So Pain Res. and Pop got even more buffs?
With the new changes when a gen gets pain res.ed and starts regressing, to start making any progress you have to work on that gen for at least %5 worth of progress time which literally means one of the strongest perks in the game is getting another buff?
On top of this since kicking causes %5 instant regression Pop is also even better than before and it got another buff?
The 2 strongest gen regression perks in the game with the highest pickrates.
Every single match is pain res pop pain res pop pain res pop already and I can't wait to see how painful it's going to be to complete a single gen.
My understanding is that you still progress the generator immediately after a Pain Res in this scenario, you just have to be repairing for 5% of progress or it'll start regressing again when you let go.
It's also not literally a buff even if that weren't the case, but that's nitpicking.
3 -
To clarify, while a Survivor is repairing a generator that has been damaged, the generator does not continue to lose progress (it is paused while a Survivor is repairing it). It will only begin to regress again if they let go before completing 5% worth of repairs. In light of that, Pain Resonance is unaffected by this change.
13 -
How does this new change interact with Trail of torment? Do survivors need to repair 5% to remove undetectable
2 -
What was the reason to provide even more Slowdown with buffing the Kicks from 2,5% to 5%?
Letting Survivors repair 2,5% of progress would have already been a fix to gentapping.
9 -
Letting Survivors repair 5% of the total progress incentivises the killer to secure even more 3-gen now...
10 -
Yeah I don't understand this. The problem is because 3 gens spawn too close by default and Killer can patrol between them too easily and push people off. It's not because they keep kicking gens? 5% percent and this gen-tapping thing makes it even easier now.
14 -
Thank you for explaining it. I'm looking forward to PTB. Though I already feel the gen kicking and tapping part is unnecessary and overcompensating. 8 times limit makes sense since it would only be valid during a 3 gen situation.
2 -
it sounds like a buff to 3 gens.
11 -
This is true as well. If I look at some of the 3-Gens that spawn on the Maps, the Killer can easily interrupt the Survivor reparing before 5% are repaired, meaning they wont even need to kick the Gen again, which would bypass the hard limit of kicking.
14 -
You didn’t read the part “Going forward, each Generator can only suffer from a maximum of 8 ‘regression events’.”
7 -
Does that mean Surveillance also wouldn't mark a generator yellow (instead of white) until survivors were on it for long enough to stop regression (which would be an indirect nerf since the information would be delayed)? Or am I misunderstanding how this works?
3 -
But it also incentives survivors to split up and do separate gens at that point. Because if a killer sees you going back to gen and come right back, that also in turn makes them lose time going back to the other gen further away in the 3 gen. Regardless, the killer has to decide to take chase anyways.
0 -
read the patch notes
1 -
The gen tapping change is probably the only thing I have a gripe with.
5% is a lot just for one person to stop it from regressing. Whats to stop the killer from pushing you off that gen before the 5% is repaired? The killer avoids having to kick it again/add to his regression count & the gen continues to regress.
Is there going to be an indicator of how much 5% is? Sort of like BNP's indicator on the progress bar? I would assume lots of people will get off the gen at 3-4% repaired, thinking they've hit the 5% mark.
I think w/ the gen-tapping change, you've just made 3 gen strategies stronger and solo que notably weaker & more painful (could have just kept it 2.5, there was absolutely no reason for the increase, or at least it hasn't been stated). Will see on PTB though.
7 -
I mean if the killer is right next to you to the point where you can't get 5% on a gen (4.5s) then maybe you shouldn't be doing the gen???????
15 -
How will this interact with Ruin? If I let a gen start regressing and then repair it for 5 seconds, and repeat enough times, does Ruin not work on that gen anymore?
1 -
The whole point is to break the 3-gen strategy that killers like to use. If a killer is hovering back and forth between 2 gens, its because they're important and/or got progress put into them. If they're pushing me off of the gen w/o me hitting the 5%, the gen will just continue to regress till 0 and we'll be right back to the beginning. The problem wasn't the gen tapping, it was how close some gen spawns are to each other and how some killers basically negate the distance travel time.
I don't see this as a huge problem with coordinated SWFs b/c they can turn the 3-gen strat against the killers now but I do think solo que will suffer with this change the most.
7 -
4.5s is a decent amount when the killer has to go between 3 different generators to deal with 3-4 survivors either you would get it off your gen or they would get it off one of theirs, big picture its fine
0 -
Ruin applies regardless of the time worked on the gen.
It also doesn't count towards the 8 hits a gen can take.
0 -
On the other hand, eruption just got nuked from orbit. No one will be wanting to use a low damage regression perk that takes up TWO of your 8 damage charges.
1 -
Only regression events that instantly take off 2.5% or more progress count towards the limit of 8. Ruin doesn't do that so it will still work as it did before.
2 -
Right I don’t get that part. The 5% kick is a good thing but then having to repair it an additional 5 percent?? They basically buffed kicks to 10% slowdown.
3 -
SoloQ has both an icon of when someone is on a gen an another marking that someone is being chased, all the info you need to coordinate gen pressure to break a 3 gen situation. Also, if the killer is hovering between 2 gens, you still have a 3º to do uninterrupted.
There is also Deja Vu, an underused perk that allows you to basically break every single 3 gen the map can generate before even getting to the last one, plus a 6% bonus on repair speed for that gens.
In other words, every survivor, SoloQ or not, have a lot of tools to solve or prevent a 3 gen situation even before it can be a problem. If you let the killer have a good 3 gen at the end game or are unable to coordinate pressure to solve it, it's on you and your teammates at this point.
1 -
You don't have to fix an additional 5%, you need to fix that 5% without letting go the gen to stop the passive regression of the gen.
4 -
It's not an additional 5%. You just have to repair 5% to stop the gen from regressing when not being worked on.
1 -
Ohh that makes sense. I thought Peanits said that gen progress is paused but it’s gen regression.
2 -
95% of situations survivors can pressure all 3 gens without killer being able to stop your pressure. Solo queue is awful though and doing this requires decent coordination of telling when the killer is committing or when they're going to check another gen.
1 -
I mean they now work slightly less well together because it takes longer to stop the regression of pain res so you wont be able to kick it with pop but otherwise yea
0 -
No. Repair is repair. If a generator was regressing and a survivor hops on it, they have to repair it for 4.5 seconds to prevent it from continuing to regress once they leave the gen. All repair progress is repair progress. The only difference is you can't tap gens to stop regressing, now. Stopping regressing now requires 4.5 seconds of repair progress to be made.
0 -
So if I kick a gen with Pop, does it lose 30% of its total progress PLUS 5% on top, or is it just the 30%?
0 -
It’s 5% of total and then 30% of current after that, same as it is now but 5% instead of 2.5%
2 -
The only reason was that this Gen scenario was the perfect opportunity to cater to the Killers who’ve been moaning about Gen kicking/ tapping, and sneak a little buff in there to ease the tension Devs have been facing from them.
Just yet another means of holding player’s hands who need or simply prefer the easiest path up that little 4K hill they continually claim is Mr Everest.
It was never a real issue for anyone who understands the internal specifics of match management and tactical counterbalance.
Though, it was obvious you weren’t going to receive a response from them, smh.
Just more unnecessary and excessive nerf/buff nonsense because they can, hindering moreso than aiding.
5 -
Just to note, I'm going to guess that when they say "5%" (AKA 4.5 charges) that means it would also count the charges of multiple survivors, so two survivors would stop the regression in 2.65 seconds approx (4.5 charges at 1.7 charges per second).
0 -
Gen tapping has being a problem in this game since I started playing it, when before learning that kicking the gens often was just a waste of time I had gens stopped 3 or 4 times in a row by just a little touch from a survivor, even in mid chase. The thing is, with the new change made to gens to hold the hands of those survivors that doesn't have enough game sense to break the 3 gens early, use Deja Vu or just pressure the 3 gens at the end, if it stayed like that survivors would be able to eat through the 8 "regression event stacks" making impossible for the killer to defend any gen at the end game, close by or not.
So, gen tapping was always a real issue and they only solved it so survivors could not abuse yet another hand holding mechanic for them in form of a safe net in case they mess up doing gens. This is not a gift for killers.
6 -
Gentapping could have been solved with the old numbers as well. 2,5% of Progress would already be more than just tapping the Gen mid-chase. Yet they decided to double this AND double the removal of progress via Kicks.
6 -
True, in fact they could and should have solved it years ago. Doesn't contradicts what I said in any way.
3 -
My friends and me were also worried about that. This Pop and Pain Res combo is so ######### annoying! Like every game Killers tunnel to get their Pop or Pain Res value and hump us on the ground at like 3 gens.. yeah doing 7-8 gens every game is really fun, amazing meta to be playing. I rather go back to the old Eruption meta 🙄
2 -
"I rather go back to the old Eruption meta"
7 -
Yeah, but there is no need to buff Genkicks.
4 -
It might be to make the numbers a bit better for people who arent running regression perks. Like i can actually kick a gen with a chase build and have semi-decent regression now. Instead of using pop. Pain res. Surge. Ect. Because as fun as it is using regression. There should be other options.
1 -
People are NOT going to stop running pain res pop every single game, trust me.
6 -
That can only be truly affirmed by a dev, but in my opinion is at least highly debatable. Now that kicking a gen to regress it effectively consume limited resources, I'm going to guess they decided (to test, as we have to remember there is a PTB coming and we will have to see what the final numbers are) that spending 1.8 seconds and one of your limited stacks to only regress 2.5% was undertuned, as you can't apply it indefinitely anymore (i.e. just like Pain Res).
In other words, those changes are not because they are giving a free buff to killers for the sake of it, but as compensatory balance necessary to accommodate the base mechanic change (which, if someone didn't notice by now, is a general killer nerf).
2 -
So you're ok with the part that helps survivors but not the part that helps killers? This change will make gens worth kicking again.
2 -
This doesn't help anybody. Nobody is kicking a gen 8 times unless they're a bot.
1 -
I'm referring to the 2.5% to 5% damage increase.
0 -
Weak argument. Nobody will stop running Regression-Perks. It is a Bonus which was not needed, 2,5% are enough that the Survivor cannot gentap. This is 2 seconds repair time (roughly).
You will not reach 8 Regression-Events on a Gen in normal gameplay. This restriction will only be noticeable in 3-Gens and even then it will be rare.
3 -
You will not reach 8 Regression-Events on a Gen in normal gameplay. This restriction will only be noticeable in 3-Gens and even then it will be rare.
Again, that doesn't contradicts in any way what I said. It's not even related with any of the points I made.
1 -
Pop technically got a nerf. Now you won't have situations where people will quick tap a gen making it suddenly available for your pop kick, lol.