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2 big patches and nothing new for me as survivor : (

Member Posts: 8,266

7.4.0 we had

  • New killer (Chucky)
  • Trickster change

January we're going to have

  • Baseline Gen kick change
  • Onryo change
  • Hillbilly change
  • Grim embrace
  • Ruin
  • Quick Gambit
  • New survivor

I mostly never buy new characters on day 1 (well that's on me). So Im not going to buy the new survivor unless the perks are strong or interesting as Cage. Other than that, I dont have anything new to try with, I mean, some change to weak perks that I can use for new perk combos would work.

You can argue that Nicolas Cage & Mikaela patch didnt have anything new for killers, but thats not the case

Cage patch had Onryo change, Coup de Grace, Claustrophobia, Remember me and alot of killer' perks changed to try something new. Mika patch had many killers' changes to basekit and addon.

There are 2 big patches and I only have Quick Gambit and Background player to mix up my survivor game play.

I really think perks meta change should be a thing every mid Chapter. It doesnt have to be a huge number of perks change, just heavy nerf 1 or 2 meta perks on each side and buff/slight change to some other perks.

End of the post. Here is Jeff getting facecamped.

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  • Member Posts: 9,039

    giving survivors 5% on a gen is very exciting

  • Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2024

    Who is facecamping Jeff? I am not sure who is that.

  • Member Posts: 376

    First and foremost who the hell is face camping Jeff and why the hell ain't she in the game?

  • Member Posts: 394

    Hey they fixed extreme cases of 3-genning. That's content for survivor side. Instead of disastrous your experience will be just awful

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I have never seen a survivor more confused while being face camped than this Jeff. He looks somewhere between happy (understandable) and depressed (probably because there aren't enough Reassurances in the game to make it last).

  • Member Posts: 556

    The last few updates had not much for me either, i did not care much about either Chucky, Xenomorph nor their perks.

    Last Update i enjoyed for survivor was Nicolas Cage and i still use his perks frequently, but i guess that happens to everyone, not everyone can get something they can enjoy every update.

    However i do agree they should be much less scared to touch meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    It was a commissions to draw gender bended Bubba

    Peks change are much more meaningful to killers, that they can try new perk change combo on a killer, then the others to see which power fits best. But not so much for survivor, BU change is only be used with FTP and thats it.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    What?! Anti-facecamping, anti-3 genning, blight nerfs, Sadako changes to make her less frustraiting (and prob weaker) to go againts, is like nothing? Are we reading the same patch notes?

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2024

    Players should not be relied on new chapter to get new content. Some slight change to unused old perks for possible new perk combo builds should be a thing in all mid chapters.

    People saying Gambit is a nerf, but for sure Im gonna use it in chase builds. I dont care about meta

  • Member Posts: 556
    edited January 2024

    I understand, if it was up to me i would simply butcher a meta perk or two on each side for the sake of it every mid chapter for the simply for the sake of keeping things atleast a little fresh. However we both sadly know that any approach of changing the meta in anyway comes with backlash cause people just look up tier lists by some content creator or whatever and blindly copies what they are doing without even understanding it.

    I will probably not touch Gambit myself simply because its boring, i personally want more creative perks like Flashbang, Dramaturgy etc.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 107

    This has been the modus operandi of BHVR since 6.1.0. A tiny band-aid to some extremely specific uncounterable killer strategy, usually facecamping, that doesn't actually address the issue, a baseline buff to killers, a couple killers get an add-on pass, and some miniscule number tweaks on perks. No followup to verify that their band-aid actually addressed the issue. Is the rework terrible or not? PTB probably won't help because they're going to make a massive change between it and live anyway.

    Meanwhile, the new survivor content is being told to be happy they're getting camped by a Bubba/Huntress/Trickster/Slinger/Ghostface/Myers from 15m instead of 2, and 3 gen hostage situations will only last 20 minutes instead of 40. This 3 gen 'fix' doesn't do ######### when gens are so close they can touch, or in a recent Hens video, is actually a 2 gen because the third is unreachable/inescapable without going through the other two. And even if it did truly mitigate just one of the many, many "unfun situations" (to use BHVR's own vernacular) that killers put survivors in, which none of these have in the slightest, that's not the same as getting anything new or decent.

    Making "unfun situations" suck SLIGHTLY less is very far from providing fun situations. It's like they're not even looking at survivor perks or gameplay at all for the last year and a half, except to nerf a random meta perk or item into oblivion every six months.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    3 gen and Blight nerfs are great for survivor. And Hillbilly buffs mean more Hillbilly players which is honestly the best thing to ever happen to survivor.

    New Ormond and the new game mode as well are new content for both sides.

    More survivor content to play with would be nice, but personally I prefer them removing the frustrating aspects of survivor rather than add more stuff just for the sake of it.

    Honestly more excited for survivor than killer this patch just because there will be no more Alchemist Ring :D

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I'm kind of holding out hope that something special is coming with the new survivor. I doubt it but it'd be a pleasant surprise if there is

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I just did the math about Gambit. Actively running near your teammates Gen for 30sec would save 1.5sec : ))

    Its far better to run to the opposite corner and down there, the time to get you to hook and go to your teammate Gen is far far greater. The perk is certainly not worth to use

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