show us you achieving the win streaks with any killers.
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I would agree with this.
However Blight is almost universally played with Shadowborn, and we're about to get an FoV slider effectively making that perk basekit, freeing up a perk slot for virtually every Blight.
I wouldn't be surprised if this had an impact on kill rates across MMRs, resulting in eventual nerfs.
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There is the odd (what I assume is a) "I'm too good at Blight and it's getting boring, so to spice things up I do Shadowborn only"-Blight. Among them a handful who are actually cracked and who destroyed us anyway (by "us" I mean potato me, another potato and two "come shack 1v1, bring Blight" - and who routinely run all kinds of Blights for several gens) with 15-40 seconds between downs.
My take based on that: if the player is cracked, knows the ins and outs of Blight and, almost more importantly, has not just the chase micro-game but also the makro game down, Blight is still extremely good. - At least as far as the potential is concerned. Question is: How will the not-cracked-player fare?
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Let's not be unreasonable. They would need to play killer more than only for dailies and/rift challenges (if they play killer at all)
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Then you gotta fix Collision on EVERY Object on EVERY map to actually work and not to slide off it like Butter...
Which won't happen cause it'll Break every Patch so..
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The hug tech bug needs to be fixed but that’s it.
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That's a "them" problem to fix for the long term, should they choose. If they say it's unintended or a bug - if that's what was said at all - then odds are they'll at least try to look for an alternative.
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Well this IS Behavior afterall..
They Roll a Update. One good thing leads to 10 bad things and 1-2 Killswitched for the time being till they "fix" it so...
The odds that they'll remove hug teching is very low since they would also have to Nerf multiple other Killers in the process,
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I mean SWFs with many hours are very hard to counter should they nerf basekit survivor?
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I don't see how blight being 110% would make him less enjoyable. You're gonna be using his rush the majority of the match.