Killer Power Limits

I wholeheartedly believe that killers should have a limited amount of time they can use their inherent power. Once the power is expended they will have to rely on their perks just like survivors. I mostly play as killer and find almost all survivor competition underwhelming. It is FAR too easy to eliminate survivors now. Pathetically easy.
I had to come up with my own MO where whoever plays the best is the survivor I might let live. Sadly, not many qualify.
I wholeheartedly believe that killers should have a limited amount of time they can use their inherent power. Once the power is expended they will have to rely on their perks just like survivors.
Killers having access to a power that survivors do not, and thereby being the stronger role, is kind of the whole point of the game. Dead by Daylight is an "asymmetric multiplayer survival horror". The key word in that description being asymmetric -- meaning the two roles are intentionally not equal in strength and design.
Removing or heavily restricting killer powers defeats the point of the game, and leads to a frustrating experience (see complaints about The Shape's limited stalking for instance).
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Survivors are a powerhouse beyond mid tier MMR. If they are actually being serious, they are probably new.
Post edited by EQWashu on9 -
I truly believe we need a perk for survivors where a stun causes them to be "incapacitated" and cant use their powers for a few seconds. We need more diverse perks tbh.
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what the actual flying duck did I just read?
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I was going to, but you already said it. I can't believe for a moment that anyone that says "I mostly play killer" and "play killer is easy" in the same paragraph has passed the 1600 MMR mark.
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New to killer? They will get better.
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probably played 3 killer matches and thought he was top tier player.
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Survivors just run crutch perks and the skill gap between good and bad survivors has turned into a valley. Now they need more crutches, and demand even more
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Reminds me of the whole "solo swf"-gap. Buff "solo" to close the gap, but since theyre the same character most buffs to "solo" will also buff "swf", simply powercreeping the survivor role instead.
Doesnt help that this community often uses "solo" as synonym for "bad players" and "swf" for "good players".
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That's really what happened, but don't forget that they in turn power creeped almost every killer on the roster
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There are people on this forum who still believe that solo can be buffed without swf being buffed as well and Killers can be buffed afterwards if Survivors are too strong.
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The problem with the swf gap is that the mechanical difference is "third party comms". The rest is player intentions, agency or skill.
I'd like the gap to be closed, but most stuff to get the advantages of comms without adding comms will simply move the power of survivors up, maybe even widening the gap. Like ive heard people want to have bond as basekit, which obviously is an extreme case but nevertheless.
"And compensate killers accordingly afterwards" sounds nice but is often just a vague statement to justify the survivor megabuffs. Most discussions ive seen ignored the details. (And realistically would have sirvivors dunk on killers for months before any miniscule adjustments)
Btw i apologize but because of the position of the "still" I read your post as if you intended to mock the people you're talking about.
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You are playing at a very low level and it shows, go for straight up kills as much as you can. You'll get there eventually.