Thoughts on the killer changes?
Theres a lot of discussion right now's on the gen and STBFL changes I feel it’s overshadowing the great work BHVR did on Sadako and Billy. A lot of their problems are fixed and I’m definitely picking them up once the patch comes out.
Billy is great though I’m not sure how hard it’ll be to achieve overdrive. Currently overheat is a non factor with how hard it is to get so they might have changed the numbers
The base speed increase is crazy though meaning curving around loops will be much stronger now
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Im just glad they changed his collision and removed overheat. It gonna make him so much less annoying to play.
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Billy will still struggle due to map design
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Any Billy buff is a good buff, I can only hope this Overdrive mechanic will work out. If it fills up as fast as Overheat does on current patch, it'll be a b*tch to actively use in chase.
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It's a non factor if you're playing normal, but you can overheat on purpose pretty easy by revving. Wouldn't surprise me to see Billys do that for 20 seconds of Super Billy mode.
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I feel the gen change jas the potential to actually support the Killer more than some are seeing it right now. I cannot remember a time I have regressed a generator 8 times by any means throughout a Trial, so for me this is mostly an extra buff to regression when stomping a gen and the removal of gen-tapping, so I'm looking forward to the PTB regarding this.
As for STBFL, I can see why some won't like it, but the Perks have to be shaken up, otherwise the same handful just keep appearing. It may spice up changes, but also the changes to STBFL may not be as painful as they're made out to be.
As for the other changes, they all sound a bit exciting! Especially Hillbilly. That's a really wonderful change!
As a final point, this Update is interesting because they appear to have changed their minds on a few key things they held onto for so long, such as the Hillbilly's overcharge or Blight's add-ons. Although it took some time, I do applaud them for putting some fun things in place.
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I must say Billy could be in a really good spot depending on how well they execute this update. The proposed changes sound great on paper and they even listened and will do something about his collisions (thank you, devs!!!). They tackled most of his main issues and it makes me think that there might be hope for Billy yet.
I just hope they don't touch Off-Brand Motor Oil (or at least don't remove the effect). It may come as a suprise but there are people who actually appreciate not having their eardrums busted every time they use the chainsaw.
I'm not quite sure why they changed that thing with controller sensitivity, though. It will just mess with some people's muscle memory (though, I personally won't be affected).
I can't wait to test it on the PTB. I expected the worst but the dev update gives me a lot of hope for my boy.
Sadako sounds good too and I like the direction they are taking. The only problem I see is that she might become even more of a noob stomper than she already is because her kit is so complex.
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I highly doubt it solves one of the main issues with Billy which is hitting a twig at a loop and losing a chase because of the invisible hitboxes. Even a smaller chainsaw hitbox won't resolve that since some of those invisible hitboxes are quite large. I'm sure you will still have instances of hitting the hanging moss hitboxes (lmao) on a map like Family Residence and essentially still be reduced to an M1 killer on some of those loops.
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I'm really, really happy with the changes to Onryo and Hillbilly.
We still need to take a look at Billy's add-ons, but overheat is something that should have never been implemented and I'm glad it is gone now. No one will miss it.
As for the Onryo, it seems her mains are very satisfied with her changes. And what really interests me is how they did.
Restoring a killer's old kit with improvements isn't just a step in the right direction, it is a massive jump in the right direction! And this is giving me more and more hope for Freddy.
Overall, this update is great.
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Can't talk about Billy since I don't play him. Maybe at some point I'll give him a try.
Sadako is back to trash tier. No CD teleport is pointless because you now have 16 meters range of applying a condemn stack ( now your only way to apply stacks at all apart from one green addon ). Survivors can grab a tape from the start and run with it. Deposit it when stacks hit 4 or 5 mark and you are safe once again. She basically got a free Iridescent Addon effect but that won't matter much because survivors will still go and deposit the tape and get massive stack removal.
SBFTL is severely nerfed. You will find yourself running with 3 or 4 stacks most of the time now and their efficiency is 20% lower.
Gen regression change is badly introduced and will promote bad playstyles and cause plenty of other problems once it gets out to public.
Another BHVR patch that aims to make things better the way they think it should. In reality - sucks out the last remaining bits of chill or fun experience.
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Old Billy is pretty much back, with buffs, finally.
3 years and we finally did it!! Though old charge speed add-ons should never return.
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I'm by no means an Onryo expert ... but can someone please explain to me how exactly the changes disincentivise / lead to Sadako not spamming teleport? Like, from what I gather it's still the most efficient way to get everyone condemned and is still more efficient than hooking (except if the hook is right next to the downed surv)?
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Because the condemned range is reduced to 16m? So spamming teleports won't do anything except randomly apply a stack or two of condemned to a couple survivors instead of putting the entire team halfway towards condemnation. You also need to hook them to lock in the progress which eh im on the fence about. Since it basically will only impact the first hook, by the second hook you don't need the mori anymore since they will be dead next down anyways. Really it incentives you to tunnel someone out in between dumping TVs into them, otherwise your mori is gonna be mainly cosmetic.
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But it's any survivor close to a TV, right? Idk, but but people who aren't in a habit of stealthing edgemap will pretty much always be close to a TV (in no small part because they're usually right next to the gens and in pretty much every tile - like, where else do you want to be as surv?)
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The 16m range kills it. You teleport to TV, TV turns off. Unless you have specific addons, the turned off TV is essentially a safe-zone for survivors.
If you decide to spam teleport now you will simply end up in random places, potentially applying few stacks here and there but nothing else. You will need information perks now in order to apply stacks however your chase potential is still bad while you also need some sort of gen defense.
To sum up we got old downgraded Sadako with One Red Addon becoming her basekit which was promoting the player tunneling already. They made slugging with her useless and made tapes safe to carry and deposit once again. This in total is a massive nerf when Sadako needed tweaks and changes of different type.
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We'll see. Depending on how they do it, it might fix the issue for a while (it will come back eventually thanks to maps becoming more detailed). Most of these collisions happen because the chainsaw hitbox is incredibly big and oddly shaped (way higher than the character model). Heavy Clutch helps with this a lot, so why shouldn't the base kit adjustments help as well?
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The Onryo changes seem like a best of both worlds approach and I think she will be more fun for Survivors to go against again. I'm particularly glad about the changes to her demanifested state, because I tend to enjoy demanifesting during a chase often for mind gaming. I actually didn't realise Survivors could easily tell that I'd demanifested (I should have read the patch notes more carefully I guess) but looking back on my recent games, it must have been so obvious.
I'm by no means an Onryo main though, I just play her casually on occasion.
I doubt the Billy changes will tempt me into playing him much, but I'll give him a try to see if he feels any better to play. Someone at BHVR must love him with this buff and all the recent cosmetics he's been getting.
But there's only one Chainsaw wielding Killer for me and that's Bubba.