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Is it just me or there's a lot of subtle cheaters in the game?

Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

Its so hard to tell when playing killer, some games everything feels normal, and others I feel like survivors always know where I am, gens go faster than usual and survivors seem just a bit faster in chase, this is so frustrating to deal with as you literally have no way to tell and the game doesn't even have a replay system in 2024 to spectate other survivors and see if they're actually cheating.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    There's also a bunch of killers accusing survivors of cheating because they are as easy to read as a book and, therefore, predictable which equates to the survivor having supposed wall hacks. I think there's less subtle cheaters than people think there are by the amount of times I've been accused.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    How can you even tell if a survivor is a 1% or 2% faster? You cant, and its noticeable when a survivor seems harder to catch up distance againts while they have nothing to make them faster.

    That 1 or 2% is really enough to make a chase a lot longer than it should paired up with wallhack making the survivor know where to go and how to loop a killer never losing a 50/50. There is no way to know this and hackers abuse it because they cant be detected by the anticheat.

    This pretty much kills all the chase killers, basically the most fun part of the game is ruined by subtle cheaters.

    Survivors having perfect predictions and doing gens faster and move a bit faster is noticeable but without a replay system catching cheaters is next to impossible without guessing.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    I can tell if someone's cheating by my frequent encounters with pre-nerf MfT which only provided 3% haste and yet it was noticeable by almost every player. 1% would definitely go unnoticed, but anything above 3% will. Wall hacks is a different story entirely and that's also hard to justifiably accuse someone of.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    You can tell when they never lose the 50/50 and have perfect pathing from loop to loop.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Windows of Opportunity and a bunch of experience can tremendously help with patching and connecting loops, hence why it's run so often. Always winning 50/50s depends entirely on the killer, if they can't mindgame properly, or/and are too predictable, why would experienced survivors not win 50/50s?

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,512

    It’s so funny you bring this up! I was playing a game yesterday as Survivor. Now, if someone can help me understand if there are perks or anything that can explain this I would appreciate it because I don’t want to assume cheating (even though I have in the past…)

    I forgot what Killer we were playing against. It might have been a Chucky. He tunnels out and kills one of my teammates so now there is only three of us. He hooks a second one. I have Kindred so I can see where my other teammate is. Chucky finds them and starts chasing them. So they are in chase and I get off the generator and go for the unhook.

    Okay, three Survivors left right? One on hook, one in chase, and then me going for the unhook. Right before I get to the hook, a generator nowhere near the three of us gets completed. I just don’t understand how that is possible unless there are perks I am unaware of. It was like there was a fourth Survivor or the generator was repairing itself or something. Idk how it happened.

    It’s strange because this is the second time this has happened to me. The first time I was playing Killer and it happened maybe 1-2 months ago? I don’t remember but I remember posting about it.

    Anyways, like most people here say I’d like it to be innocent until proven guilty but at the same time weird things sure do happen sometimes. Maybe the Entity got bored and decided to make the repair lol. Idk.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,281

    i played with a dwight who started opening the gates at five gens he never finished them but he did troll tho

    reported by either just me or me and the nemesis

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 18

    Running windows does not make you faster, and you do realize that experienced survivors make mistakes as well, cheaters that can see the killer at all times dont, you're closing in on almost defending cheaters while putting all the blame on killers pretty much saying just get better, experienced killers know there's no way they lose all the 50/50 and survivors have perfect pathing at all times so its obvious why veteran killers find if fishy when they go againts survivors that can do that while not being able to catch up easily

    Because there are all kinds of cheats available now and it has become a real problem that deters players from playing and ruins the fun left in the game.

    Some cheaters can even make it seem like you're the one cheating, game absolutely needs a proper anticheat before it loses more players.

    We saw that licensed chapters are not enough to bring players in and keep players, they seriously need to focus on making the game experience better, fov slider and 3 gen fix is good, but the anticamp mechanic is bad in the current state and needs to fix proxy camping as well, else it benefits the killer more.

    BHVR biggest problem is the one that a lot of content creators touched on, they think they're always right and not listen to the playerbase enough which is literally the people who play the game and bring you money, if you're not gonna listen to those people that have a good ideea how to make the game better in general because they play the game, then on who?

    Game needs better anticheat and a replay system to rewatch a survivor after the game ends, they really need to fix the spectate mode to not be so buggy if they're gonna do that.

    This is such a flawed mindset, defending BHVR wont make the game experience better but just feed them the ideea that everything is ok, which is not.

    Its bewildering that you can say and gaslight people that cheaters are not a problem when there's at least 1 in half my games and you cant even tell because they're all subtle cheaters.

    I wont argue further because I think people like you will defend anything if you're gonna defend cheaters and say they're not a problem when there's plenty of content creators too that complain and are not afraid to give BHVR constuctive criticism where its due.

    Your comments are too infuriating and it feels like baiting for a warn at this point, and infuriating for the players in this community that actually want the game to get better instead of just stagnate and keep losing players, believe me when I say that people that give BHVR valid and constructive criticism love the game more because they want it to get better fixing the core issues than those who will defend them for anything and actually contributing to the echo chamber.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303
  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    At 105% is noticeable, but when they have 1 or 2% only and paired with wallhacks, its impossible to tell for sure, you just know they loop perfectly and you're always 1 second short from catching up before they make it to a loop.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Never claimed running Windows makes you faster. Helps with pathing only. Cheaters that see the killer at all times do make mistakes. Wall hacks don't give you any game sense. I've seen plenty of videos where cheaters get hooked by killers from silly mistakes on their end that killers capitalize on. Experienced survivors do indeed make mistakes, I tend to get too greedy sometimes and then get hit. Cheaters can also do that. They aren't invincible and perfect at decision-making. If you're good with the camera rotation, you can usually see what the killer is doing anyways whilst in chase. Seeing what the killer is doing out of chase doesn't really benefit you that much at all unless you're at specific loops.

    I'd never defend cheaters, you're just claiming that there's so many without any evidence and just saying that if they are skilled and know what to do then they are cheating. That's a flawed mindset. Some people are just more familiar with certain maps and know exactly what to do. Good pathing comes a long way so why wouldn't they learn to be good at it?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Yet again, MfT was very noticeable and it only provided 3% haste.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,205
    edited January 18

    Pulsar is right that you just can't know if someone is cheating, most of the time. In which case you can't do anything, other than drive yourself nuts obsessing about it.

    I have had a couple cases lately where I've been fairly confident survivors were cheating though. I don't normally question if a survivor is cheating but these stood out.

    1. Playing as Plague, chasing a survivor who had not been hooked, was broken, and otherwise had no way of gaining Endurance besides the Styptic they had equipped (but could not use due to being broken), somehow managed to tank an M1 and go into deep wound. I suspect they 'subtle cheat' by having the Styptic on hand but not needing to gamble on actually using it.

    2. A survivor who had zero line of sight on me while I was Undetectable managed to match my movements pefectly while looping on RPD. They behaved like a decent survivor on a regular loop on an outdoor map who could see my red stain, despite the fact there were floor-to-ceiling walls and I had no aura or stain. Approximately 6 attempts at mindgaming with random pauses thrown in failed abysmally.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited January 18

    So, once again, you don't know.

    You keep saying that you are absolutely sure you're getting trounced by cheaters but then in the next sentence reiterate that they're Undetectable.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    And that is the problem, that you cant know for sure someone is cheating and the game really needs something like a replay system that you can just check the replay and see if said player was cheating or not.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282

    Unless you're a twitch streamer, subtle cheaters are probably less frequent than you make them out to be.

    It is pretty obvious when a survivor has wallhacks on you, if you play the game enough it is very clear when you are losing every mindgame and they aren't holding checkspots.

    Other cheats are really not possible to know. But they are not as frequent as you'd think, if my anecdotal experience is anything to go by.

    Chalking up all your losses to cheats in this game is not a healthy mindset to take

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    I’ve had a match where a nurse swore we were all cheating or 4 man swf. Turns out matchmaking and spawn rng was heavily in our favour. For 1, we all spawned in separately across the map and started 4 differently gens. 2 had tool boxes and she chased me first. I ran her for 3 gens before going down, and by the time she hooked me progress on 3 other gens had started.

    i got unhooked and she rightfully went for the tunnel on me. I’ve been running off the record and MFT because of how prevalent this is…. She didn’t catch on that I had extra speed and whiffed a lot and lost LOS multiple times. I ran her through the exit gates.

    sometimes…. You just pick the wrong survivor and RNG isn’t in your favour.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    Its usually more that they are running filters/stretched res, that makes the red light go through walls and be super visible.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Pretty much this, no one is blaming their losses to cheaters, but when you have matches where survivors always predict everything and seem a bit faster its not normal, we dont live in mft era anymore.

  • elscardo
    elscardo Member Posts: 6

    Lately I've been seeing many more subtle or less than subtle cheaters. I've had 3 survivors banned in the last month. Before this I almost never saw them. I don't know if it's due to me becoming more experienced and being able to identify it more easily, or if there are actually many more lately and they're a bit sloppy.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    Fought hackers last night. Almost made me want to turn cross-play off. I noticed the players hard to catch are always PC.

    I’ll miss attacks I know I shouldn’t have. 3+ gens would fly in less than 3 minutes. Last night I had Haste as killer using certain perks, and I still couldn’t reach them. Beat them to the pallets. It would give them everything, and deny me everything.

    Then one match I was in Meat Plant as Doctor. Thinking as my main it would be easy. The PC players were both hacking. Slightly faster despite me having PWYF stacks. So they got to where they needed to be. Then as I try pickup a Dwight that was difficult to catch he does DS without ever being hooked prior… at EGC he had Hope without ever equipping Hope. I left the match, and saw he had a Hyperfocus Build. No Hope. No DS. The other players were all playing around these hackers.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 22

    Had a game where I got my 4k robbed because of a subtle cheater(not so subtle in the end) I had 2 slugs after all gens we're done and there was only 1 injured survivor left and I knew exacter where she was, I was really close to her but all of a sudden she sped up faster than me and I couldn't catch up, she was forced to make her cheats more visible to save her teammates, how are we supposed to enjoy this game when subtle cheaters freely cheat with no punishment, and of course its always an epic game store cheater, making the game free for cheaters to grab accounts was the biggest mistake ever.

    Post edited by Adaez on
  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 382

    Just in the past day I've gone against survivors who run without scratch marks (without the perks that allow you to do that) and also saw a survivor that used Sprint Burst when I found them, didn't stop running, and then got a speed boost from Lithe.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    I have to just tell myself I didn't loop well enough at this point, every time I barely miss a window hit or a pallet slap before the stun, I can't just assume they're stealth cheating or else I'll drive myself insane.

    It's kinda why I started getting into stealth killers more. That extra haste won't help with hit and run, especially against Skull Merchant's drones.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123
    edited January 22

    I’ve had a Steve walk twice behind a haystack in a farm map before vanishing with no scratch marks and of course no stealth related perks in the endgame lobby.

    The funny thing was that I saw another Steve with the same pattern in a Macmillan map months ago (Walking behind a wall and vanishing)

    Doesn’t get any better than this

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    this Claire tried to defend herself saying she wasn't cheating and that it was sprint burst, I still couldn't catch up to her after sprint burst ended and i even had bloodlust

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 22

    Exactly this, this is why I play stealth killers more but sadly cheaters also have wallhacks and completely counter that, but at least its very noticeable when they leave early againts a stealthy killer so easy report.

    Same here with that survivor who cheated at the end of the game to save her teammates, it was a bad subtle cheater, running only genrush perks while having to extra speed perks like hope,adrenaline,spring burst, yet she was faster than me, worst kind of subtle cheaters are the ones that use a full genrush build to rush gens while using speed and wallhacks and probably extra gen speed as well, its just a horrible experience for killers because you cant even tell they're hacking unless you really force them to show it, we desperately need a replay system in this game before the playerbase drops too much, subtle cheaters are by far my biggest reason I feel like already quitting this game again.

    Good to see they're not getting banned even after months, hope you at least reported him.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    I would say I haven't had a lot of subtle cheaters, but that's sort of the point I guess. If you're noticing them, they've done something wrong. I've had the occasional person zip forward 10-20ft after they've rounded a corner and thought I didn't have an angle, but my favourite cheater is the one that tried to Self Care right in front of me despite not having the perk equipped. They also moved a little too fast for my liking.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited January 22

    «  Cheating ? Who cares ? Stop complaining, it’s annoying. By the way, you said it was subtle cheating but you can’t tell for sure ? So you are just a lying, you got outplayed by better survivors. »

    It’s not like DBD has a massive cheating problem. "Just ignore the problem" is probably the worst advice to give. When I see a survivor faster than the others without reasons, I assume this person is cheating or at least very sus, I don’t tell myself "Well this person is obviously zooming all the time but let’s assume it’s just a skill diff ».

    I mean, the Claude is just better right ?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Correct. There's nothing you can do as a player if people are subtle cheating. If you allow yourself to descend into that mindset, you'll start jumping at shadows. Suddenly, there's cheaters everywhere and their the only reason why you lose. It's just not worth the mental torture.

    That's why I always assume people are better than me until I KNOW for sure that they're cheating, not a subtle speed boost or anything, but like teleporting or flying or eomething.

    You have no power in those situations in-game. We all know BHVR's reporting system is....inconvenient, to say the least. The only thing you CAN control is your response.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    12 matches last week, 10 had cheaters. Things have been going downhwill around the time that Knight dropped, but it's been super bad in the last few weeks.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Playing killer feels awful because of this especially the low tier ones.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    I have so many games as killer where I feel like gens fly even tho I pressure survivors and force them to heal to waste time not sitting on gens, have chases that last under 45 seconds at most and the gens still fly, I think this is both a subtle gen repair speed cheaters and the fact gens just go too fast in the current state of the game, cant have a proper game without stacking gen regression perks.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    It's gotten to the point where I just report everyone and let bhvr sort them out. I got 3 yesterday. Sucks to know they'll just be back

  • Beano744
    Beano744 Member Posts: 78

    Yeah it's very hard to tell if someone is cheating in this game unless they're blatantly doing it. You'd have to rewatch the game in order to see if there was anything odd. Most of the time you can see if they start increasing their speed over time, or if you chase them for a while and you're not closing any distance. Sometimes they'll do a big fall and not have any fall stun, sometimes their adrenaline will last too long, sometimes it could be something like using a perk that they don't have equipped.

    If they're just using a speed cheat to go a little bit faster, then there's no way to really tell; you're right.