The Game NEEDS proximity chat. Here’s why. (Semi Solution to SWF being OP)
I cannot tell you how many matches I’ve had on dbd, as survivor, where I desperately want to tell a teammate something, in the moment. “Go do gens! You’re actually killing me by just standing and watching by the hook.”
”Don’t go that generator. It’s a corner generator. Please. Follow me to a generator more in the middle.”
”Don’t do that generator. It’s in the basement, and we’re playing against artist. We want to save those.”
”okay well if you’re not going to listen to me, I’ll atttract the killer to you. I’m not letting you ruin the generators so we can get 3 genned or are left with terrible last generators.”
etc. I’m sure there’s way more I have needed to say, tons of times.
this is why this game needs voice chat. survivors should be able to chat with eachother, but it can only be heard while nearby eachother. the killer can also hear them, but can’t chat back.
this solution would actually lessen the power of SWF’s. Because they have mics on, always able to hear eachother, tell eachother all the info and details at any second, etc. unfair advantage.
but if BHVR added the type of voice chat I described, that issue would be far lessened. Assuming that most multi queues/SWF’s would use the in game proximity chat instead once the feature was added.
I win almost every match I play as killer. I play survivor and killer equally. Some weeks I’m never in the mood for survivor, some weeks I’m never in the mood for killer.
But since I win 9/10 matches as killer, every time I play, it’s like every match is against a SWF/multi queue, etc. every match has at least one “TTV” name, they’re obviously mic’ed up, etc.
them all being mic’ed up is such an unfair advantage, and there’s literally nothing the killer can do about it.
there are COUNTLESS instances where I would’ve won as the killer if they hadn’t been sharing every little detail with eachother, in realtime. Who I’m chasing, where I’m at, where’s my totems, etc etc.
if there as proximity chat, instead? This would be the perfect semi-solution. Because I’m assuming most players would use that instead, while in a match.
Obviously not all would, but still.
thats one reason what it’s a semi-solution. The other is because, it’s still mic chat.
but in order to share information with eachother, you’d have to be near eachother.
This would be such a good solution to this problem that DBD has had for FOREVER.
Also, imagine how much fun proximity chat would be.
imagine hearing your friend scream, and their scream fade, as they’re carried away from you in the opposite direction.
The killer able to hear their screams.
If the survivor is cussing, or insulting killer, other survivors, etc?
You can press Esc/pause the game, and easily block/mute/ block or mute that person, and their voice chat will be silenced.
I do however, as a personal opinion, think that block and mute should be separate buttons in this menu. Block making their voice chat disabled completely until turning it off. Meaning even if you see them in other matches, they’ll still be blocked and silenced.
if you click “mute” they’ll just be muted for that game.
And then ontop of those two options, you can also report players, and their mic usage (possibly, by decision of BHVR) could be gone through to see if any harrassment was going on.
also, obviously, there would be an option in settings to just disable voice chat input and or output completely.
I sincerely hope DBD adds proximity chat already, soon. I doubt they’ll listen to me 😔but imagine if they did. The game would be greater, for it.
This is why it will be a bad idea. The racists, homophobic, misogynistic and sexist people will come out of the wood work. This can't be added.
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If I wanted to talk, I would play SWF... This won't solve anything, quite the opposite.
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So you mute them, and report them.... df? It's literally as simple as one button to fix that. Also you literally can still get that in text chat. No idea how your only argument for "this cant be added" is that....
You either clearly didn't read what I had said, or are just oblivious to it.
"quite the opposite" is absolute bs of a response. I literally explained, and I know I'm right, that if proximity chat was added, less SWF's would use global voice chat. meaning less instant details of the match, less knowing who's chasing who, where are totems, etc. Your "quite the opposite" argument literally shows how little thought you put into this idea, before even replying with your disagreement.
This would not fully abolish sfw's using global voice chat, but it would actually make a lot more not use it. And proximity chat would not be overpowered. You'd have to meet up with other survivors to communicate, obviously, which is also what people should be doing in the first place. To heal, do gens together, etc.
And that would also help the killer more, too, cause it would allow the killer to have survivors grouped up in areas together, allow the killer to hear them speaking, etc.
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People shouldn't have to hear that garbage in the first place. Plus, unless BHVR stops giving away the game occasionally on Epic and makes a decent sized team dedicated to moderating voice chat (which we know they won't) and banning every account they stored up last free week, it'll be a never ending problem.
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Just hearing what you would say to other survivors makes me not want it in game lol. I don't want to be told what to do unless im asking for your input. That would be super annoying. Plus you'd get so many people using it for unhealthy ways or just blasting horrible music incredibly loud thus defeating the purpose.
What I would suggest would be pre canned voice lines that would appear next to the characters portrait in the UI like "I'll go for the save" or "heal me please" those are basic examples but you get the point i'm trying to make. Yes if someone is paying attention to the UI these canned responses wouldn't be necessary but we all know that a lot of people don't understand the UI fully or what they should be doing in a given situation
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Have you not played Texas Chainsaw Massacre? You had to mute half of the lobby as people said the most disturbing stuff there, at a regular basis. Especially if you did something wrong, you were shouted immediately. This will not solve anything in my opinion, it adds more fuel to the fire.
Another point, most people that play by themselves or in a group are 50% likely to not care about you, or your intentions. So, communicating to players like this does nothing.
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If there was a proximity chat ingame survivors would use that... to insult the killer while still using the untraceable third-party-voicechats for proper talking/strategizing. Who'd use range restricted vc when theres discord?
Let's face it, survivors dont want voicechat added to the game, especially if it comes with restrictions. As soon it becomes part of the game, it'd be part of the game balance and thus be reason for buffs/nerfs.
Some sort of ping tool (glowing marker visible to people) or message system ( "heal me numbskull", "focus gens") would be preferable, even if the ping tool would also buff swfs even more.
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imagine the comunity is so toxic that the most basic thing game can have is not implemented because of that... it's so sad...
We could have a "wheel of chat" with basic dialogue interactions tho
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I would like to see chat wheel with multiple possible options and you could select let's say 5 options you want to use in game.
That would be way better feature than some player cards / borders...
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i'll give you credit. It took all the way to the fourth example for you to say you'd use proxy chat to bully people into playing how you want them to.
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If voice chat is added, how would individuals who do not share the same language communicate through audio?
Can a server be provided for each language for this purpose?
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some people enjoy solo q with no comms because it adds to the spooky survival aspect of the game. and not all swf are coordinated to the point of toxicity. i think you’d be surprised to see how many swfs are on call with each other talking about tv shows and snacks or just being quiet until something major happens.
comms/swf is not as big of a problem as people make it out to be. i solo’ed for years and years until the last month when i started to swf with my partner. can confirm there’s little to no difference besides the fun of gaming with someone rather than alone. but that’s all online games.
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So you turn off voice chat in settings.... as I stated you'd obviously be able to do if they added this as a feature....
Nobody here is defending hate speech....
literally same solution to your argument: turn off voice chat in settings.
Secondly, what's wrong with me telling teammates that they shouldn't be doing corner generators first, or should go do gens instead of standing around while I'm hook camped?
The fact such bad replies have 4 upvotes and such is just truly depressing. goes to show how the majority of people think, though, I guess. that or sheeple mentality.
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You're literally wrong, it would not "add fuel to the fire" it would make the situation better. The rest you said before that is literally the same sh as the previous reply by you.
Also no idea why you're talking about. Whenever I'm in solo queue I RARELY get teammates that are queued up together. like 1/10 chance from what I've seen. so... the rest of what you're saying isn't even true as well.
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I've played enough of other online games to know that in game mics are, while being a good idea to balance for SWF, a really bad idea in general for SoloQ.
If you've played any other online game, you know a small % of people actually use it to be useful to their team. The rest either disable it, mute everyone, troll players not in their group or be verbally abusive to the extreme at times. And I doubt BHVR will be able to manage sorting through reports of players harassing through mics if they have a hard enough time dealing with other issues through the in-game report system.
And trust me, I'd love mic use as much as the next guy because I have a soundboard to goof off with, but even I know there are some really bad people who would use it to grief their team and in most cases there's more of them than there are players with well intentions.
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I like that you gave your own suggestions on the idea, but I still disagree. I think many people would enjoy using the in-game proximity chat and having fun with it rather than global chat/discord.
Also obviously global chat for killer or survivors should never be added, so that's off the table.
Proximity chat would also add funny and fun moments, which tons of people would live for, ttvs and content creators would enjoy, etc.
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I'll give you credit. It took you all the way to the fourth example for you to get triggered and claim that me trying to help the team actually survive is "bullying".
Sheeple don't usually last that long.
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They'd probably queue you up with people nearby, yeah. But even if not, terms like "generator!" and "hook!" possibly even "help!" etc, would probably be recognized pretty easily lmao.
I appreciate the reply. However I do think that if anyone isn't interested in hearing others, and just want a communication off multiplayer game, they could just turn off VC in settings.
As for the other thing you mentioned, idk. I win 9/10 of my killer matches, without a doubt making my "mmr" or whatever high, and pretty much like every match I get as killer, it's against a sweaty bully survivor team clearly mic'ed up, telling eachother what gens to go on, where's my totems, where I am, taking a hit at the EXACT perfect moment cause they can tell their friend across the map to "come here im about to go down im running out of pallets after these 3", etc.
There have been countless rounds where I 100% would've won if the enemy team wasn't a 3-4 SWF queue with global chat.
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This is the like actual first constructive and non-accusatory reply, that is not in favour of the idea, on here. Thank you for actually giving your opinion and not being toxic about it. I appreciate your input, and the other more recent replies. The first couple were just toxic as hell.
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I try to explain my point of view as best I can is all. Ultimately it's up to BHVR to add/change things in the game, but if I can offer any arguments without coming off as toxic and others do the same, it makes for a clearer picture for all sides on the off chance devs do read these topics.
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A large portion of players treat dbd like qp, so most would opt out of vc or just not talk.
A ping system is a far better idea.
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This sounds like massive copium. SWF is literally the only way some people can have any fun in this dumpster fire of a game.
What would be the point of prox chat? No one wants to hear about how much they suck from some random who has done nothing but play DBD for the past 7 years. And as many have said, not everyone would partake in it. If it ever got added to the game, I would just unplug my mic/headset any time I was SQing because I refuse to be part of any of that nonsense.
As someone who's been playing DBD since day one, I would HATE to see more people driven away from this game because of how toxic other people can be in this community and even if it doesn't start off that way in a match, it always very quickly devolves into someone yelling slurs at everyone else because "you guys aren't doing what I want."
The solution is just so terribly simple as well to all of this. Just get a friend group. Pretty much every match after I play, I have people adding me. And even if you don't have people adding you after matches, you can always go to the Discord server and find 3 other people. Hell, you can use the LFG right here in the forums.
Not every problem requires a new solution. Sometimes, the answer is right in your face the whole time.
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Help? Ah, yes, because having a tantrum and threatening to throw the game if someone doesn't do what you want them to is helping. No, it's being childish, it's being entitled, and it's attempting to bully strangers into compliance in the most hilariously ham-fisted way possible. The examples given by others in this topic as to why proxy chat is a bad idea are all great. The examples you gave are equally great in proving it a bad idea. Your behaviour now is an even better example as to why it's a bad idea; your rude, combative demeanour isn't going to diminish if you're given a mic and a captive audience.
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Well the problem with the map is that its a lackluster item+addon combo costing ingame money instead of a free feature.
Oh, I do support adding unrestricted VC (like current thirdapps) to survivor tho, just that it needs to be part of the balance.
IDV's messages rock and "repair gens" and"heal me" would be such a boon for dbd.
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This game has to many aggressive people for this...we are not mature enough for proximity chat...we can't have nice things.
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Verbal abuse notwithstanding, If this is added to the game, it becomes the default. Even if there's an option to mute it, survivors will be expected to use it, and then those that choose not to will get greifed. Either people will lobby dodge if they know their teammates arent on chat, or they'll sandbag the ones not talking/listening.
This will be a downgrade for those who want to play solo and don't want to use voice chat. They'll receive more toxicity. Also, a more accessible chat system could result in lower kill rates and therefore killer buffs, which in real terms would be a nerf for actual solo survivors. Widening the gap between "SWF/verbal survivors" and "non-verbal/solo survivors".
None of that is necessary. Voice chat is already available. Those that want to use it can play in a SWF and use discord.
In game voice chat isn't actually a buff for solo survivors, it's just making SWF more numerous. It's not helping actual solo survivors (people who want to play solo) it's just making SWF easiler/more braindead to organise.
If you want voice chat, play in a SWF. It's already so easy to set them up, join a discord group, a facebook group, whatever. Don't be lazy.
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I dont think dbd needs voice chat.
Rather more emotes and a ping location system for Survivors.
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I literally played the game for 3 weeks straight after it's release with another buddy of mine, and 90% of the time we were muting other players for being racist, making dark or edgy jokes, making obnoxious noises down the microphone or they were just screaming at each other. How this is a solution baffles me. And it's obviously why they've never added it to this game after 7 years as they realise it isn't a good idea most likely. People praised TCSM when most of the time they spent muting other players, check reddit or their discord and people will easily tell you. Sure, you have great and amazing players who voice chat sensibly and as a team, they to perform well in the game. Whilst you have the vast majority of players that don't care and will make you mute them. And you've muted them you seriously expect them to play the game normally? This issue even happened within Evil Dead The Game.
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Compare it to Evil Dead: The Game, before that completely died and stopped receiving development it was very frequent to see the community being toxic to each other than the game being toxic. Someone picked the character they wanted to play? Well, now you've got them screaming and throwing a tantrum at you. It was pretty much like TCSM but more extreme. You had racial slurs almost every game, players threatening each other, people blaming each other for mistakes and being yelled at in general. And players will just go ahead and get the lobby killed if they didn't like something. 2 asymmetrical horror game which voice chat and look the issues it has. Voice chat is not a solution if people can't use it appropriately. It adds more fuel to the fire.
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Do you think those players don't do the same thing in other ways via steam? Not having voice chat doesn't magically erase their issues and it would open them up to an easy ban so their problems don't become everyone else's the next day. Punishing people that want to work with their team effectively in a game so heavily reliant on them doing so because of a few bad players isn't the way. It's providing players with the tools to report them quickly and without much effort.
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Base game voice chat was a terrible idea in the past and it still is and always will forever be a terrible idea no matter what.
There will never be an iteration of a base game voice chat that wouldn't bring more cons than pros into the game along with all the things it would bring with it, such as people playing obnoxious music, mic spamming, people openly mocking or shitting on the other side for doing poorly, every kind of slur being used to any player on the map for any reason.
It doesn't matter how much of a percentage of people that will use it seriously when the majority of solo players will most likely either not use it entirely or they'll just use & abuse it for anything other than what it's intended purpose is for as people over the internet cannot be trusted to behave themselves.
Don't believe me? Just look to literally any major pvp game (especially the ones with very sweaty playerbases) that has base game voice chat and having ways for players that allows them to express themselves in-game to others, the result is always the same no matter what.
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Well said.
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Voice chat in any shape or form will never be the solution to anything in this game. The biggest part of the community will not use voice chat, and those who will use it will use it for other purposes other than gameplay. You can see how bad it has worked in other games of the same genre (TCM, where the amount of clips of people using it to harass others and/or simply say slurs and stuff). In this game not everybody is on the same page, not everybody plays for 4000USD every match and it will even tier apart the community more to have people yelling at each other because of a bad play, a bad call out, etc. That's without the fact that it will take tons of effort to moderate. Please, only recently we got a feature to receive feedback on successful reports and it takes a lot of time already, I couldn't imagine how hard it would be for them to moderate and control what goes on in voice chat (which would include support for translation of every language to be sure what everybody could get to say there, so more staff they would need to make sure it works properly and there are no issues with languages).
Even in competitive games that everybody should be on the same page such as Overwatch most of the people don't use it every game nor interact with it and it's mostly used to be sassy and annoying to others.
The true solution would be a ping wheel accessible to everybody that would not give chance to any shape of harassment, easy to use and understand for everybody even between different languages since it works with the in-game language, etc. Most people don't want to talk to randoms in online games and feel unsafe doing so for several valid reasons, so please, understand it.
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They need to add at the bare minimum preset messages because the biggest killer of solo queue teams is the vagueness of what icons can tell you and the inability for survivors to tell their intent. If someone is being camped it's hard to tell if meg is looping a killer and it's safe to get an unhook or is merely getting chase because she's sitting near the killer waiting for someone to double save.
She can't tell you that she needs someone else to save and you can't tell if someone else is already making their way there. It's the same for normal saves as well where multiple people have to get off their gens because you can't always know the intent of the other players. If something simple like that was added it would make solo queues play way smoother. No more 2 person saves where the last person is being chased and no gen progress is happening.
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SWFs would just still use Discord and could still chat map-wide, it wouldn't weaken them at all. They wouldn't start using the much weaker ingame chat. What?
Also I'm fairly confident that most solo queue players would always have it turned off so it wouldn't do a huge amount to help them.