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General Discussions

What is your dream chapter?

Member Posts: 1,060
edited January 2024 in General Discussions

I always wanted a chapter with Esther from the Orphan movies, to me it would make so much sense, though I'm not going to explain why it does, the twist in the 2009 film is disturbing and is the reason why I believe Esther should be a killer. (not spoiling what the twist is though!!)

For the ones that are unfamiliar with the films, here are the posters:

First one is the 2009 film, second is the one from 2022, both I highly recommend watching, their both great films in their own ways.

What is your dream chapter?

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  • Member Posts: 5,958

    To answer the title, it'll always be The Evil Within for me.

    we got very close when the creative director of EW designed skins for DbD, but now i don't know how likely it is.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    edited January 2024

    I already have mine:

    Sadly, I am not really happy with the changes its contents has received throughout the years.

    But its on-release version?


    EDIT: And one day, my favorite killer will return to this game <3

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Bloodborne, with The Shining as a close second.

    Sadly, I don't think there is any chance we'd ever get either. Maybe The Shining, but my dream of Father Gascoigne as the killer will never come true.

  • Member Posts: 5,347
    edited January 2024

    My two absolute favourite licenses have come out (Silent Hill and Alien), so I'm pleased to see those two in the mix.

    If there was one chapter I'd absolutely love, it would be The Magnus Archives. It's a podcast, which would be something new. Also, the amount of options for Survivors and Killers are plentiful. Killers alone would have a variety of unique powers, from twisted pocket dimensions of non-sensical hallways, to making people unable to recognise each other, to sending waves of predatory maggots and many, many more. Even the lore from both could have some links.

    Other than that, a few others would be The Evil Within, Haunting Ground, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Slumber Party Massacre 2, Pearl, M3gan and Alice Isn't Dead.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Chucky was ... So... Nothing left.

    But i want to see Scooby Doo squad as survivors or skins.

  • Member Posts: 366

    A chapter/paragraph that adds content from Manhunt would be amazing as it already has an obvious survivor to choose. While James Cash isn't so much helpless as he is deadly, him avoiding being spotted by his opponents is already his thing.

    That said, the dream part of this would be having the Director, Lionel Starkweather, make a return and narrate the match as you play! Whether it's cheering your recklessness or heckling you for getting hit or hooked, it would amazing to have a narrator for matches. And so far the only thing close to that is Good-Guy and Naughty Bear.

    The reason I mention "paragraph" is that there isn't too unique of a character to be a killer proper, so why not bring everyone as cosmetics/legendarys for various killers to wear!

    (Would also be worth mentioning that the narrator idea even works in the case of adding Danny from Manhunt 2 as a legendary, as you'll instead be hearing Leo demand you to engage more with the killer, instead of Starkweather.)

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Esther used many weapons like a gun, gasoline to destroy a treehouse, a pillow, a kitchen knife, a hammer, she also jumps out and attacks her victims (for an example her bully at the park).

    I think different types of weapons can spawn around the map that give her different abilites, unique and different compared to each other and her "stealth" ability can be like hiding in lockers and gaining a sprint to attack when ready, she can press the ability button to run out at the survivor and hit them.

    Her scars are a very sensitive part to her, in the end of the 2009 film we see her remove scar coverings, and she wipes her makeup off in the end "after twist is revealed", and goes fricking ballistic to the mother, and the little sister, I think an ability that charges up and allows her to do something like take off the coverings and become undetectable for quite a while (in the film she was quite stealthy in the end), and have something else but I'm not sure.

    I'm not the best with coming up with chapters but having Esther in game would be amazing, especially with a power that suits her character.

  • Member Posts: 555

    Yes! I would love to see Scooby Gang in dbd. If they were skins I am almost sure Meg would get the Daphne skin.

    My other one would be a paragraph with the Legendary Sydney Presscot, Gale skin. Alien, Stranger Things and Saw were the ones I wanted in the game the most.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    BHVR delivered by including many of my favourite horror franchises. I only miss some more skins for Freddy (emphasis is on recognising Mr Englund).

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    It would have to be The Thing it has all the potential, great maps, greats survivors, one of the most iconic killers, along with lots of skin potential. And I am very big fan of the film.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    I want a second Stranger Things with Robin, including her Scoops Ahoy uniform to match her best friend Steve.

    As far as fully new, this is and will always be my dream chapter:

  • Member Posts: 405

    Been wanting this since day 1:

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    Hannibal & Clarice from The Silence of The Lambs

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Stranger Things 2 or a JoJo chapter.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Deadly Premonition, featuring Francis York Morgan as the survivor, the Raincoat Killer as the killer, and the town of Greenvale as the map. Though the tough part is the Raincoat Killer doesn't really have a power to work with (all he does is swing an axe around), and Deadly Premonition is an extremely niche title, so it's unlikely to ever happen.

    Alien was my other dream chapter but that didn't turn out so well. They could make an Aliens chapter and give me a Hadley's Hope map and one or two of the Colonial Marines as survivors, that'd make me happy.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Supernatural chapter with Sam and Dean hopefully being voice acted by Jared and Jensen

  • Member Posts: 786

    Tools Of Torment II: The Heart Merchant

    On a real note I think right now my only huge wish for a chapter is maybe Until Dawn

  • Member Posts: 4,092
    edited January 2024

    Since I got mine, which was ringu, I'll say my friends

    One wants IT

    One wants Fnaf

    One wants Outlast

    If I had to pick another one I would want it would probably be The Crooked Man. Which isn't technically a license

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 81

    I'd love a beast-like killer: a bear, werewolf, hellhound, ... Whatever'll growl at me and wants to tear me to shreds really

    I'd even be happy with beast with Belle as the survivor counterpart ;)

  • Member Posts: 175

    Until Dawn for sure. Wendigo killer, with Sam and Mike as the survivors - the other characters being legendaries for each.

    Other licenses I'd love after include Haunting Ground, Rule of Rose, Fatal Frame, Insidious, and plenty more.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Anything Cthulu inspired, or at least a dark sea horror.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited January 2024

    Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Jurassic Park. My other dream chapter was Alien.

    Out of the three, I think only Gremlins would be fully accepted by the fanbase. The other two are only really horror adjacent to most people (I think Jurassic Park is horror and I will die on that hill). Then again, we also got Nicolas Cage and that's pretty out of left field, so who knows?

    I would be so, so happy if Gremlins made it into the game.

    A second Evil Dead chapter with Evil Ash Williams would be awesome too. And I hope we get the real Freddie and Jason Voorhees one day too, but that probably goes without saying.

    I think a few smaller Horror IPs might make for some cool skins. Purge masks for The Legion for example.

    And Kazuo Kiriyama from Battle Royale would make for a sick Trickster skin. Swapping his knives out for an Uzi would work and he could have a unique Mori using a megaphone to amplify his victim's screams across the map. This is probably a bit too obscure a license to pursue though, to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Lim Dul from M:tG with some plainswalkers as survivors?

    Something Godzilla related lol.

    A classic Demon would be sweet. Big, red, fiery maybe. Not sure about survivor aspect on this one lol

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited January 2024

    We're still missing key cosmetics such as Scream robe and Buck 120 knife for Ghostface & Robert Englund Freddy Krueger or key IPs such as Friday the 13th & a few other IPs, however my dream chapter and honorable mention dream chapters are the following.

    Dream Chapter



    Honorable mentions



    RE-ANIMATOR (Stuart Gordon adapation)





  • Member Posts: 809

    I have an unusual one, because it's not a horror, but it did give people terrifying experiences in childhood.

    Diablo, and to be exact, The Butcher.

    Gameplay-wise, it would probably be something between Oni/Blight and Deathslinger.

    Even if not as another chapter, it would work great as a skin too

  • Member Posts: 70

    Well, DBD has Alien, Halloween and Ash. I also got Bill from Left 4 Dead. I know, but never saw or not familiar with the other classic franchises which already in the game. Still my ideas, hopes are Predator and Dutch, The Thing (with Kurtl Russel voicing MacReady), Dead Space, Alan Wake and Terminator. Maybe Doom, but I wonder the Doom Slayer will be a Killer or Survivor? :D

  • Member Posts: 177







  • Member Posts: 14,890

    we got Alien.

    though I do hope they revisit it, make Alien a little bit more fun to play as and give some more skins for Ellen. Possibly with Alien: Isolation stuff eg Amanda legendary. Could the androids work as a legendary for another original killer?

    Also, give me Jonesy in the lobby even when I carry an item. Dammit.

    as to other chapters/licenses. Too many. Until Dawn would be cool, especially with Sam. Give her an exhaustion perk where she can climb small ledges eg on the hills.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I want until dawn just for the wendigo it would be amazing if we got a killer with a “don’t move” part of its power

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    There's a lot of licenses I want but ultimately I want The Thing in the game. The map, the obvious pick for the survivor MacReady and The Thing.

  • Member Posts: 422

    for me it is definitely tomb raider

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Can’t really imagine it right now but it could be a really unique killer and i would love to see BHVRs take on it especially considering they must have good relations with supermassive games! (If only Sony wasn’t in the way…)

    maybe even a pounce that borrows something from Singularity (jumping on the wall instead of these pods and then on a surv)

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Jurrasic Park / Jurrasic World most probably. Lockwood estate or inside an exhibit with the Indoraptor as killer and Dr Malcolm as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 9

    i'd kill for an outlast chapter; i would like to see how bhvr might portray walrider or someone from trials.

    one not many people would want though is a cod bo2 zombies chapter; panzer soldat with richtofen as the survivor - maybe legendary skins for the others.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Essentially everything that I'd consider a dream chapter for me is already in the game. Although I'd say that I'd like to see a Dead Space paragraph. I recently got the game and have been playing through it and it's a lot of fun. Other than that, all my dream chapters are in the game already.

  • Member Posts: 2,811
  • Member Posts: 367

    i want the legend not what we have now. wont ever happen tho sadly.

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