Basement trapper is so boring.


I understand that Trapper is often considered a bottom of the barrel killer on the tier list. However, his only saving grace lies in sending players to a maps where the ground is hard to see, making it likely for someone to step on a trap, then forcing survivors into the basement with Iron Grasp, setting up traps on the steps for a easy domino effect.

While it makes sense to set traps at shack entrances and vaults, placing traps on the stairs to the basement is just too cheesy. Even with SWF coordination, its basically uncounterable, as no matter what you try, someone is guaranteed to go down for the save, or at the very least hook trade. I recently played a game against him with randoms, and one by one they all got trapped in basement for trying to get the save

I managed to win by focusing on generators and ignoring my teammates entirely.

I won but at what cost.


  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    You have to notice who you are playing against otherwise the entire team can perish.

    Basement Trapper is the same as Camping Bubba. It might be boring for some but others find these tactics efficient as they can just use the same perks / add-ons again and again.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,287

    I mean there are very few maps where his traps are hard to see, and even on those you can play around them by learning where the prime trap spots are and disarming them beforehand.