Are the survivors doomed to never escape?

shinymon Member Posts: 298
edited March 2019 in Lore

Like, for good? It seems they just end up back at the campfire every time they overcome a trial.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think so, cause if they lose hope they get taken to the void which isn’t escape either.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675


  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Well, the only time they would actually be able to escape is when the devs decide to do something with it. I think that some time after The Final Chapter releases, we'll get some news as to whether the survivors will truly be able to escape.

    Here is how i see it, After some time has passed when The Final Chapter is released, The Entities hold begins to weaken of some sort, The survivors will then notice that this may be their one and only chance to escape and get out for real. Now i don't know how the devs will be able to do this, but what i think will happen is that we'll see the realms start to look damage and more beaten down, as they start to fade from existence. In a last ditch effort to require strength and nutrition. The Entity sends out it's servants, and speeds up the sacrificial process.

    Now, when all the generators are completed, instead of seeing The Campfire, you'll instead see a white light, and once you enter you will get a special cutscene for the character you were playing as. For licensed characters it will kind of be a little bit hard to do considering the license holders and such. If you don't escape and you are instead sacrificed, you will then get the bad ending, which will show your character being placed into The Void, filled with nothing but empty husks of their former selves.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Thing is though, I think lore-wise, we're the villains. We are being used by the Entity to fuel the trials. We pilot the Survivors to their dooms and "lose" the game. We get the 4ks as Killers. We decide it's a good use of time to go looking for special benefits (perks) for games we really shouldn't be playing in the first place.

    And to keep us continuing the process? Rank. New "content". New outfits, "new" Killers, "new" Survivors, more backstory, "prestiging", "trophies", whatever keeps the trials going and the kills stacking.

    That's just my theory though. I feel like it'd make sense if this were the case. And to actually end the game and save everyone, maybe even the Killers too, everyone needs to stop playing Dead by Daylight for good.

    And how do you know there is going to be a "The Final Chapter"? Why would the hold weaken in the first place since so many trials are clearly continuing?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Lore-wise, everyone is a victim of the Entity's need to feed. They're all stuck in the same place doing the same thing for eternity.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Yes, Karen. We know that.

    Was this supposed to be some sort of counterpoint instead of a obvious fact?

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    So do the survivors die permanently if they fail a trial or is it a constant loop whether they survive or not?

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Well i phrased it the wrong way, when the hallowed blight came out, i thought it was a sickness that happened to The Entity herself, but it turns out it was actually a purification process that she undergoes during a certain time over the course of some time. Now, when i said that The Entities hold is weakening, i am not really referring to the things happening in game, i am referring to the story itself, what if, the survivors have gotten so used to escaping, that they aren't even afraid anymore, and they keep escaping over and over and over, thus, not providing The Entity any bit of food to sustain herself, thus rendering her weak.

    This will then weaken her hold and will possibly allow the survivors to be able to escape for real this time. That is, if they are lucky.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    Escape or die, survivors always end up back at the campfire. Death is not an escape.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    The survivors are all already dead. It's in their Bio's for the most part. It's why i always wondered why they are called survivors. None of them survived a damn thing.

    Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake all died lost in the woods. They weren't super creative with these back stories, but the game was brand new.

    Ace poofed when all his underworld debts were being called in.

    Nea died spray painting the Nurses home (the asylum)

    Feng essentially killed herself with depression and drinking

    David is hinted at dying from a bad underwold debt collection (maybe he went after ace?)

    Adam died in a train wreck.

    Jeff.... probably passes out in the cold snow and dies of to many cheeseburgers.

    Kate is the only survivor to be described as actively taken while alive, and her backstory is great. But a little lame cause she didn't escape a clown. However, if you take a living person to a plane of the dead, are they still alive?

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    It probably has something to do with quantum immortality via an infinite multiverse model.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @SmokePotion I'm actually pretty sure Bill, Tapp, and Adam (haven't read his story so I will take your word for it) are the only ones confirmed dead. The backstories just were probably a afterthought and weren't fully developed for the older characters or the newer original characters (in terms of how on Earth they ended up in the realm of the Entity).

    @Apoch It was (sorta) confirmed by the Devs that Death was not an escape and they all just end up at the camp fire one way or another. I would have to assume that quantum immortality is in play when they are sacrificed however. You might have some ground with that theory.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    There is no way. They don`t even have material embodiments if you look closer to what happens to survivors or the killers in the trials.

    They all are literally the ghosts, doomed to suffer, hoping to escape the horror`s grasp.

    physical or biological laws don`t work in the Entity realm as survivors are able to walk and perform actions after all these terrible wounds they get during the trial. Same goes for their minds and sanity.

    And what for killers` abnormal powers. They can`t exist in our normal realm. Entity fuels and controls its domain and there is nothing that cannot be changed by the Black God. So I tend to think, that survivors` souls are just being digested by the Entity all the time. Thus there is no way to escape or to defeat it. They can struggle, but eventually they all will disappear

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    kate was taken by the Entity after singing a specific song. Maybe some whispers helped to compose it? Kate could be the one, who actually saw entity tendrils or the entity itself, so she probably lost her mind and surrendered. as for other survivors, it was already mentioned that they all were gone missing/died/were on the edge of death. They are probably called "survivors" because they don`t give up and can resist the void.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    The devs are not theoretical physicists. Baker experienced being on the hook and dying, and he just wound up back on the campfire, like all survivors. No QM to be found here.

    PS: Also, that's not how quantum immortality works.

    Post edited by Orion on
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Killers were taken whole, body and soul, while on the verge of death. Survivors were just caught unaware. That's why no remains were found for any of them.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Indeed, they were taken alive (but on the verge of death). And they're called survivors because they never give up, despite insurmountable odds and no hope of escape. That's why they were taken in the first place.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    They're not dead. They were taken away from death, in fact. The Entity pulled them from any chance of truly dying and receiving peace, and entrapped them in its realm.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    Not my personal theory. I'm one of the few who subscribe to what you just said, but if the odd chance there is some science behind it all, that theory presented to which I replied to would be right.... Until you just told me that not how QM works.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There's no need to subscribe to anything, it's what's literally written in the lore. It's fact.

    The issue with Schrödinger's Cat and related thought experiments is that they're an attempt at "translating" what is, in fact, a fairly complex process. Furthermore, quantum mechanics doesn't really apply to our macroscopic world, due to the law of large numbers.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Orion Some people (who are not me) think other things, I am terrible with words at the best of time. But I am saying I read and see the written lore as fact.

    And I see that now, thank you for clarifying.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    "Well i phrased it the wrong way, when the hallowed blight came out, i thought it was a sickness that happened to The Entity herself, but it turns out it was actually a purification process that she undergoes during a certain time over the course of some time. Now, when i said that The Entities hold is weakening, i am not really referring to the things happening in game, i am referring to the story itself, what if, the survivors have gotten so used to escaping, that they aren't even afraid anymore, and they keep escaping over and over and over, thus, not providing The Entity any bit of food to sustain herself, thus rendering her weak.

    This will then weaken her hold and will possibly allow the survivors to be able to escape for real this time. That is, if they are lucky."


    And yes, this entire board most likely knows about the purification process. Because it's public. We were all there for the Hallowed Blight, not sure why you're talking like you're on the cutting edge of lore discoveries and this is something only you know.

    Ahhhh, is that a "what if", I see? Your entire theory goes out the window then! Because it's just a design concept, not a actual theory of the lore!

    Survivors still have a low AF escape rate gameplay-wise, I sincerely doubt they have a good escape rate there. 😂😂😂🤣🤣

    Entity is also a emotion SUCCer, they don't SUCC off of just fear. They SUCC off of love, hope, happiness, pain, sadness, despair, anger... As long as Survivors still feel some level of emotion, Entity will get more nourishment.


  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    Yes. It was confirmed that if a survivor loses all hope they essentially get flushed down the toilet. They get put into a pocket realm the entity has that displays nothing. Similar to what the broken survivor feels. I suppose the killers can probably get there too. But insanity usually comes out in violent outbursts for them.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    Theoretically there is a super secret way to escape Entity's realm but no details of it or those who managed to do so were released yet. Survivors also don't know this and such are here for ever.

    Maybe Vigo escaped as he is big figure in hidden lore.

    Post edited by HazeHound on
  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    maybe they didn't die per say but were taken right before their point of death i dont know thought it might be a interesting theory