Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why are there so many toxic players?

For whatever reason, I've never had more abuse/anger/general toxicity aimed my direction than I have on DbD. It doesn't put me off, I feed on the salt, but I don't understand why there seems to be such a toxic minority. Almost every match or two there's someone mouthing off at me. 

Is it just the type of players on DbD? Don't understand why there's so much of it. 


  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Na mate, Overwatch has the most toxic players in the world, Fortnite the most trollest - infact toxicity is not only a great song but also an epidemic that plagues the entire gaming world. In fact you would probably even get toxicity on Pokémon Go these days

  • Vell
    Vell Member Posts: 8

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Na mate, Overwatch has the most toxic players in the world, Fortnite the most trollest - infact toxicity is not only a great song but also an epidemic that plagues the entire gaming world. In fact you would probably even get toxicity on Pokémon Go these days

    Disagree. Toxicity is in every game for sure, but Overwatch at least has some form of punishment for toxic behavior, even if it's a bit extensive. To answer your question OP, toxicity is allowed to flourish in Dead By Daylight by the Them vs. Us mentality an asymmetrical game like this instills in people at a base level. People feel a lot safer in treating someone like crap when there's three other people on their side, and the killer feels safe because he can always just get the last word in and then close the lobby. Cap it off with the report system not doing much, and there you go, the toxicity.

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86
    Devs spoiled mainly survivors by making them nearly invincible. So when they lose or when you play in a way that they don't like they think there's something seriously wrong with you and the game and want you out of the game. 
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    Devs spoiled mainly survivors by making them nearly invincible. So when they lose or when you play in a way that they don't like they think there's something seriously wrong with you and the game and want you out of the game. 

    Toxic post that demonizes an entire group for the characters they play in a thread about toxicity.

    👌 Rich
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited June 2018
    Toxic players just stick out because it's a team game and if you don't win it has to be someone elses fault. Maybe one of the reasons Freddy got nerfed. Toxic players couldn't be bothered to try and learn how he works.
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    In any game that involves interacting with others, there's going to be toxicity. I wish the dev team would punish toxic behavior more, but people will always find a way.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    If the killer doesn't know how to play optimally, the survivors are no longer scared by the killer; if the survivors feel safer playing with their friends (SWF), they are no longer scared of the killer. Survivors who aren't afraid feel free to dance around the killer and make the killer feel powerless. The killer gets frustrated and takes that into the next match, doing whatever it takes to secure sacrifices. The survivors in that match don't like if the killer plays scummy, so they do whatever it takes to counter it.

    TLDR; Scummy tactics from one side brings out scummy tactics from the other side, and mostly stems from survivors not being scared in a horror game.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    it's like a contest to see who can be the biggest ######### with no clear winner as this is like a caged deathmatch in terms of actual effort.  
  • Rauber
    Rauber Member Posts: 6

    Asymmetrical games are always toxic, honestly, and then DBD divides community in 2 parts, which increases toxicity even more.
    Also, there isnt that many toxic players. It's just that good sport players are rather silent and just throw a gg/dont do anything at all. Toxic players will draw attention and do that kind of thing

  • wolflinkin
    wolflinkin Member Posts: 52

    Simple fix. Remove the post game chat.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Time for a history lesson.

    Back when the game was new and Survivors didn't know how to play exploit the game, they were scared of the Killer, and thus had no time to be dicks. As time went on, exploits were found and abused by them, leading to cockiness and toxicity.

    Killers lashed out in kind, as you would expect. Combine that with the fact that Survivors, being the majority, got their way for years, turning the Killer into little more than a joke, and Killers were pretty frustrated.

    Fast-forward to now. The developers are addressing the balance issues by buffing Killers and nerfing Survivors for the first time. Survivors feel their power is being taken from them, so like racists and homophobes complaining about equality, they play the victim card and pretend the whole world is against them, which (in their minds) justifies their toxicity.
    Meanwhile, Killers are still pretty upset about the developers letting the game get to this state, as well as the Survivors who troll them, so toxicity is very much alive.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    @StalwartXX I often get called a camper and receive hate mail because I always comeback to the hook when I seen that the hooked survivor has been unhooked. I wish they made this a killer perk already because it's what the community needs. ;)

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    There are popular youtubers that make videos just trolling killers. I hardly see it the other way around. But yeah, that is why.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80
    Nickenzie said:
    @StalwartXX I often get called a camper and receive hate mail because I always comeback to the hook when I seen that the hooked survivor has been unhooked. I wish they made this a killer perk already because it's what the community needs. ;)

    This happens to me a lot. I'm leaving the hook or basement hook, not far away and then they're unhooked. Naturally you're going to turn around to go back. Why survivors think you won't is beyond me
  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    @Orion him self told me: "A Survivor cant get Camped if he cant be found... or get down". So Survivors use Pallet loops, infinits, Flashlight saves, Body blocks and sabo hooks cuz they dont want to be camped...

    You Ugly Camper made the Survivor Toxic... and cuz you dont stop Camping... survivors will be Toxic.

    Me for example, play VERY Toxic if i see a random Survivor gets tunneled Hardcore... i help where ever i can to not let him die!

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770
    edited July 2018

    Because the mechanics allow people to troll you but still be safe due to pallets, windows, DS, and Flashlights. Survivors also believe that they are supposed to win every game.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Der_Schatten said:
    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    @Orion him self told me: "A Survivor cant get Camped if he cant be found... or get down". So Survivors use Pallet loops, infinits, Flashlight saves, Body blocks and sabo hooks cuz they dont want to be camped...

    You Ugly Camper made the Survivor Toxic... and cuz you dont stop Camping... survivors will be Toxic.

    Me for example, play VERY Toxic if i see a random Survivor gets tunneled Hardcore... i help where ever i can to not let him die!

    Flashlight spamming is toxic though. A killer deserves to be toxic back. Just git gud

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Der_Schatten said:
    @Orion him self told me: "A Survivor cant get Camped if he cant be found... or get down".

    That is a lie. Maybe you're confusing me for someone who can't write English all that well.

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    no. youre meant to evade the killer. There are literally 2 emblems for it as survivor. To survive, to evade.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    Like Kuris said, you're supposed to not get caught. That's your goal as a Survivor, to survive.

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    @Kuris said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    no. youre meant to evade the killer. There are literally 2 emblems for it as survivor. To survive, to evade.

    ... Why are there two Hook phases? And not a instand death on the hook then? huh? you cant evade the Killer all Round (if you try to do gens).

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited July 2018

    @wolflinkin said:
    Simple fix. Remove the post game chat.

    This kind of works... there are still ######### (toxic) people on consoles that send salty messages after game. However I must say that on pc it feels worse because of the post game chat - maybe an option to opt in/out of chat???
    I have like 6 hours on pc and haven't been back because of the chat at the end I just don't want to deal with. Turned me off real fast.
    It would be interesting to see the metrics of new players on pc that stop playing altogether after a few games - and to somehow correlate that to toxic behavior/chat? (I know this would be hard to decipher why people stop playing but a woman can dream).

    Also: the number of kiddies playing this game is too damn high and that is also a factor.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Kuris said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    no. youre meant to evade the killer. There are literally 2 emblems for it as survivor. To survive, to evade.

    ... Why are there two Hook phases? And not a instand death on the hook then? huh? you cant evade the Killer all Round (if you try to do gens).

    Maybe you can't, but that's what we call a "you" problem. As in "you are not good enough to evade the Killer the entire round". Many Survivors do just fine.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Kuris said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    no. youre meant to evade the killer. There are literally 2 emblems for it as survivor. To survive, to evade.

    ... Why are there two Hook phases? And not a instand death on the hook then? huh? you cant evade the Killer all Round (if you try to do gens).

    Well , you can evade the killer all round. It happens. But I like your suggestion, maybe survivors should instantly die when they are hooked. Good idea.

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    Like Kuris said, you're supposed to not get caught. That's your goal as a Survivor, to survive.

    BUT THEN YOU Killers cry about "Toxic" Survivors... Like is sad:

    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    they loop, flashlight CUZ YOU BOTH Just sad: NOT GETTING CAUGHT (HOOKED) is what survivors just need to do. You just sad what i say... Playing toxic to avoid Campers...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    Like Kuris said, you're supposed to not get caught. That's your goal as a Survivor, to survive.

    BUT THEN YOU Killers cry about "Toxic" Survivors... Like is sad:

    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    they loop, flashlight CUZ YOU BOTH Just sad: NOT GETTING CAUGHT (HOOKED) is what survivors just need to do. You just sad what i say... Playing toxic to avoid Campers...

    Prolonging chases does not prevent you from getting caught. If you can't read what I'm writing, then don't lie and pretend I'm saying what you're saying.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    Like Kuris said, you're supposed to not get caught. That's your goal as a Survivor, to survive.

    BUT THEN YOU Killers cry about "Toxic" Survivors... Like is sad:

    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    they loop, flashlight CUZ YOU BOTH Just sad: NOT GETTING CAUGHT (HOOKED) is what survivors just need to do. You just sad what i say... Playing toxic to avoid Campers...

    If survivors dodge me the entire round by not being caught, without being toxic, I would and do say gg. They evaded me as the killer. If you feel the need to be unnecessarily toxic (you can evade the killer without an instant blind) then that's not my fault you felt the need to be an asshat.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2018

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    Like Kuris said, you're supposed to not get caught. That's your goal as a Survivor, to survive.

    BUT THEN YOU Killers cry about "Toxic" Survivors... Like is sad:

    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    they loop, flashlight CUZ YOU BOTH Just sad: NOT GETTING CAUGHT (HOOKED) is what survivors just need to do. You just sad what i say... Playing toxic to avoid Campers...

    There's a major difference between playing well and playing toxic. I've managed to survive plenty of matches as survivor without using flashlights, bodyblocks, looping etc. I just act stealthy and don't make stupid decisions.

    Also, this topic was more about abusive chat and messages being aimed at people rather than toxic play. But it falls under the same thing I guess.

    You also can't justify toxic survivor play by saying its to prevent toxic killer play. If thats your mentality, then even if a killer doesn't camp or tunnel or anything like that, the survivor still will be toxic because of the possibility. That's like saying I should cut up traffic on the road because there's the chance they might cut me off.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @StalwartXX said:

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    "Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple." your words dude... Dont get caught? Its DBD, you soppused to get caught...

    Like Kuris said, you're supposed to not get caught. That's your goal as a Survivor, to survive.

    BUT THEN YOU Killers cry about "Toxic" Survivors... Like is sad:

    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    they loop, flashlight CUZ YOU BOTH Just sad: NOT GETTING CAUGHT (HOOKED) is what survivors just need to do. You just sad what i say... Playing toxic to avoid Campers...

    There's a major difference between playing well and playing toxic. I've managed to survive plenty of matches as survivor without using flashlights, bodyblocks, looping etc. I just act stealthy and don't make stupid decisions.

    That last bit - not making stupid decisions - is what many Survivors are missing. They want to make stupid decisions and not be punished for it. In short, they want a sandbox game.

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    ... hmm... i guess you playing a fully different Game then me. I Play for Bloodpoints and for fun, helping Teammates. I dont want to Hide and be sneaky... no bloodpoints for that at all. But being chased, give alot of Bloodpoints. Players who hides all day and just do gens get about 12k (in a Good round when escaped) i get 24k x2 cuz WGLF ^^

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Der_Schatten said:
    ... hmm... i guess you playing a fully different Game then me. I Play for Bloodpoints and for fun, helping Teammates. I dont want to Hide and be sneaky... no bloodpoints for that at all. But being chased, give alot of Bloodpoints. Players who hides all day and just do gens get about 12k (in a Good round when escaped) i get 24k x2 cuz WGLF ^^

    Then you shouldn't mind if you get camped and die. You had your fun being chased.

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    ... hmm... i guess you playing a fully different Game then me. I Play for Bloodpoints and for fun, helping Teammates. I dont want to Hide and be sneaky... no bloodpoints for that at all. But being chased, give alot of Bloodpoints. Players who hides all day and just do gens get about 12k (in a Good round when escaped) i get 24k x2 cuz WGLF ^^

    Then you shouldn't mind if you get camped and die. You had your fun being chased.

    if i play against you... yea then i get camped XD but if the Killer is smart, he wount Camp me cuz chasing me 3 times is MORE Skill and gives much more Bloodpoints

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Der_Schatten said:
    Survivor are "Toxic" cuz they dont want to be Camped...
    @Orion him self told me: "A Survivor cant get Camped if he cant be found... or get down". So Survivors use Pallet loops, infinits, Flashlight saves, Body blocks and sabo hooks cuz they dont want to be camped...

    You Ugly Camper made the Survivor Toxic... and cuz you dont stop Camping... survivors will be Toxic.

    Me for example, play VERY Toxic if i see a random Survivor gets tunneled Hardcore... i help where ever i can to not let him die!

    Survivors use those tactics because it is part of the game mechanic and they want to win. Killers use camping (rightly or wrongly depending on perspective) because they want to win. Same with tunneling. The issue that causes toxicity is the lack of balance the game has had for so long. Honestly, with the efforts to balance, it may just get a bit worse in game.

    I also blame a lot of streamers for the toxicity. Many of them play in a very aggressive, taunting way to get audiences who try to emulate that play style.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    ... hmm... i guess you playing a fully different Game then me. I Play for Bloodpoints and for fun, helping Teammates. I dont want to Hide and be sneaky... no bloodpoints for that at all. But being chased, give alot of Bloodpoints. Players who hides all day and just do gens get about 12k (in a Good round when escaped) i get 24k x2 cuz WGLF ^^

    Then you shouldn't mind if you get camped and die. You had your fun being chased.

    if i play against you... yea then i get camped XD but if the Killer is smart, he wount Camp me cuz chasing me 3 times is MORE Skill and gives much more Bloodpoints

    Camping you, then chasing others gives me just as much bloodpoints and twice the fun :pirate:

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    I normally do just fine with blood points. A good 25-35k each game. I don't just sit in a bush and do nothing until the exit gate's open. I repair gens, I heal teammates, I dodge the killer if chased, so on and so forth. I just play stealthy and don't do stupid stuff like YOLO saves or leading killers to my teammates or whatever. To me the BP for the save isn't worth a teammate being hooked again.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @StalwartXX said:
    I normally do just fine with blood points. A good 25-35k each game. I don't just sit in a bush and do nothing until the exit gate's open. I repair gens, I heal teammates, I dodge the killer if chased, so on and so forth. I just play stealthy and don't do stupid stuff like YOLO saves or leading killers to my teammates or whatever. To me the BP for the save isn't worth a teammate being hooked again.

    Dunno if youre quite getting 35K

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    hmm, i guess you > @StalwartXX said:

    I normally do just fine with blood points. A good 25-35k each game. I don't just sit in a bush and do nothing until the exit gate's open. I repair gens, I heal teammates, I dodge the killer if chased, so on and so forth. I just play stealthy and don't do stupid stuff like YOLO saves or leading killers to my teammates or whatever. To me the BP for the save isn't worth a teammate being hooked again.

    25-35k... 32k is max XD u r Cheating...

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2018

    @Der_Schatten said:
    hmm, i guess you > @StalwartXX said:

    I normally do just fine with blood points. A good 25-35k each game. I don't just sit in a bush and do nothing until the exit gate's open. I repair gens, I heal teammates, I dodge the killer if chased, so on and so forth. I just play stealthy and don't do stupid stuff like YOLO saves or leading killers to my teammates or whatever. To me the BP for the save isn't worth a teammate being hooked again.

    25-35k... 32k is max XD u r Cheating...

    Are we forgetting offerings?

    Edit: And whatever makes up the post-game bonus

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    @Kuris said:

    @Der_Schatten said:

    @Orion said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    ... hmm... i guess you playing a fully different Game then me. I Play for Bloodpoints and for fun, helping Teammates. I dont want to Hide and be sneaky... no bloodpoints for that at all. But being chased, give alot of Bloodpoints. Players who hides all day and just do gens get about 12k (in a Good round when escaped) i get 24k x2 cuz WGLF ^^

    Then you shouldn't mind if you get camped and die. You had your fun being chased.

    if i play against you... yea then i get camped XD but if the Killer is smart, he wount Camp me cuz chasing me 3 times is MORE Skill and gives much more Bloodpoints

    Camping you, then chasing others gives me just as much bloodpoints and twice the fun :pirate:

    You have fun with Camping?... damn, something went very wrong with you... and you dont get just as much Bloodpoints... cuz camping me makes it impossilbe to max the "Sacrifice" and get less in Hunter and brutality

  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82

    @StalwartXX said:

    @Der_Schatten said:
    hmm, i guess you > @StalwartXX said:

    I normally do just fine with blood points. A good 25-35k each game. I don't just sit in a bush and do nothing until the exit gate's open. I repair gens, I heal teammates, I dodge the killer if chased, so on and so forth. I just play stealthy and don't do stupid stuff like YOLO saves or leading killers to my teammates or whatever. To me the BP for the save isn't worth a teammate being hooked again.

    25-35k... 32k is max XD u r Cheating...

    Are we forgetting offerings?

    Edit: And whatever makes up the post-game bonus

    oh... then this is quite less then i get by playing survivor... i get about 40k in a Normal round... 60k with nice offering (or more)

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    I find it ironic how, in a topic about I find more toxic behaviour in DbD than other games, an argument has broken out, apparently over whether or not toxic play is ok.

    And Der_Schatten, yes, I'm not the greatest survivor player, but I'm quite happy with what I do. I also don't have the best luck with getting Escape Cakes in the bloodweb.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    For whatever reason, I've never had more abuse/anger/general toxicity aimed my direction than I have on DbD. It doesn't put me off, I feed on the salt, but I don't understand why there seems to be such a toxic minority. Almost every match or two there's someone mouthing off at me. 

    Is it just the type of players on DbD? Don't understand why there's so much of it. 
    I especially raise eyebrows when a survivor dc's because of being mean when in fact that puts the rest of the team at a disadvantage.
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    There is no toxic play, only toxic post-game. If it's a fair and legal tactic, as stated by the Developers, then it's not toxic. Every tactic has counterplay to it. It might not be counterplay you want personally, but that is a subjective thing that is your own problem. > @StalwartXX said:

    For whatever reason, I've never had more abuse/anger/general toxicity aimed my direction than I have on DbD. It doesn't put me off, I feed on the salt, but I don't understand why there seems to be such a toxic minority. Almost every match or two there's someone mouthing off at me. 

    Is it just the type of players on DbD? Don't understand why there's so much of it. 

    Because YouTubers and Twitch Streamers have popularized that culture. A lot of people get a laugh when Jonny Knoxville leaps out of a bush and shoots someone with a taser. It's toilet humor inside of a video game. Too many people are looking at players who play like this, and are making money from it, and say "I want me some of that".

    If you dominate them, you are trash. If you go easy on them, you are trash. If you get a nice, balanced game that's a lot of fun for both sides, you are trash. They want you to rise to the bait so they can give their 20 viewers, including their mom and 8 cats, something to laugh about. It's not as bad as it used to be, but they still exist and always will.

    The only thing you can do is ignore it and move on to the next match. Rising to the bait makes them even more eager for their next opponent so they can hurl insults and slurs on them as well. You also have to remember, everyone has an ego and they all vary in size. There are people who cannot stand to be beaten, and there are others who are quite magnanimous in their defeat and will thank you for a fun match. As in life, the extreme viewpoints are a minor portion with most players lying somewhere in the middle.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    The games mechanics allow survivors to be toxic and lets be honest even as a killer main myself using a flashlight when i play survivor can be fun and rewards you allot of blood points. Its just that getting you'r friends together in a SWF and having a couple of flashlights is fun because everyone deep down is a bit sadistic. When it comes to the post game chat toxicity its because people like to win even if they are the reason why they lost and they know that. But putting the blame on someone else such as the killer as an act of venting of you'r pain of losing is easy.