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Derange pursuit is too difficult to do without franks mix tappe

I am doing achiment hunting, i have only few left some of them are the difficult ones. But in my head when legion came out, hey derange pursuit dost look that difficult. ooooohhh boy i was wrong . this who you guys said how to get it:
Patricia said:
To achieve Deranged Pursuit you need to
*Choose The Legion
*Activate Frenzy
*While in Frenzy Hit a Survivor to activate Killer Instinct.
*Hit a Survivor already in Bleed Out and down him before the Killer Instinct ends.
(Survivor reaching Bleeding Out ends, while in Killer Instinct, does not count toward the progression)

The bigest problem of this achiment have is to find another survior close to the person that is already in the deep wond effect. why when you going for the next guy you going to get you bar up, the guy you original has already run the f awaye from you. it is almost to difficult then to get the achiment points.... but i found out if you use franks mix tapp and then stab them twice and they actually going toward 1 of the surviors, then it is easy to get a 1 point. i feel like you guys shoud have drop the killer instict part of this achiment to get it, it makes this achiment almost undoable. either you need to make it like, if we drop them with freanzy it counts, or you guys must buff legion so it can works (it is really unecessary to buff him or nerf him)

So coud you guys actually look more into this achiment pls?

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  • Member Posts: 3,893
    Honestly it's one of the few achievements I will exclusively just ask survivors to farm for.

    Typically playing Legion and a dominating a game I'll typically just ask the last two survivors to let me farm two points for the achievement in exchange for letting them leave.

    I've managed to only get 3 downs naturally and that was just because I was up against potatoes
  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Evil incarnate is easier to get, considering every attempt the last survivor will dc on you to deny it...

  • Member Posts: 1,269

    Evil incarnate is easier to get, considering every attempt the last survivor will dc on you to deny it...

    Got that second attempt run dying light and save the best for last and do the slugging game with nurses and deer stalker with he infini tombstone build and off the bat start doing slugs let them heal while you stalk them dry slug and repeat on the obsession to kick in dying light best idea use the game map
  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Hey Cbo!

    0% of players have this achievement, btw. :)

  • Member Posts: 570

    This is probably the most bad designed achievement of the game, it's way too situational. And I thought that Skilled Huntress and Taking One For The Team were bad.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @SenzuDuck said:

    Hey Cbo!

    0% of players have this achievement, btw. :)

    Well how long has he been out though compared to say other hard to get achievements that people either sitl don't have or took forever. I can think of Myers Evil III and Huntress long ranged downs as 2.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    @SenzuDuck said:

    Hey Cbo!

    0% of players have this achievement, btw. :)

    Yeah, pretty obvious why.

    1. The description is completely inaccurate, meaning people will often just assume it's broken and wait for a fix.
    2. It's a ridiculous requirement that will almost never happen naturally in a game, let alone 25 times, so people won't just accidentally get it.

    The only people with the achievement are die hard achievement hunters like myself that either went through the misery of trying to manipulate a game to get 1 score of it (getting 0k because it's so stupid) or like others have said, asked survivors to farm it with them.

  • Member Posts: 49

    if there are no changes to this achiment, then add a secund effect on legion power or put a secund effect on stab wounds study, let it have the effect when you are in killer instic let you see the people that has deep wound effect when they have 50% left of the deep wound timer. or at least let use use nurses calling! nurses calling can at least show the meding. i fine it not work on snap out of it

  • Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2019

    This and skilled huntress are my last 2 trophies to get. Gunna have to ask survivors to farm them I think

  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    Stab Wounds study+Dirty Knife+Sloppy Butcher+Whispers+Bloodhound+Stridor. Altho I farmed the last 8 survivors or so it's not impossible even at R1 where ppl will split up hard. You have to practically build for it. Find 2 survivors during a 3-gen strat. Hit one, then hit the other and follow the other and down him with m2 once he's at 30%.

  • Member Posts: 9,417
    edited March 2019

    Worse conceived achievement in the game. Trying to do this without outright farming is nearly impossible. I've had survivors run in circles in the open and some have started mending mid chase just to prevent any progress.

    @MhhBurgers that might work if the survivors don't DC on you for running such a build.

  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    Stab Wounds is nothing that survivors DC over, the ones that DC would DC against legion anyways.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited March 2019

    I agree with the Killer Instinct part being dumb. It should just be changed to where you only have to down 25 Survivors with Feral Frenzy active, no Killer Instinct required.

  • Member Posts: 1,758

    It would be a legit achievement if Dirty Knife was the standard mending time and if we actually had a good base duration on legion's Frenzy enabling us to sorta really play a hit and run style and go after the wounded guy that's mending.

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