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  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    How do basekit BT and the AFC system cover for a lack of game sense? No amount of game sense will stop a killer from hard-tunnelling or facecamping if it's mechanically possible for them to do it. Neither are things game sense could beat, or could prevent, so they're out as examples here.

    The removal of unhooking grabs... there's a bit more of an argument there about game sense, kinda, but it ties in to camping. If the killer's camping, no amount of game sense will stop that.

    Now the 3-genning solution, which is the first thing actually beatable with the right tools and mindset, but it's not exactly healthy for the game if the killer sticks by a 3-gen and refuses to actually down + hook survivors. Even if we were to agree that it's unnecessary, though, that's one example, so not a pattern.

    I do agree the person you're responding to was silly to say the FOV slider is tone-deaf, to be clear, I was just confused about your comment regarding game sense.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023

    The first three things all removes the same level of game sense: The need of making your build with those cases in mind, the need to know how to coordinate with your teammates to do saves (now only reserved to the EGC, where if done correctly it would almost always grant the save without the need of having thought that it could happen beforehand), and having the enough common sense of knowing that if a killer with an instadown is camping the hook it would require extra effort to go for a save, so you should decide if it is worth it or it is better to just do gens (funny enough, it appears that most people don't even have the enough game sense to know that now if you see the killer camping you should get out of there and let the AFC do it's job) among other things.

    Now we will have to see what the anti 3 genning is about, but if it is something that prevent survivors getting punished for not putting some thought on what 3 gens are letting the killer have at the end, it would be another one to add to the list.

    And don't get me wrong, most of those mechanics were implemented in a "fair" way (with some caveats, like I said with BT in the endgame) and I don't have any problem with them. Doesn't change the fact that they were game changing and made to cover for the lack of game sense of survivors, so it is funny to see survivors complaining that adding an accessibility feature along the 4º base mechanic to solve their gameplay problems for them is so unbalancing that is going to completely break the game.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023

    In summary: "They not cover for survivors, they are needed features so survivors can get the best experience out of the game and have fun playing it", just as I said in the first post.

    Anyway, again, I don't mind as long as they aren't abusable by survivors or an unearned advantage, so I don't have more to say about it. Just that again, is funny that BHVR is so killer sided for adding a FoV slider for killers after 4 base mechanics for survivors.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    You seemed to be saying it sarcastically, hence my asking for clarification. You certainly seemed to be arguing against that point up to this stage, too.

    Because, yes, they don't cover for lack of game sense, they were addressing base game flaws.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023

    I think you didn't understand, what I'm saying is that just as I said in the first post, you are giving that "explanation" of why those base mechanics that covers for survivors "are needed", almost like it is what every person defending them says (or maybe I can see the future, who knows...).

    Because they do cover for survivors, as already explained. If you want to call it "base game flaws" to justify the fact that the game cover for the lack of game sense and skill of survivors, you do you. If that was the case, they could have done a lot of other things that still required survivors to apply gameplay solutions while solving those "design flaws" in their more extreme form only, instead of applying general nerfs in form of base mechanics that cover for every situation and case so they don't even have to worry about it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Not at all? They're different statements. There is no game sense to cover for in your examples, because those things aren't a case of only struggling because you don't understand the game fully, nor are they situations that you can overcome with a superior knowledge of how a match is progressing.

    It's not covering for a lack of game sense. That's a separate sentence to talking about why these things were added. That's why I was responding to your explanation- it's flawed, and doesn't prove the thing you're saying.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023

    The only thing I would say is that you have the misconception that "game sense" only applies to have knowledge of the game. While in part is true, having game sense also implies that you would make the right calls at the right time with that knowledge, which also needs skill. For example, if you can't coordinate to do a save without a "3, 2, 1, GO!" in voicecomms is also having a lack of game sense.

    Other than that, I already said what I had to say about the topic. I would only point out that your explanation of "they are needed" are not any proof that they doesn't cover for a lack of game sense either. For example, the fact that having to take in count the possibility of you getting tunneled or camped on hook while making your build could lead to "stale metas and an irritating stifle on player expression" doesn't change the fact that you don't need to even think about it now as the game cover those cases for you. So, you are free to contribute in the stale and irritating meta of having WoO + the 3 builds that everyone else use (a lot of player expression in survivor's builds, without doubt).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    So, your second paragraph here is repeating that same error I was talking about before. What you're describing, with needing to account for camping and tunnelling being something uncounterable without perks while crafting your build, isn't game sense outside of the most basic level of understanding camping and tunnelling exist. The systems in place to address camping and tunnelling aren't covering for a lack of game sense, they're just allowing those tactics to be (at least partially) countered using game sense instead of using perks.

    Another great example is actually hook saves. Before the survivor HUD, there was no amount of game sense that would let you make the right decision without assuming your teammates are doing something useful, which is just a guess, or without bringing Kindred. Now, though, with the survivor HUD added, the player's game sense is what dictates if they're making the right call, not whether they brought the single correct perk in the loadout screen.

    TL;DR, not wanting to be forced to run very specific perks is not a lack of game sense. The systems that addressed this need for specific perks actually enable game sense, they don't cover for a lack of it.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    All changes to the game has been BHVR at the root. They always have final say ofc. But!

    According to survivors, the genrush meta is in response to tunneling. There's no time to do anything else. Healing, regression perks, etc don't really matter when tunneling is rampant like this. But I'll assume you are correct, in which case gen times have nothing to do with anything. Everyone always has a 'If this was adjusted, things would be fine.' You've chosen increasing gen times. Others have suggested perk adjustments, not giving either side haste mechanics, etc etc.

    Tweaks like everyone is suggesting won't fix an inherently bad game. Party game became popular and the player base wants it more balanced and competitive. BHVR isn't equipped to do either of these things. So here we are on the forums, blaming the other side lol. So Ill jump on.

    Nuh uh! Genrush meta is direct result of Killer's tunneling and getting healing and such nerfed into pointlessness. :)

  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 52

    Your roadmap is missing Nerf Chuckie

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    Chucky isn‘t too strong. I would also go so far to say he is balanced and weaker than the stronger killers.

    I just think it‘s a missed opportunity that you can‘t turn beyond 90 degree in his sprint.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    Can you change MFT so that you get the 3% speed bonus only as obsession and that it increases the chance to be the obsession.

    Right now it‘s only an useless perk.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177

    I am really excited about the FOV slider! I m on PS5 . On Console you only get one look around speed (compared to mouse which is much more responsive/customizable). I play at 70~75% sensitivity, and even at that speed sometimes PC players can do POV techs that need a quick snap to see what they're doing which is harder to do on sticks. With FOV, I feel like it'll even the playing field a bit.

    I donnu why 3-gen solution is a thing. I don't think there is a 3-gen problem in the current state of the game. Additionally a "natural" flow in the game is for survivors to move around after doing a gen as to NOT 3-gen themselves. A 3-gen solution might just bring about a gen hopping play-style which survivors finish nearest gens faster without worrying about consequences.

    Looking forward to Perk reworks (specially Grim Embrace). Hopefully, they'l be viable and add variety to the meta abit.

  • BasementKing
    BasementKing Member Posts: 46

    UW - definitely deserves nerf

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    The current killer FOV is an active inhibitor. I'm not speaking on the motion sickness side of it. The FOV is so narrow a survivor can almost run a complete circle around me and I can't see them. Or one can hide at my feet and unless I look down I can't see them. That's ridiculous. Even for DBD.

    I welcome the FOV slider.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    I wish they released the Dev update already, I hope it's not day before PTB like last year!

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    I still dont understand why some perks get the "super-easy-to-do" number changes, but the other 50 perks that would need such changes are getting ignored for another two or three years. Balancing out several dozens of perks could be so easy for BHVR.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    With these changes Save the Best for Last can be hard countered if the obsession has Plot Twist.

    It will enable survivors to remove all stacks from a safe location, far from the killer. There will be nothing the killer can do to stop this from happening. Most killers will likely report this as a bug because they will see their stacks dropping, but won’t immediately understand why. This is obviously a bad experience for any killer players who get hit with it as it would negate their build entirely with nothing for them to do to stop it.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301

    Sneak a map offering rework in there please !

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    About "Decisive Strike" I thought it could have these changes:

    -the stun lasts 5 seconds, however, killer can reduce the stun time with the "endurance" perk

    -The perk would work in the end game

    -The perk would not deactivate when performing actions, but it would deactivate when receiving grabs of any type

    - The perk does not activate if an injured surv heals completely before being hooked into the match

    The idea is to make the perk useful when the killer is just tunneling the surv and not to function as an extra cure as it usually is.

    I would like there to be some changes that are not on the list, I'll give you an example:

    -Buff on Spine chill: the perk is only valid when the killer sees you, it could alert the surv 

    when the killer is looking at the surv through aura reading and killer instinct

    -Killers couldn't see the hooks'regression bar or the survs' dying state: many killers wait until the last second to

    put a surv on the hook, leaving it on the floor and looking at

    bar to control this, which generates toxic plays

    -Remove unhook cancel from survs:

    There are survs that use unhook cancel to trap a hooked surv, preventing others from saving, in addition, by removing the

    grab hooks by killers it no longer makes sense for this mechanic to exist

    -Option to surrender when in the dying state when there are only two survivors alive: it is very common to see killers who leave one survivor in the dying state and look for the other to get 4 kills, to prevent the fallen survivor from waiting to end a  lost match , he could give up the match without being penalized, because a bot will replace him in this situation

    -killers shouldn't know that there are bots in the match

    -Buff on "Blood echo" perk: could activate when generators were completed, increasing the chance of affecting players injured during a chase

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I just want some different emotes. This could be for both sides too.

    To add on to the hype I am excited for the changes. I will keep playing on both the sides and enjoy. Keep up the work on the game trying to fix things to fit everyone’s expectations is incredibly hard.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I take it back. As long as the 4 survivors are simply trying there is not enough time to stop them with most killers.

    One good chase and 3 gens down. Definitely looks like they should buff survivors right.