why is self care a bad perk again?

sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

I often read that people think self care is a killer perk, because it wastes too much time to use.

While that might be right, on european servers, i latly see a lot of survivors not running self care, not bringing a medkit and then hidding in a corner far away from gens if they ever get hit. They dont even try to find someone to heal them, they just hide in a corner until they know for sure the killer is far far away (i know this because i run bond, usually, and see what they are doing). i never had more than 2 of them in my matches, but one seem to do this in about 20% of my matches.

So why is it better to hide in a corner waiting for the others to finish the work alone instead of running self care and healing up? Can someone explain it to me?


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703
    edited January 21

    I wouldn’t say it’s bad as much as it’s just very slow which makes it not worth using in the majority of situations unless you have other heal speed perks. Trying to use Self-Care on its own vs. Sloppy is almost always a bad play unless it’s endgame.

    But honestly, that’s the way Self-Care should be. It’s better for the game overall if self-healing isn’t super good. Most other forms of self-healing are better than SC (and rightfully so) because they’re limited, eg. medkits can only be used a limited number of times, Inner Strength needs a cleansed totem to activate, Plot Twist can only be used twice per match and is risky, etc. SC is unlimited, so it has to be slow for it to be balanced.

    That’s just my opinion though.

    Having said all that however, it IS a bad perk for newer players who don’t understand why spending that much time healing is almost never worth it.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,777

    In my own opinion, the only downside to self care is if you get caught. If you're healing yourself, the other survivors can do generators or keep the killer busy regardless of how long it takes to heal.

    Not to mention, if the killer doesn't use mangled then you can 99 your heal to do things like luring your killer or use resilience until you're just about to get hurt.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    it used to not be a killer perk due to speed but because of the playstyle it created, 50% heal speed meant you still got the same time efficiency as if healing someone else or being healed (32s) but people used to overly heal with it, you don't need to be healthy 24/7 and it generally starts to eat into gen time that can make or break matches especially if its just a bad teammate who gets hit over and over only to heal each time

    now imagine that but ~48s heals, throw mangled into the mid and you got a party

    it was basically a noob trap and still kinda is

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 841
    edited January 21

    I honestly think that with Botany Knowledge, it's the best self healing perk in the game. I don't think any of the others come close to it, at least not for me. It's good to pair with resilience too, for those games when healing at all is pointless (Sloppy Butcher / Legion / Plague).

    Second Wind is not too bad, but if you get hooked without healing anyone you'll get no value from it (I've had too many games like this).

    Inner Strength is OK, but since you need to both find a totem, cleanse it and then spend 8 seconds in a locker, you probably haven't saved any time.

    Plot Twist is the only perk that I think is arguably as good (in some ways better, because you can ignore the effects of deep wound, mangled or hemorrhage), but you only get two uses out of it and one of those times is when the gates are powered.

    Built to Last is good to use with a med-kit, so you might get more than one heal out of it. But then there's a possibility the Killer will bring Franklin's Demise if they see many items in the lobby.

    Pharmacy is just bad. Have nothing good to say about this perk.

    So long as you're only using Self-Care when you really need to, I don't see why so many survivors have such a problem with it. I typically only use it when I get unhooked and the unhooker can't be bothered to heal me. In 3 gen situations and in the end game, when I need to go for a save or run past the killer at the gate. I might sometimes heal myself up if the game is going well or my gen is blocked.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,055

    Self-Care was not really good for a few years. At some point you realize that it is more beneficial to just stay injured or bring a Medkit. But at the very least, 6.1.0 killed Self-Care. Without any need, I might want to add, it is just one of those Perks which got nerfed to nerf them so that the Devs can say they change something about the game. And unlike other things, it did not get the nerf reverted, but it will not happen.

    Furthermore, you have Mangled in basically every game now. If Killers can apply it with an Add On, they will use it. If they use M1, they will use Sloppy Butcher. Mangled is insanely strong right now and the easiest to apply Slowdown, since you get value from it by just hitting a Survivor (most of the time).

    And if you think about Mangled and then how slow Self-Care is on its own already, it takes super-long to heal. Botany Knowledge can help with that, but even then, it is still long due to Mangled and you are using 2 Perk Slots for this. Add to this that some Mangled-instances are also combined with Hemorrhage (e.g. Sloppy Butcher, which is the most popular way to inflict Mangled), you might waste even more time if you get interrupted while healing yourself, because the progress is removed very quickly.

    So, yeah... It is obviously not better to hide in the corner when injured. Which I almost never see to be honest. But bringing Self-Care is not good either, it wastes so much time. And especially if you are the one Survivor being chased with Adrenaline, there is nothing more annoying to see the healing symbol in the UI on that one injured Survivor and you see it for a minute or so, because that guy decides to heal against Sloppy Butcher instead of doing 2/3rd of a Gen in this time...

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,930

    Buff Self Care back to 50 % and change Botany to only work on altruistic healing and remove the penalty or even re-introduce the buff to efficiency.

    Boom, Perks fixed and they're both decent.. but that probably won't happen and both Perks will probably remain in their awkward state in which they exist currently.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But why is it better to just hide in a corner and stay away from gens and the killer instead? It doesnt progress the game at all.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I see it only recently, the past 2-3 weeks actually, but then from multiple survivors.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 974

    I find Bite the Bullet and self care good for losing the killer when injured but not as a a full heal solution.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Because healing in general is a waste of time it's better to just sit on gens with adrenaline in your back pocket, if you've just popped a gen with someone and they want the points I'll let them heal but what's the real point in healing ? If you're good in chase you don't need to and if you're an easy two tap then what's the point if it just wastes a few more seconds compared to healing taking longer than you would get chased anyway? Either way healing really is just a waste to me unless it's a endgame situation and someone needs to be healthy for an unhook.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 841
    edited January 21

    If they're really not doing anything at all (and not just too afraid to do a gen injured), they could be one of those Survivors who load in to do nothing all game except wait for their team to die and then play for a hatch escape. They're not that common but they definitely do exist.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited January 21

    Its not better but often new players over use it in that way and their lack of progress in matches brings the team down with them which is why people call it a killer perk. A big learning curve of the perk is knowing when to use it. Since It can be used in a smart way but based on its current effect bringing a medkit or an alternative healing perk is just better more often than not both time wise and less learning curve wise / room to become dependent

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    The time you waste on healing yourself could be used to finish a generator.

    Self care is only good for finishing a healing thats almost done.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200
    edited January 21

    Every time I unhook someone with Self-Care, they run off to a corner and spend 45 seconds healing up. Even when they're Mangled and I have We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, and a Medkit and could heal them in 8 seconds...

    Then they get immediately found by the killer anyway, because the killer has had 45 seconds to finish what they were doing and look for them.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,073

    it may not be the case soon with the new grim embrace, gens being locked after every hook may give you a lot of time to heal.

    Healing context is a thing, and in some cases it's very key to some matches which are drawn out due to genlocking/heavily guarded gens.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Bond will get you faster, safer heals, with the added benefit of information on where your team is exactly

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    You dont seem to understand. Those people dont use self care at all, they just hide in the corner when injured. Yes, it would be better if they were on gens, but they are not. Healing might be a waste of time, but itsnt it still better than just hidding? Because these people do not what you want them to do, they just hide.

    No, it doesnt, at least at my server. A lot of survivors refuse to heal you, because a) they consider healing (others) a waste of time, and/or b) if the killer comes to your gen and one survivor is healthy and one is injured, most go for the injured one.

    Thats why bond doesnt help at all.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    People hiding not doing anything has always been a thing in this game, I was referring to people trying to justify self care as a good perk, it hasn't been good since it got nerfed years ago when self care took like 12-16 secs or something like that, I'll never understand why people load up this game if they're too scared to play and just hide all game , if I ever see people not helping the whole game, i just sandbag them they can report me if they'd like

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 841
    edited January 22

    I agree. Unless you are playing with friends, you can't rely on anyone on the team to do anything for you, let alone heal you up. You've got to look after number 1 in Solo Q. That's why I always prefer to bring at least one self healing perk. I'm not saying altruistic solo Survivors don't exist, because they do (and if the team is that way inclined, I'll play the same way too). But it just can't be considered a given that they'll be in your trials.