Why is solo SO bad in 2024

solo gameplay wise is the best its ever been with survivor hud changes, anti camp, anti tunnel etc, but my god solo mindset wise is so god damn bad atm some days solo is legitimately unplayable because every single game atleast 1 person will give up, dc or afk and idek how you would fix this outside of fixing the playerbase (obviously impossible)
hud changes aren't enough for solo to compete with swf
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We desperately need basekit Kindred (NO killer aura)
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I'm struggling with my killer, too. I'm at Iri rank II but I'm not sure I'll have the patience to reach rank I this month.
Also, when losing to a team (0K) with my Clown a rare phenomenon occurred. The survivors were toxic with the 4th individual for making mistakes and deliver me to them multiple times during the match. I highlighted the guy was the only one tea-bagging which was quite toxic. They agreed and said GG.
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It's 100% a matchmaking problem. My solo queue matches go one of two ways:
A: my teammates are about my skill level, but we face a relative baby killer who gets a couple hooks and we 4 out.
B: I have one decent teammate and two players who compete to be the worst players alive, and the killer is something like a quad slowdown Blight with thousands of hours. Game is lost as soon as the match is made.
There are probably close to 100k players peak, yet it is so exceedingly rare that I feel like I had a solo queue match that was well made. Something is always off. The teammates are great and the killer is awful, or the teammates are awful and the killer is good. I don't know what it is about how they built the algorithm, but it is almost impossible for it to put together a well played match that results in a 2k.
And maybe I'm wrong, but until they start providing receipts and showing us what is happening in our matches regarding MMR, I don't believe the devs.
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the problem isnt even skill lvl difference for me and dont get me wrong i dont like being matched vs people that have 10x less hours then me but atleast thats playable whats not playable is when people insta give up
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Cheaters already revealed everything
- Starting mmr is 650 and softcap is 1400-1500
- It takes about 50 escapes/4k's to reach the softcap
- Once you're over the soft cap it's almost impossible to lose mmr
They lowered the soft cap meaning there is even more of a wide range of survivor players that any killer could go against. Super sweaty blight at 9999 mmr is getting matched with even worse players. It's also extremely hard to lose enough mmr to get under the soft cap once you're there.
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This is my experience as well to an extent. I think I usually get matched with at least 1 person at my level, but mostly 2 of us skilled and 2 under 1000hr players.
it’s not so much a problem when we are facing killers that match their skill level and those killers chase me or the other experienced person but when it comes to at least mine…. These children aren’t ready for tunnel-1st-down-out Wesker/Blight or slugging till bled out Nurse with the occasionally griefing SM.
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When has soloq ever been good?
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Rift challenges are the reason solo queue is trash if you ask me
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I think it's at the point where everyone in solo expects to die so they're not trying anymore, or all just play for different reasons like dailies or tome challenges.
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Yes, Killer aura! It is only 16 meters.
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Very true. Whenever there is a challenge to blind the Killer and 3 people have flashlights, they are surprised the Killer has Lightborn and they give up.
The awful challenges are another reason to get rid of depipping. Nobody should lose rank because of teammates like that.
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Every match for me is the same. Do the first three generators, then the last two are nearly impossible and we lose. Same thing over and over.
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If you play solo q dont try to win just go for funny plays If you want to win I would try out the discord and find a swf.
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Honestly play for chase, and if you can get the chase, not get downed quickly, keep the killer on you and have a long chase… you’re teammates will escape while you get proxy camped lol
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With or without killer aura, I don't care. Just give us basekit Kindred already!
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I hate when a new rift releases because I know my teammates are gonna throw the match 😂
Post edited by KA149108 on0 -
I would actually agree on the dc but not a lot of afks, but I seem to have players who simply refuse to Unhook or heal and just Tbag while im at hook or something.
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Don't worry they're going to do that regardless
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There's no alternative to coordination, solo will always have these problems because when survivors try to do completely contradictory things, they screw each other over and they lose the game.
Once you accept this and learn to play around it solo isn't that bad.
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i agree and i like to play for chase but i have 6k hours in the game and as soon as killers realise im not free they just ignore me and go murder my 200 hour teammates (which is fair btw) but its just a bit sad feeling on survivor side
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yeah they give up and decide that means no one else wants to play the match either so they throw
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solo has solo problems whats not a "solo" problem is instantly giving up
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SoloQ has many issues.
One. People giving up when found first and rage quit on the hook. Just DC.. at least the bot will play better than you did, but no they want to avoid penalty so they die on first hook and there we are 3 people with possible 5-4 gens left.
Two. MMR should not be based on escapes. Im firm believer that some people should not hit that softcap just by hiding in a bush and letting teammates die. Also i absolutely hate when i see these distorsion, calm spirit, urban evasion, solo survivor users play selfishly and won't help anyone but escape through the doors.
Three. Lack of info. I don't want survivors to get any perks as basekit anymore without killers to get at least corrupt as basekit but kindred would be helpful. ( without the killer aura ).
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I don’t think making Kindred basekit would be a good idea.
You explained this pretty well. Definitely aren’t wrong.
I swear the one out of the many matches I play in a day turns out actually good with competent teammates just for the killer to DC or have low hours on the game getting gens slammed in their face with 0 hooks. I could lose my solo queue games over and over and still face killers way above my teammates skill level and still manage to get new players as teammates vs a semi-experienced or experienced killer. Feeling like you are the only one that has to do everything or else you and your teammates lose is exhausting. Why I go next if a match is turning to crap or lobby shop til I feel like I got good teammates.
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Pls not more perks basekit
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Yeah, come on, we can't even heal anymore. We need a little help, they could always implement it and then reverse it if it becomes a problem.
I think the basekit Kindred should also show the aura of The Pig at all distances while a Survivor is hooked too. She is too scary, I can't handle her.
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I can't with her. I'm like a little kid watching his first horror movie. It's terrifying 😳... that growl.
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If Kindred becomes basekit, you’re never getting off that hook in solo queue. Bad idea.
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I always get rescued, unless I'm literally playing with brand new players.