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Subtle hackers and bhvr silence on the subject

ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847
edited January 22 in General Discussions

Its everyday/every other day lately that I run into one. Sorry I dont run recording software and dissect every match to be able to point out the subtle hackers. Nor do I think its the players responsibility to weed out hackers in this game. There needs to be a more permanent solution to this and bhvr have stopped talking about it. Its almost like they are content with just getting rid of the blatant cheaters. I made a post asking about the subject awhile ago and never got a response. Bhvr needs to speak up

Edit: Not everyday/every other day. I was being a bit hyperbolic out of frustration. I've been playing less so its more like every day that I play or every other day that I play.


  • Bartolomeo87
    Bartolomeo87 Member Posts: 35

    Oh, another one of these threads? Too bad nothing is going to be done about it

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 245

    I agree. Just today I was playing a match where I felt like all of my experience is worth nothing. The survivor ran faster then she should be able to. It felt like she was having old mft even though she was not even hurt. Also she was able to fast vault even though not running for the window and (we were on larrys) she knew every window and pallet position on the map like using windows of opportunity even though she didn't have that perk. Resiliance was also more 20 % then just 9.

    Call me paranoid but I think a player with 300 hours cannot know a map that well already.

    This is a serious problem especially because these people are more likely to play risky and toxic and will get away with it due to cheats.

    But imagine paying money to cheat in this game.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,512

    I like using Bloodhound and there have been so many times that blood pools will just conveniently stop spawning at intersections. They won’t spawn again until I find the injured Survivor or they spawn like 20+m away . It could be a glitch but the fact that it happens at crossroad areas so often is what raises my suspicions.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 151

    They do ban a legit cheater. However it is so easy to create a duplicate account and start from scratch. So in a way they do ban the account but the banned one creates a new one. The only way to stop is create codes to block for your basic hacks which affect all online games.

  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88

    It's not impossible. Like most developers, they send that responsibility out to a third party. There's YouTube videos of people showing off their cheating. A lot of killer bots, aim assist, wall hacks, and they don't ban the account. BHVR barely lifts a finger for blatant racism and anti-LGBT VIDEOS UPLOADED AND READILY AVAILABLE. One dev used the weak excuse of the video being on YouTube so there was nothing they could do...

    This game has attracted some of the worst dregs of the gaming society in the last few years.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    That does not mean she was cheating?

    Running with good pathing will make you effectively run to next loop.

    You can make fast vaults with a lot ways, i don't know why this made you think she is cheating.

    And you don't need WoO for knowing loop areas tho? Good survivors mostly don't use this perk for a reason.

    And just because they have 300 hours , it does not mean they were 300 hours player. They maybe changed their platform. They maybe were smurfing. So you saw she had 300 hours but in reality, maybe she had 5000 hours and maybe even more.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    Suspecting someone is cheating doesn't mean they actually are. Watch any decent survivor streaming on Twitch and you'll see how common accusations of cheating are in endgame chat. BHVR not banning someone you suspect of cheating doesn't mean they don't care about cheaters. Maybe it means the person wasn't cheating?

  • Bartolomeo87
    Bartolomeo87 Member Posts: 35

    You say that like there hasn’t been an abundance of threads like this. I’ve seen at least 10+ threads over the past few weeks about this subject. And for reference, I’ve played this game for around five years now. Sometimes I check into the stream of the players in the match if I see Twitch in the name. I seen someone accusing someone else of cheating only a handful of times.

    There’s no reason for you to be dismissive at this point. I’d get if it was just a one or two time this but I see these threads constantly nowadays.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    This particular thread is referring to subtle cheaters - ie the ones you aren't entirely sure are cheating. I'm not sure how me pointing out that perhaps said players aren't actually cheating is me being dismissive. It's another story if we are talking about BHVR ignoring blatant cheaters.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    Just finished a match as trapper where i was about to win. had one slugged, knew where last one was who tried to do last gen finished. hit the last person, then nothing. Just she became white. massive lag, then all of a sudden gen done, the nancy is gone and picked up the jonah in the same second and then 2 seconds later i am fully crashed from server. This had nothing to do with laggy internet, just cheaters disconnecting me from the server cause i was about to win and get a 4k. How is this even possible they can do this?

    Also, day before that, had in every other subtle cheaters. you could chase them, you would never see them, though gaining bloodlust. People seeing speeding up mid chase even. And cause of no recording, you cant do anything.

    How come, when a massive amount of reports is coming in on one player, that isnt enough either? cause surely they use them every match. visual proof should be needed always, cause i dont even know how to set that up. Its even ridiculous i have to and there is no better anticheat. just to prove people are hacking/cheating.

    I am bronze 3 with a low mmr. cant be high, since i never play killer, only for some challenges that require me too. Although i was enjoying last two days of playing killer (minus the obv cheater ones, since they leave a bad taste in your mouth).

    You cant chase them, cause waste. Meanwhile those guys do the gens. and you cant stop them. they know you cant catch up.

    When is there actually a word about the cheater infestation? When i see this already on low mmr, how bad is it then for people on the high end? Literally unplayable?

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    What do you expect them to say?

    The situation is that there is literally zero incentive for BHVR to actually do something worthwhile and not just ban the same 10k people that will have a new cheat and spoofed hardware address 2-3 hours after they have been banned in the quarterly wave they love to bring up so often.

    The spaghetti code doesn't allow them to fix 4-5 year old bugs with old killers, how could they possibly have the resources to prevent exploits? Besides, ever since content creators got their own little preferential matchmaking, making sweet money while sealclubbing baby survivors, there has been zero pressure on the company to do anything. Props to Choy for being the only person to actually spend time and effort on this topic as opposed to certain pillars of the community.

    If you don't like playing against cheaters half or more in your matches, DBD isn't for you.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    It's because at the lowest bases of the game's programming, a holdover from the original release where everything was p2p, almost everything was calculated client-side. There's still mostly client-side calculations in the game as a result, and anything done client-side is the most vulnerable part of a game. BHVR would have to re-code the game from the ground-up to permanently close all the security holes, which is not viable for them from a financial or technical standpoint, even if they had the talent to do it (which they don't).

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    Thats good to hear and what I was looking for. Thank you for responding

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    What WOULD the devs do about the YouTube video? There's no way to know what account is being shown since all they have is the current username, which can have duplicates and can change. This is why in-game reports are REQUIRED when handling these matters and not just a video.