4- man SWF is balanced

Against busted Billy and Nurse. Just let killers know when they face swf and how many of them playing swf
But Billy and Nurse cannot be in the same match, thus your argument of placing 4 man SWF against 2 "busted" killers at the same time is ... awkward at best.
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Not much comparison, neither killer is so "busted" that they can't be beaten solo. Swf just has more advantages that don't rely on perk use, allowing a wider selection for the team's benefit over individual information.
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If the SWF are not braindead then no this isnt balanced at all whatever killer you play. (or you're an absolute monster with this killer but i dont think its a reality for the majority of players.)
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Only nurse can deal with SWF, billy will have a bad time
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+1 lol
dang lol button being gone