You wake up in the Entity’s realm… What are your original three perks that you come with?

You went to sleep last night and when you woke up this morning you are shocked to find yourself inside of the Entity’s realm.

What are the perks you come with if you were an original character in the game?



  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Keen Senses: when not in chase, whenever a crow is started or another survivor screams or does a rushed action within 8/16/24 meters you, get a loud noise notification. Cooldown of 20 seconds between notifications.

    Do it yourself: gain a 3/4/5% bonus to repair speed when working on a gen alone and no other survivors are currently hooked.

    Dead Beat: Whenever another survivor dies this perk activates. The next time you stun the killer, you make no noise and the killer hears their chase music for 4/5/6 seconds. For each unfinished generator, the effects last another 4/5/6 seconds. The perk deactivates.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I'm surprised everyone here came up with survivor perks. Because being a survivor means you have to endure an insane amount of pain every single trial (seriously, can you imagine how much it would hurt to be hooked? Chainsawed?).

    I wouldn't want to go through that.

    This poll had an interesting discussion about this topic:

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 968


    You know how to take advantage of the resources available to you, and try to make the most of them

    you see the aura of items left by dead players, when you pick it up the item will have 2x the efficiency it had before and will recover its charges by 50/75/100%


    natural insulation:

    you feel uncomfortable whenever you are around strangers

    Survivors and killers cannot read your aura if they´re 28/32/64 meters away from you, whenever you are within 16 meters of a survivor or killer, gain 10/20/30% extra speed in healing, breaking totems, blessing totems, opening chests, unhooking, walking, crouching and opening the exit gates


    not enough time:

    you leave the most important things for later

    While you are on the trial, the end game collapse will take 20/35/50% longer to end

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 968

    i don´t think anyone here can like, be a killer you know? unless you´re a psycho sigma male or something

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    To be fair, we think survivors get super durability (seriously, they can survive being sawed, stabbed/clawed repeatedly, and some can feel nice and healthy by being pulled off a hook)

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 556
    edited January 2024

    Blacksmith: Allows you to create objects out of metal using a forge, preferably to bribe the Killers to let you live.

    Warhammer fan: Allows you to kill Survivors and Killers by annoying them to death by telling them Warhammer 40k trivia, alternatively allows you to befriend Killers and Survivors who also like the franchise instantly.

    Customer service: Your past working customer service fuels you with rage, each time a survivor refuses to work on a gen for more than a minute you gain a token. Upon gaining 3 tokens, replace the Killer and win by killing the survivors yourself.

    Post edited by GroßusSchmiedus on
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927
    edited January 2024

    What if I have proven my credentials in Dead by Dalylight? Given the choice, I'd choose not to be a survivor and be butchered for all eternity... 😅

    Pliable Sinew

    "Dear Entity... I do, in fact, actually have a neck"

    Whenever you vault a window, you can look 30/50/70 degrees in all directions for the vault duration.

    "I've never seen anything like it before... it just... looked at me..." - Anon

    I Beg Your Pardon?

    When in chase, press the active ability button to activate I Beg Your Pardon? for 0.75 seconds.

    • Your movement is is slowed by 60/50/40% for 1.25 seconds.
    • If a survivor stuns you with a pallet, you instead catch it and push it back upright before causing the entity to break it. This perk then goes on cooldown for 45 seconds.

    "Manners... in such short supply nowadays... "

    Deal Maker

    "I have a deal for you... as long as you don't mind getting your hands dirty..."

    After hooking the 2nd to last survivor, once they go to the struggle phase this perk activates.

    • While this perk is active you can press the ability button to unhook a survivor, granting them permanent endurance, immunity to deep wound, and a permanent global aura of the final survivor.
    • These effects end if the survivor does a conspicuous action.

    "I wasn't sure what to do... It just kept muttering something under it's breath about rodents..."

    Edit: ... Now I think about it... what if DBD was actually a government funded profiling tool? 😶

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Well, didn't actually think about being the killer here, now we feel dumb...

    Maul: Putting a survivor into the injured state during bloodlust inflicts deep wounds. Gain bloodlust 3/4/5 seconds faster when chasing the obsession.

    Feral Instincts: Whenever you hook a survivor this perk activates. Press the active ability button to become undetectable for 10/20/30 seconds and reveal all survivors within 16/24/32 meters for 3 seconds with killer instinct. The perk deactivates.

    Sadistic Glee: Whenever you put a survivor into the injured state this perk gains a token. At 6/5/4 tokens survivors suffer from the exposed status. Gain 2 tokens if you injured the Obsession. Loose all tokens when a survivor is put into the dying state.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970
    edited January 2024

    The dark feeling:

    You have a strong sense of danger coming towards you

    -When you are outside the terror radius and the killer is moving towards you for 3/2.5/2 second, you will receive an audio alert

    " Somehow I knew this was coming "


    Watch out:

    -You can hear the sounds of the killers' footsteps and breathing from 8 meters further away

    -The killers terror radius is increased by 18% just for you


    Good coordination:

    Even when you are in danger, you can still give orders and organize your team

    -During the chase, any survivor is close to you at a distance of 18 meters and within your field of vision, press a button to give him a command in sign language and grant him speed 20% faster for 6 seconds and he can see all generators and injured survivors, he can repair, heal and bless him 16% faster For 28 seconds

    You can give orders if you are the only survivor in the chase. It works once for each survivor until unhook . You can only give the signal when you are healthy.

    "what are you doing here ? GO ! At least be useful! "

    Post edited by Boons123 on
  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,060
    edited January 2024

    Impactful Grip ~

    Whenever you safely unhook a survivor 3 times, Impactful Grip activates.

    Your next pallet or window fast vault speed is increased by 40% and you gain a 10% haste effect afterwards for 10 seconds.

    Graceful Presence ~

    Whenever you heal survivors to full health by any means for a total of 3 times, Graceful Presence Activates.

    Press the active ability button, and gain a 175% speed bonus to healing to healing others for 80 seconds and see the aura of any injured survivors, and they can also see your aura.

    The healing speed bonus does not stack.

    Stealthy Protection ~

    Whenever you take a protection hit by any means, gain the following effects:

    Leave no scratch marks, grunts of pain, pools of blood, and footstep sounds for 15 seconds.

    My perks I like to require helping your team a lot in exchange for a powerful effect, let me know what you think.

  • EEP
    EEP Member Posts: 40

     Ankle Biter 

    When a survivor is put in the dying state if they are not picked up and hooked within 20 seconds the survivor can choose to activate the perk, becoming undetectable to the killer, they can crawl at the same speed the killer moves for a total of 60 seconds, they have to find the killer and latch onto their leg causing a slowdown of 5%. The killer has to shake the survivor off in doing so the killer is stunned for 5 seconds and the survivor is thrown a safe distance away from the killer and back to injured state. Survivor can not be healed by another survivor while this perk is active. Perk stacks with other survivors using the perk.


    While in a chase this perk becomes available. When activated scratch marks are multiplied in number and 5 times the surrounding area. The survivor does not leave any new scratch marks or pools of blood, sounds of pain for 7 seconds. Cool down of 60 seconds.

    Boon: All for one

    This boon can only be used once per trial. Boon all for one contains all 4 boons, COH (with self healing), shadow step, exponential and dark theory. Blessing is 10% slower, when snuffed by the killer the boon will transfer to the closest dull totem if no dull totems remain the boon remains sunffed. Boon will remain snuffed once snuffed 5 times.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    You raise a very good point the OP doesn't state you wake up as a survivor.

    But the question says "you" wake up in the entity's' realm, people tend to identify with the protagonist role moreso than the antagonist role thus come at the question from a survival perspective rather than a killer one.

    It does speak to the general concept of humanity. Deep down the majority adhere to a general moral concept of good and a desire to be the hero of our own story rather than the villain.

    An interesting thought that has me disappointed now that I never considered waking up as the killer lol, does that make me a decent person... dang it.

    I don't know if the pain endurance is that different between the two though as most of the killer roster are a collection of mutilated and tortured souls.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 259

    "a safe place"

    you are able to see the aura lockers near you in 36 meters.

    When you enter a locker, the perk cools down for 50-40-30 seconds.

    "the strength of fear"

    When you stun the Killer in any way, the stunning lasts 1 second longer than normal.

    If you stun the killer, you will be exhausted for 50-45-40 seconds

    "the key master"

    when you open a chest you will always find a green key + 2 random accessories.

    Key wear in your hands is 5-10-15% slower

    (sorry for my English, I'm Italian)

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    Boom automatic win: u learn this in the back of a pizza parlor

    If you can bless a totem for 120 seconds uninterrupted then all five gens will instantly complete themselves.

    Let me win: your will to live is unmatched

    If you are the last survive left you can conjure up one med kit with the killer name engrave on it. The speed in which u can drop your item is increase by 80%.

    Omega Dead hard: In David We Trust

    This version of dead hard does not cause exhaustion or deep wound. You have unlimited usage. Being put in the dying state will instantly sacrifice you to the Entity

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    From my understanding of the lore, killers do not suffer unless they are unwilling to participate in the trials.

    However, survivors are constantly tortured to death over and over again. Yes, they have an overall increased resistance to pain but every injury on a trial would still hurt and it would hurt a lot.

    I sure wouldn't choose the option of endless torture.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,826

    It's roomy in here-

    AFK crows don't spawn at your new permanent home...the first locker you saw

    Cant be that hard-

    Why did you think someone completely untrained could repair a generator? After getting inevitably shocked, only spend 30 seconds waving your fingers in the air before fooling yourself that you DO know what your doing.

    Boon:fooled ya-

    After blessing one dull totem (with a lighter), the killer will hear the sound of this boon from 64 meters away as if right next to it. This boon otherwise has no affect. What do I look like, Harry Potter?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,826

    Killer shows up with snowballs, just to find you moriing you're teammate

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604


    Let Live Or Let Die- Being saved gives you extra focus... Get 5% repair speed bonus for 10/15/20 seconds but the bigger they are the harder they fall... Dying after 2 separate hooks (key work separate) give allies an extra 10% repair speed bonus for 10/15/20 seconds after death

    Better Off Alone- Gain a 2%/5%/10% repair speed bonus if no other Survivor is within 36 Meters/32 Meters/ 24 Meters of you

    I'm not strong enough- lose the great skillcheck portion until the Gen you start is at 75%/50%/30% but hitting Greats grant an extra 1% of progression


    Let Live Or Let Die: hooks grant the Killer an extra 5% to all Gen Damaging actions (this benefit will be disabled if using Pop, call Of Brine, Overcharge and eruption) for the next 10/20/30 seconds

    Better Off Alone- Debuffs all Survivors outside TR by 10%/15%/20% on Gen repair speeds... Survivors working together suffer from Deafness and can't hear the Skillcheck sound for 5 seconds/10 seconds/20 seconds apon starting the Co-Op action

    Hex: I'm Not Strong enough- Kicking a Gen will enlist the help on the Entity by activating a Dull Totem and causing all Gens to become Cursed... and the first time you kick a Gen while Cursed it will add .5 seconds to Kicking and Survivors who start repairing a Damaged Gen will be Cursed and suffer from 5%/10/ 20% smaller Skillcheck zones for 5 seconds/ 10 seconds/ 20 seconds

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I cant believe my idea is a Boon perk for Alan

    I cant tell which idea is worse though. Because you can not consume that much info for 20sec.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955
    edited January 2024

    Amateur Ornithologist

    Interact with a Crow to Pet and Befriend the Crow. Befriended Crows can no longer be startled by you.

    Gain a Loud Noise Notification whenever the killer disturbs a Befriended Crow within 28 meters of you.

    Befriended Crows can be Pet again, but doing so will not grant any additional effects.

    "Crows remember faces, and hold grudges. Don't wrong the birds--they'll remember."

    Crow Market

    Interact with a Crow to Pet and Befriend the Crow. Befriended Crows can no longer be startled by you.

    Dropping an item near a Befriended Crow will cause the Crow to take the item, and fly off with it. After 120 seconds, the Crow returns. Coming within 16 meters of said Crow will make it fly over to you, after which it will drop a different item next to you. The Item will always be of a different category than the one you gave it.

    Crow Market can only be activated once per Crow. Crows will not accept items that you received from a Crow.

    Befriended Crows can be Pet again, but doing so will not grant any additional effects.

    "Corvids aren't actually attracted to shiny objects, but that doesn't mean they don't know what treasure is."

    Cry Murder

    Interact with a Crow to Pet and Befriend the Crow. Befriended Crows can no longer be startled by you.

    Interact with a Befriended Crow again to make it perch on you. Up to three Crows can perch on you at once. Once you have three Crows perched, you can do a special interaction with a locker.

    The Crows will perch on the locker you interacted with and begin cawing, creating Loud Noise Notifications for the killer, imitating the behaviour of Idle Crows. The Crows will continue to caw for 60 seconds, or until the Killer searches the Locker.

    Once the Crows are bored of cawing, they'll return to their original positions. They will remain befriended.

    Befriended Crows can be Pet again, but doing so will not grant any additional effects.

    "Not only are corvids excellent at mimicry, they seem to enjoy the confusion they cause as well."

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited January 2024

    Scared #########less

    Remove your fear, and please wipe after.

    Scared #########less starts with no tokens. Every 60/50/40 seconds spent in the killers terror radius creates 1 token of Scared #########less. When the survivor vaults a pallet or window, they lose all bowel control and leave a little brown dropping. Their next fast vault causes the notification to occur on the dropping rather than the survivor. The dropping is removed after being activated.


    Tell them how bad they are, and punish their mistakes.

    While healing another survivor from injured to full health, the player may activate WELL AKSHUALLY instead. The affected survivor knows how they've been playing wrong, and now performs better. Healing and generator repair speeds are increased 10% for the next 30 seconds. However, during that time, the survivor is Exposed. Hiding in a locker will cause the survivor to scream.

    Take A Hit

    Spread the pain.

    While healing another survivor, the player may activate Take A Hit. This causes them to heal the survivor instantly, but transfers 1 hook count from the player to the survivor. This only works is the player has more hook counts than the survivor they are healing.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    Not made for this: you are permanently exhausted and your breathing sounds are 25/50/75% louder

    Not alert: you are permanently afflicted with blindness. When another survivor comes within 2/3/4m of you, you drop any item that you're carrying.

    No situational awareness: you are permanently afflicted with oblivious. When the killer starts a chase with you, you scream and reveal your aura for 1/2/3 seconds to everyone

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,620

    How the ######### do I get out of here? Mostly running clueless around not wondering on why, what, how?

    How the hell am I teamed up with these spuds? - Be solo all game and push survs in front of the killer and haul ass.

    Sleep in a locker: Cos I am bored with been slugged or the Killer making the game boring that I close my eyes :)

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I doubt my skills on playing boardgames and remembering too much stuff about media I consume is translating to running around and not dieing. I can also fast read... it has not helped me once when I was in the woods.

    I'm getting the random perks that exist to solve game issues.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Depends on what I'm selected as, but it would depend on my positive and negative traits. As a Survivor:

    1. Dr. Doolittle: You have an unusual knack to befriend animals. You do not disturb Crows. You can go up to a crow and befriend it. If the Killer goes within 4,6,8 metres of the Crow, the Crow will attack the Killer, stunning the Killer and causing the Killer's aura to be revealed until the Crow is swatted away by the Killer.

    "I'm more an animal person than a people person anyway"

    2. Boon: Serenity: Your calm, regulated professionalism reassures many in times of stress. Upon the Boon being lit, you can see any Survivor's aura within it. If you are also in the Boon at the same time, any negative status effects are immediately removed from anyone within it. This includes the Exposed status, even if the Perk is still active (e.d: NOED, Devour, etc.). Within the circle of effect, Survivors are severally/moderately/mildly Hindered.

    "It's just about taking time and listening. Make them feel heard"

    3.The Rationalist: You don't let flights of fantasy get in the way of rational thought. This activates whenever you successfully blind the Killer by any means. A successful blind deactivates all Killer Perks and Power for 20 seconds. This Perk has a cooldown of 100/90/80 seconds.

    "Well, what else did you expect?"

    So, if I was a Killer instead:

    1. The Nothingness: Mental Health caused you bleakness and lethargy, but now others feel it. Once all Survivors have been hooked once, all Survivors will randomly lose the use of 2/3/4 Perks for 60 seconds. When all Survivors have been hooked twice, 2/3/4 Perks for all Survivors will be permanently disabled.

    "It's hard to explain, but it's like I'm in a void".

    2. Vendetta: Your sense of justice can hinder you into blind revenge. You become Obsessed with a Survivor. Whenever a Survivor stuns or blinds you, they become the Obsession. Their scratches become brighter and last for 5 seconds longer and you gain Bloodlust 30% faster when in chase with the Obsession. However, any Aura-related Perks deactivate for the duration of the chase. The Perk has a cooldown after chase for 40/35/30 seconds.

    "They need to pay for what they did".

    Hex: The Procrastinator: You have been known to shirk you responsibilities for less important things. Once per Trial, upon coming across a Dull Totem, spend 10/9/8 seconds lighting it into a Hex. Whilst the Totem is active, Survivors lose 3× progression to any failed Skill Checks. Skill Checks appear 10% more often, with and appear at random points around the screen. The time between the Skill Check warning cue and the Skill Check is 40% less.

    "Yeah, I'll get round to it tomorrow"

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Final flourish - In the final moments of the final round you know the end is near, you feel a surge of adrenaline and belief before fully depleting your energy store. As soon as ECG starts, gain haste for 60 seconds and possess a 50% chance that the next hit from the killer triggers the endurance state instead.

    Respect the injury - With such a dedication to training and wellbeing, you refuse to have your progress hampered by injury, thus you work around it. You ignore the effects of deep wound and broken status effects for the initial 20 seconds upon receiving them.

    Vocal - You may be quiet in general, but you come alive in the sporting arena. Survivors within 10 meters of you can see the auras of you, the basement and the 3 nearest generators.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Hex: You Should’ve Left; once the exit gates are powered a two totems light up. Exit gates can no longer be 99’d and regress when let go of. When an exit gate is open any survivor who crouches 3 times at a gate or waits by an open gate for 15 seconds receives the following effects. All gates are block for 60 seconds, they suffer from exposed for 60 seconds, there aura is revealed for 60 seconds and they can be Mori’d regardless of hook stage.

    My Domain: When within 2 meters of Shack, Main building or basement receive a 5% haste bonus that lingers for 5 seconds after leaving.

    Think Twice: Anytime you were about to be stunned by a pallet think twice activates. Put out your hand preventing the pallet from coming down and swinging through the pallet hitting the survivor. The perk goes on cooldown for 80 seconds.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    True but you can't tell me the the Doctor's head doesn't just hurt on an ongoing basis or the chunks of metal through Trappers skin.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I suppose those are in agony yes (although the Doctor may have done that to himself). But not all of them.

    Ghostface seems fine. So does Legion.

    All you have to worry about is Blight randomly kidnapping you.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited January 2024

    It's a Miracle!

    Your assistance grants the rest of your team a sense of optimism.

    After stunning the killer by any means, your teammates gain a 40%/50%/60% action speed boost for Conspicuous Actions during the killer's stun duration. After the stun duration, the action speed boost lingers for 2 seconds, lowering the boost down to 25% during the linger duration.

    Boon: Interloper

    Unwelcome intruders will inevitably receive despair.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button on a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.

    Soft chimes ring out in a radius of 24 metres.

    When any player goes in the Boon Totem's radius, gain a Token, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens. When a player leaves the radius of the Boon Totem, lose a token. Once 5 Tokens have been reached, the Token count can no longer go down. Each token grants a unique ability:

    1 Token: Gain a 1% Haste Status Effect while running.

    2 Tokens: Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Blessing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by by 9%/12%/15%.

    3 Tokens: When not in a chase, the Killer's aura is revealed to you in a 128 metre radius.

    4 Tokens: The Killer's Action speed of breaking Breakable Walls, Pallets, and damaging Generators is reduced by 30%. The Boon Totem's aura is revealed to the killer within 32 metres.

    5 Tokens: All survivors gain a 50% Haste bonus for the rest of the trial until the Boon Totem is snuffed. The Boon totem's aura is revealed to the Killer within 128 metres.

    When the Killer snuffs the Boon Totem by any means, the effects of Boon: Interloper disappear. When the Killer snuffs the Boon Totem while Boon: Interloper has 4-5 Tokens, all survivors are given the Exhausted status for 40 seconds, and the perk is deactivated.

    Only one Totem can be blessed by your Boon Perks at a time and all of their effects are active on the same Boon Totem.

    Cosmic Eternity

    Surviving for what felt like an eternity has granted you such incredible relief, allowing you to use your full mental capacity.

    Once the exit gates are powered, your full Aura-reading potential is unlocked, allowing you to see the Auras of Pallets, Windows, Totems, Exit Gate Switches, Hooks, Chests, and the Hatch within 64/96/128 metres.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,207

    Verbose: You've got a good point, if you could just keep it short. You provide a 15% boost to other survivor actions within an 8m radius, but for every 10 seconds you are around them decrease it by 5% to a -25%.

    Skepticism: You have trouble believing the whole situation. You cleanse totems 200% faster, but heal actions on you are 50% slower.

    Wrestler: You've got a background in grappling, you just weren't that good. If no survivor has been killed and you are on your second hook state, when the killer downs you they are stunned for 15 seconds. Afterwards, you are automatically moried.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Ok. Assuming I'm not a psychopath and I don't see myself as a killer irl...

    Quality Control

    Your consistency and attention to detail reduces your chances of making mistakes and capitalises on the mistakes of your prey.

    Missed basic attacks cause survivors within 4 meters to scream and inflict 10% hindered for 3 seconds.

    Loud noise notifications outside of your terror radius reveal the auras of any survivors within 4 meters.

    This perk is deactivated once the exit gates have been powered.

    Scourge: Aseptic Technique

    Your tools are kept meticulously clean and you ensure they're sterilised after every use.

    Hitting a survivor with your weapon removes any negative status effects you may be under, and resets any negative status effects that survivor is under.

    E.g. if you've been hindered or blinded by the likes of Residual Manifest or Champion of Light, it cleanses it. If you hit an Exhausted survivor, their Exhaustion resets to 40s, etc.

    Hex: Haemorrhagic Fever

    Survivors are exposed to a deadly and insidious contagion unless they find the cure.

    The first time a survivor is injured by any means a random dull totem becomes a hex totem. While active, any injured survivors after 20 seconds suffers from 2% hindered for 20 seconds, followed by 3% hindered for 20 seconds, followed by 4% hindered and Exhaustion until they're healed. When all survivors are healed the hex totem reverts to a dull totem until the next injury occurs. This perk is permanently disabled if the hex totem is cleansed.

  • pale_hispanic
    pale_hispanic Member Posts: 149

    Keep You Together

    When you’re in a pinch, you use what you have to make do.

    Your healing speed is increased by 8% for every negative status effect that you or another survivor is inflicted with.

    You start the trial with 3 tokens. While performing a healing action on yourself or another survivor press the ability button to place a Tourniquet. Survivors with Tourniquets do not lose healing progression from the Hemorrhage status effect and don’t leave blood trails. A Tourniquet is removed after a survivor has been fully healed.


    Your nights of restlessness have prepared you for working under the weather.

    While inflicted with the Exhaustion status effect gain a 12% increase to action speed and a 9% increase to vaulting speed. Increases to vaulting speed do not stack with other perks.

    All Eyes on Me

    Your fear of being watched puts your mind and body into overdrive.

    If you are inflicted with the Exposed status effect or your aura is revealed to the killer, this perk activates. For the duration of the effect you:

    • Have your aura revealed to all other survivors
    • Gain a 3% haste effect

    If the effect lasts for over 10 seconds you are inflicted with a 20 second duration Exhaustion. This perk can still activate while exhausted.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Too Old For This #########: you lay down to take a nap. If woken by the killer, you are exhausted for the rest of the match. Once awoken from your nap prematurely: while being chased, you weave a tapestry of profanity so intricate that the killer becomes hesitant of their intentions. Whenever the killer hits you, their hit recovery is increased to 6 seconds as they rethink their life decisions for waking you up from your nap. While napping undisturbed, you recover from any status effect at an increased rate of 200 percent. If woken up by another survivor, they are hindered for the rest of the match while they nurse their head wounds from your violent retaliation from being woken up from your much deserved nap.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,749

    I Brought Snacks: After working on a generator, I can go into a locker one time per game and fix you a snack. It is a one time use consumable item that heals you to full after 5s. If you have this item in the dying state, you can use it to pick yourself up. You'll be broken for 60s, but at least you had a snack.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    edited January 2024

    Don't touch my friend!

    When healthy and within 1/1.5/2 meter of an injured Survivor activates. If the injured Survivor would take damage from the killer, you push them out of the way and take the hit in their place.

    "That was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Possibly both." -Anon

    Tuck and Roll

    When put into the dying state, you maintain normal movement during the falling animation and for 1/1.5/2s afterwards.

    "That was *not* a normal fall." -Anon

    Can I strap a bell to him?

    After 30/20/10 seconds of not being in chase or the killer's FOV, the perk activates. When within 2m of the killer push the active ability button to turn the killer toward you and stun the killer for 2s. Successfully using the perk causes exhaustion for 60/50/40s. Cannot be used while exhausted.

    "AAAAH! Where'd you come from!?!? I need to put a bell on you." -Slightly Annoyed Significant Other