Is it possible to get little Bubba Buff?

Hillbilly received very big buff and Bubba now isn't even close to his level right now.
My main question is - is it possible to buff Bubba in some ways? I don't talk about Rework - just w few tweaks that Bubba needs. I main Bubba since 2019 (something around 2-3k Hours on him) and I would ask about these changes:
1) Chainsaw Sweep Acceleration set to 0.5 seconds instead of 60% of his first charge - it wouldn't nerf duration addons like nowadays...
2) Increase Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 3-4-5% in base kit and nerf speed addons.
3) Some changes to his addons like Carburetor Tunning Guide, Depth Gauge Rake, The Grease and more...
why does he need buffed? you can instadown multiple people, if you run certain add-ons you can literally run people down from far away.
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does he really need any changes leatherface doesn’t really seem to be bad in anyway anymore
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Does new Billy really overshadow Bubba that much? Bubba still has more versatility than Billy, not to mention greater snowball potential.
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He's fine, there are other killers far more deserving of attention cough freddy cough
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On slightly higher level Bubba isn't that strong. You mentioned addons - this is a problem - he needs addons to actually compete on higher level - that's the problem... That's why I suggested to add Beast's Marks base kit. Playing without Beast's Marks is pointless. Bubba Main 2-3k Hours said.
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His acceleration on Chainsaw Sweep nerfs duration addons, because the code is really bad. It wasn't like that before 4.4.0 Update. That was massive shadow nerf for Leatherface. Also playing Bubba without Beast's Marks is pointless, but players usually don't see it, because they play Bubba ocasionally and they don't care, but when they verse strong Teams they usually end with 3 Hooks Stages.
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Hillbilly has received 10% movement speed at base kit. It's massive. He doesn't need addons at all at his base kit. Bubba needs addons to actually compete at higer level. Bubba has no mobility. Bubba has now much longer cooldowns on the Chainsaw & Tantrum. Top Tier Bubba Vs Top Tier Billy wouldn't be comparable right now. Also Bubba has a lot of annoying bugs...
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I agree he needs buffs ever since the MMR change i've realised his capability is quite limited and it makes him predictable.
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I am amazed you did not mention incorporating the chili's into his basekit.
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I main Bubba, he is great at low to mid mmr but that's it. Pretty sure high level Billy will be superior to high level Bubba.
Too many killer reworks to look at Bubba this year I'd assume.
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Of course this is really good (the purple one), but the speed is more important. I can play without duration, but I need speed.
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Bubba is in a fine spot, he doesn't need any changes, no nerfs no buffs.
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Fair point, you do need duration as well though since good players that know you dont have chilis even with speed will give you a run for your money. The distance you get between chillies and no chillies is huge.
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If Killer needs some addons to compete he is not in good spot...
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Beast's Marks allows Bubba to actually outplay more Pallets , loops... Also duration addons apply hidden acceleration penalty.
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I used to play Base-kit Bubba often but in order to do his flicks around larger tiles you need one of the engravings and the chili add-on. I like your ideas, but I would personally make the yellow Knife Scratches add-on for +2% faster movement speed (without the charge time reduction) base-kit and make each charge 0.25 seconds longer. Just a small base-kit buff that allows him to close in distances better and allow for using different add-ons rather than only Chili and Engravings.
Carburetor Tuning Guide is fine, it's an add-on that mainly relies on Haste perks such as PWYF since it's an add-on that turns him into old Bubba. It's one of my favorite killer add-ons in the game, as a matter of fact.
For the Tantrum window add-ons The Grease and Long Guide Bar: Give The Grease a cooldown reduction after missing a Chainsaw Sweep as well as reduced Tantrum Duration, and make Long Guide Bar destroy pallets faster with the Chainsaw. The Tantrum window add-ons are pretty useless because the mechanic is literally used as an anti face-camp mechanic, and using those add-ons to facecamp doesn't even help.
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He needs more than 2% speed buff I feel like, but I like the ideas.
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The thing is that I always thought that they would buff him with the anti camp feature to up his ability in chase, but I guess I was way wrong, sadly bubba will just pretty much be suffering in the high level.
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Bubba doesn’t need to be “his level” respectfully. Hillbilly really deserves this buff.
bubba is in a great state as is.
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Facts 💯 bring back old Freddy please 🙏🏼🥰
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If you play against better players he is not. At least they should fix his acceleration on the Chainsaw. Half of his addons are useless and his base kit isn't strong.
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That can be said for all killers though. When you go against better players there’s always something that can buffed to help you in that situation.
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I didn't mention strong Survivors with items and meta perks. Just good Survivors and average Bubba it's usually 3 hooks.
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I disagree respectfully.
He’s is in a balanced state.
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It doesn't matter, kill rate is very bad statistic. Bubba can camp last hook in basement and Survivors really like to throw the game with Bubba. And you didn't read what I said...