Honestly it baffles me how killers are more stressful to play than survivors

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

It baffles me even more when people defend that too. I play both killer and survivor (and when Demise comes out, I’m spending all my time with Jane and then Plague) and I can definitely say survivor is much more relaxing. It should be the opposite. Killers should be the role you want to play when you want to destress in the game, and surviving should be a testament to your skill.

It’s so backwards to put so much pressure on killers, especially when survivors in the current state of the game can just blow through it with ease and with so many options.

I’m not saying killers should be gg ez, but killers should definitely not be subjected to losing 2 gens before they can even get across the map.


  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Oh That's what I meant, Franks Mix tape on him makes him easy to use, at Base he's a pretty weak killer.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Exactly this. The workload is shared in survivor but in killer it's all on you. Not to mention the survivors objective is holding M1 on a gen for a good part of the game, by the nature of the game it's always going to be more intense for killers.

  • Arabytes
    Arabytes Member Posts: 52

    I always liked to play survivor but since waiting times on console can past 10 minutes, I did try on killer and oh boy.

    The match barely starts and I feel everything is on fire. I do have a lot of trouble in losing survivors in a chase, and I can feel my anxiety building up alredy in the offering screen and it doenst matter if I did good or not, i feel emotionly drained after a couple of games especially after recieving a harassment or hate messages.

    People say to grow a ticker skin or to not really give attention to this kind of behavior but those things do build up and if Im not in a good day, makes me drop the game for a day or so, being content in watching streams for a while.

    I dunno, killers can be powerful but the amount of pressure they have to take makes me wonder if they are even being rewarded properly.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @pemberley If you need guidance with Legion my guide might help. Just grab Bloodhound as your choice perk and you'll be good to go!

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    It really disagree. I find killer to be relaxing after being tunneled, camped, slugged and legioned all day as a survivor.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    This is just how all assymetrical games are. Playing by yourself is stressful, especially against a coordinated team. Evolve, dbd, friday, Last Year, just happens. Sometimes against good players you just gotta white knucle it through and sweat a little lol.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’ve always noticed that killer takes more skill and if you make one mistake it is likely you’ve already lost. So yes I find killer more stressful.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Do the survivors you play against not know how to play? Because unlike getting tunneled and camped, you are trapped there until THEY allow the game to end, while simultaneously they have the ability to rush the game to its conclusion. I would take everything you listed and still be able to die on the hook vs having a game where gens are powered in 6 minutes but the survivors refuse to leave for another 10.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Please elaborate? I've just had a really fun daily quest as Freddy, I was doing really well but before I knew it, Everyone was out of the gates, zero kills.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    The biggest part of playing killer, any killer, is not to focus on survivors but to focus on gens. If you find a guy right away who isn't on a gen, chase him for a second to apply pressure and leave, if you can get a quick hit off, cool. Just don't let him distract you from your goal: gens. Patrol gens really hard. Especially middle gens. 3 gens strats are real. If you're really good you can get a solid 4 gen strat. You just gotta keep a level head and prioritize gens over survivors. Don't get caught in chases too long. Harass all the survivors, not just once. Remember: hitting 1 or 2 survivors quickly reduces gen time since they'll likely either be in chase, hiding, or healing. Which is all time spent not doing gens.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    Get better. If you are getting targeted each game, it's because you're making yourself a target. Either with pathing, or your ability to actualy lose the killer.

    Not trying to be one of those "get gud" kids. this is legit advice. Check your pathing, and practice losing killers by muddying tracks, loops, and any other trick. If i see a weak link in a game, I will hammer it as a killer.

    As for the post: Killer is stressful because the onus of time is on them. They have to kill these 4 people before they get 5 gens. And even when you catch them, you have to worry about flashlights, and people kneeling at your hook (something i am very vocally against, and any swf i'm in will not do this. ) You have to actively hunt and track.

    But survivors start not far from an objective to do (because these generators are already repaired, they just need wiring work, not parts...) and pretty much have to hold one button, and tap another until they hear the heartbeat. You can clearly see it's easier, as most streamers, stream survivor. It lets them talk with their fans more. A killer has to focus a lot more, and for longer periods.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2019

    I don't think the stress comes from the actual gameplay. Killers are more stressful to play because of player behaviour. If you're a survivor and you screw up, you get hooked and you die quickly. You can even struggle on the hook if you want out of the match quickly. The killer is not focused on you unless he's the angry "hit the survivor on the hook" type. It's just business and he kills you so fast he doesn't even stay to watch you die on the hook.

    The killer, on the other hand, is trapped in the game with the survivors until he can kill them or force them to leave. If the survivors are d-striking, insta-healing t-baggers he has put up with a lot of abuse just to get the match over with and then he has to deal with the post-game chat and any angry "friend" requests. The SWF are just there to screw with him and view him less as an opponent and more as an object of amusement. Even if the killer beats them, they usually get their fun at his expense.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited March 2019

    Killer is stressful, so much so that I don't even play matches normally anymore. I mess around and try to play mind games or just practice downing people. Killer is much more enjoyable when you remove the stress of an objective. Watching survivors crawl to the exit always provides a laugh.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    After getting burnt out on this game, i started searching for a way that i find entertaining to play.

    Now i've found a way and with it a more relaxing way of just playing.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    I'm a rank 1 killer lol. I can post a video if you'd like. This has gotten me too, and planted at 1-5. I honestly try and depip half the time so I'm not totally white knucling it every game lol. I'm not saying slug everyone and never hook anyone. But i definitely patrol gens over survivors, if i can get a quick easy down/hook I'll take it but most survivors will take their hit and go teabag at a pallet, I'll waste the pallet and leave to patrol gens. Sure, confident survivors won't even heal up, they'll just get right back too gen jockey status. That isn't always the case though, if i can prevent everyone from doing gens by forcing healing, especially with Nurse's Calling, that's a huge win. Someone is hooked, someone is going for the save, someone is being chased, someone else is healing.

    That means nobody is doing gens and progressing the game.

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 500

    Maybe there should be a counceling area on the discord server to help burnt out killers getting back into the game and of course to consult with them on relaxation techniques to reduce stress and therefore prevent a burn out.

    *just kidding*

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited March 2019

    TBH your advice is pretty specific to Freddy, as his strength in chases is non-existant but his ability to slow down the game CAN be very good when played the way you mentioned. Killers with no map pressure can't really afford to ignore survivors in favor of gens, at least not until they can force a 3 gen game (or a survivor or two is dead.) Its one of those rare cases where Freddy does something vital better than most of the roster, ironically.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    I've actually never played Freddy, maybe I need too lol. My play style is super suited too mobile killers like Spirit, Hag, Wraith, Billy. I also really enjoy playing Myers, Legion and Trapper. Huntress too, even though shes sooo slow and I play heavy focus with huntress. I always try and get quick two smack combo with her hatchet/melee.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    Idk. when the game is no longer reliant on my team, and the outcome of the match is based on how I play, killer can be a lot more fun. only time that isnt the case is when theres multiple Insta heals or when survivors hug a broken structure all game

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    in your example you give off the idea of being ######### on by survivors. if the killer is destroying the survivors, do they not also have a time limit until they're all dead? you work slow, your team dies.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    Agreed with you here. Both sides are very time sensitive. If a killer is doing really well survivors need to speedily do some gens to apply pressure. Just like if survivors are popping of gens before you get hooks, killer really needs to start nailing chases and get some hooks and damage some survivors to slow down the survivors and apply pressure.

  • GetsHookedFirst
    GetsHookedFirst Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2019

    I actually enjoy killer for more than I do survivor. My reasoning is simply because it really is all on me (doesn't really make it feel any more or less stressful though).

    I hate when trying to repair a gen if others mess up and blow the gen. Most times I was doing just fine on it then they come up and think they're helping. Sure it may be an accident most times but it seems like I can never really rely on the other survivors to be anything more than distraction. THAT's when the stress comes in....That's also why the solo playstyle suits me more. I may not be the best killer most days but when I mess up or lose horribly I know it's 100% my fault and I need to work to fix it.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    That's literally exactly how i feel.

    when im survivor i can laugh at being chased, have fun winning or losing, and be content with dying 90% of time.

    If im killer, the inexplicable frustration of not getting a 4K, or serious damage as a killer is overbearing.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited March 2019

    I honestly find barely any stress as survivor at all. i actually enjoy the chase.

    As killer it's stressful.

    As survivor i run the loops and when i use the pallet i run to my next pallet or vault or sit pressing spacebar on a gen

    As killer i have to try and avoid getting smacked with a pallet, try and mindgame/moonwalk, take a risk of swinging at the survivor and getting the hit before he/she drops the pallet, then of course avoiding the flashlight/blocking/more pallets/DS.

    All of this on a time limit.

    You get the picture.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    It sounds like most of you just don't enjoy playing killer. Even when I'm stressed playing killer, I leave the game having fun.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Nature of Asymetrical games and why they historically dont do so well is down to the power role being so strong. Think of it from a playcount perspective. If i find survivour more stressful I'll l play killer. But due to each killer requiring 4 survivours you need to keep a survivour player base of 4 for each killer.

    If your lobbies take too long to fill then you have long queue times which pushes your game to an early death. Honestly killer being stressful over survivour is probably neccesary to keep the survivour player base high and make it so people can consistently play killer instead of being auto filled into a role you dont want.

    If you dont believe me the support and jungle role in league is a famous example. Jason in friday the 13th. Monster in evolve. The list goes on but i hope explained why it needs to be this way. Potentially it can be counteracted by offering a bp bonus to one side to incentivise players to play the less popular side. But if anyone else has ideas it would be nice to get a discussion around it.