Have the developers ever actually stated how they want killers to play the game?



  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 729

    This is what the second iteration Deathgarden was, and the survivors (or runners or whatever they were called) learned they could just hide in bushes the entire game and escape. There was no motivation to ever leave or do anything.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    What will stop your team from letting you die and not hide until the timer goes down? There's no incentive to play as a team, it'll be everyone for themselves. Having to do gens and power gates turns the game into a team experience.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    nothing stops your team from letting you die on first hook now either. happens all the time for the hatch. The incentive would be to have more teammates alive to take chase. obviously there would be kinks to work out along the way.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,288

    in solo just today I got 4 man out 2 time normal it a tie before all gens are done.

    i still help people sometime that what gets me killed,I mean another match today I got 3 man out and I was the one killed for saving someone.

    now should that be a win or a lose for me?

    i don't like leaving people on hook tho it happens to me.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,907

    Riddle me this. Why is the bloodpoint bonus for match balance almost always on survivor? The answer is there is a greater need for players in the survivor role than there are in killer. Playing as a survivor is a miserable experience. I'm shocked anyone likes it.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    To be honest, for me the incentive in mostly on Killer. Which changes depending on time of day, region you play and your hidden MMR. When I play with my bf, because he plays very very rarely he usually has 100% bonus on survivor, but if I were to play alone at the same time, I wouldn't have any.

    So it's a bit difficult to come to a conclusion of what's really happening though incentives only.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,825

    I think I understand how the game was intended to be played originally, but I'm not sure it's ever been played that way. Like, there is a design flaw where, if the killer plays in the intended way, it's often really tedious and frustrating for that player, and, if they play in a way that lets them secure a win more easily, it's tedious and frustrating for other players.

    As someone who plays survivor, I would really like it if there was less camping and three-genning in the game -- but as someone who also plays killer, I get why people want to do a strategy that works.

    So, I'm okay with the part where three-genning from the start gets less rewarding -- but I would like it if other strategies became MORE rewarding, too.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    At my location and MMR, the bonus is almost exclusively on killer at 100%. It will periodically shift to survivor for 25%, maybe 15 minutes at a time, then back to 100% killer.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    What is the theory on how your MMR affects the BP bonus? If you have higher MMR you’re more likely for it to be on killer or survivor?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited May 2023

    I dunno exactly how it works, I think it depends on what they need more? For example if you're low MMR, maybe more survivors are needed, than in mid MMR. I have upwards of 400 hours by now over my boyfriend's playtime, and he probably has less than 100, maybe even 50. It's to be expected that I am somewhat better than him at this point. My level of killer is pretty low though because I've only played killer a handful of times. It's probably expected than when compared my low MMR for killer might be more needed than low-average MMR on survivor. Maybe low MMR players (new players in general) are less numerous than players in the middle range. I would assume than people who have been playing for a while make up the bulk of the game playerbase on a daily basis.

    In many other games, such as fighting games, not being a wildly popular game does mean that the newcomers are vastly outnumbers by people who have been playing for a while, and that's why you also see weird matchmaking in those games, placing a newbie with someone who has at least 500 hours.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,535

    I have two accounts- one on Switch and one on PS5. My Switch account would be firmly in mid-MMR (over 2 years progress) while my PS5 account would be firmly in low-MMR (used sporadically until recently). In the photos below I would say that at that current time, in my current region, my low-MMR bracket needed killers while my mid-MMR bracket needed survivors. I'm not sure why else I'd have different incentives on each.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    except in my experience anytime I check its always on killer. It doesn't matter the time of day anymore. It used to be survivor bonus in the day and killer at night. But as I said its almost exclusively killer besides around dinner time.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Lol, 3 genning is pretty much fundamental game design flaw, no perk changes can fix this issue unless something like "instantly repair a generator"

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,168
    edited May 2023

    After reading a while, I've started to wonder if perks like "prove thyself" that increase gen progression, should ramp up over the course of the game.

    Perhaps even rework gens so that they start off repairing much slower to begin with, so the killer can get pressure early, and ramp up the rate of repair as more gens get done so that at the end 3 genning is less effective?

    I remember having a 3 gen as the Pig, and I still had 3 survivors left. I did hold my 3 gen, I wasn't camping it hard, but I wouldn't give it up for free, but the survivors, 2 of which were dead on hook kept trying to pull me far away, and I wouldn't bite.

    In the end I engineered it where I gave a window to repair, but 1 of them was going to have to sacrifice their DOH for the others to get away. I let them get a decent headway on repair for the slightly more isolated gen, and then pressured them off it. I deliberately pushed the 1 down survivor off, then went back and committed to chasing, downing and sacrificing whichever DOH survivor I caught first on the gen (which i did).

    Ultimately they repaired and I managed to down and sac one more as they tried to get out of the gate.

    It was I hope somewhat fun for them... but my point is, if they were slow at the start, this situation is more likely to occur, as I have time to be effective across the map... perhaps offering additional killer points for keeping as many generators unrepaired for as long as possible (incentives for not tunneling and camping).

    Then being faster at the end when repairing that final gen inherently, the window would exist, and the Killer would need to commit to securing their 2nd kill and try to get a 3rd

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,939

    First questions can be implications and these seem as such and accurate to our motive. Your intention is unknown to us and as such we interpret them as implications.

    The "we" is this account (shared by 3). Nobody can speak for the whole community. Thats just obviously stupid.

    "So you feel removing Locker saves made the game notably more fun for you to play Killer? Because that was the question, right?"

    This is the question that sparked us and reading back you also said this:

    "The changes have not taken into account enjoyment of the Killer role. All changes have been centered around increasing the enjoyment of the Survivor role. If you change the core of your game mechanic (which is fine), you have to ensure the new core is still fun for both sides.

    Killer isn't fun as it is now. (Well, most Killers.)"

    We have not seen "feedback" as more "statements" saying nothing is geared towards enjoyment of killers. If we missed something, by all means point it out directly and will happily eat our words (our brains are simple, should be direct and easy).

  • GetEmLUNA
    GetEmLUNA Member Posts: 11

    They want Killer to play how Survivors want them to, what do you mean? 😂 Every strat we find, they rework it or straight up make it unreliable, like Killers isnt going against a 4 man squad, lol.

    They want you to bow to the Surviovors while they run around and tea bag you, and you're supposed to just deal with it. Meanwhile, when Survivors have an issue, it gets solved asap.

    Take the camping, which was a double edged sword, that and 3 Henning early. Survivors could take advantage of the fact that gens are available and use team work to take the last gen, but no, they rather run a simulation game of a hour long 3 gen in order to prove that Killers can hold then game, yet they didnt show it from Killer perspective and how we get held up when Survivors stop attempting to do gens which I thought the devs said was bannable, but apparently not, because it happens so often.Hell, trying to run slow down, is useless because Survivors will run and hide and then say you didnt chase them. Which isn't fair if there are no gens on that side of the map, smh.

    This game is trying to be like TCM, making the Survivors just as strong as the Killer. But, its 1 v 4, which makes that an issue. An issue that devs will ignore I'm afraid, because they only favor one side. If they dont Survivors will threaten to leave the game, and they cant have that. But they'll tell Killers to play something else quick though. Just came from a post where one said that.

    If I could refund this game, I would. You put so much time into developing a strategy to deal with Survivor players who play to win, only to get them diminished by the devs because people choose to load up on the side where they are required to play as a team to succeed, but wont because the devs will come hold their hands.

    It as if killers are the distance step children that bhvr ignores, when all they want is a smidgen of attention, smh.

    Its wild how Blantant they are with the favoritism.

  • GetEmLUNA
    GetEmLUNA Member Posts: 11

    A majority of the players who claim causal are liars. I run into waaay to many coordinated teams than I should for casuals to be the majority. Its not adding up, I believe most of them of liars. What's funny is, its mostly Survivors who claim this.

    If you only play casual, why do yall care about things that affect win rates and not just quality of life changes? I cant wrap my head around it.

    The only conclusion I can come to is that most of yall are liars and want to win just as bad, so you push this fake ass mostly casual narrative, which causes killers who play serious, to take a nerf to their start or kit. Survivors get the best of both worlds meanwhile, they get the benefit of solo queue changes, and choose to be a swf at anytime without killer knowing until we're in the trial.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    You nailed it. If these “casuals” were actually casual, they wouldn’t care about balance or be on these forums. It’s an absolute lie that people here have accepted without a second thought.