So a problem I see with a The Thing dlc

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,526

Now I won't be bombing it saying argh why that movie and blah blah overall I like the movie and find having it in the game would be cool it's mostly the power. Now I feel like with most people they sorta want it to be like The thing(I have a feeling that would be the killer name) would shape shift into one of the survivors as it does in the movie. But that comes with a downside so first I'll leave the obvious for last but I feel like if let's say you have a lobby of survivors with different outfits it could cause some problems such has basically BHVR would need to make a lot of code so that if you use your ability you match the same outfit sorta like how fake doctor work but they can ol school have it when your using your power you in the default survivor outfit since it would be simple still some problems has one is OP and other is fairly weak. Now the big part SWF would basically kick the killer to the ground as they can easily communicate with eachother saying what their doing plus their the interaction icons next to the survivors so that also could be a problem. Overall the thing would be cool as a killer but it's power would need survivor thinking as Shape-shifting would be fairly weak against a SWF and plus it would be hard coming up with a power that works on it since Shape-shifting is what it's know for.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238

    y-yeah man totally

  • AnxiousGummy
    AnxiousGummy Member Posts: 109

    Maybe the shape shifting aspect can be aside from its main power. Like instead of using shape shifting to try to catch survivors off guard, the Thing will just progressively take on the appearance of the survivors as it gets hits/downs/hooks until its just a grotesque amalgamation of the survivors (think the blighted legion skin with all four member's bodies fused into one). It's main power could be some copy/paste of other killers' powers like we've been seeing lately lol /s

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,512

    You can't remove SWF, but you can work around it and try to make it as hard as possible for people to tell each other apart and who they can trust.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,526

    Of course you can't remove SWF since well it would mess up the game a lot since it is also a co-op game but I think it is still the idea of a SWF would constantly say what their up too which could make playing the killer a little challenging or just boring since their isn't much pressure unless your facing SoloQ.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,512
    edited January 23

    Perhaps a little more challenging, but like i said, the solution is to work around it by making it harder for them to tell each other apart.

    Here are some examples of how.

    • Hiding information normally available for Survivors to see via the hud such as name, health states, etc.
    • Giving The Thing the ability to see within a certain range Survivor's auras to strategically coordinate it's location to get a better jump on the Survivors when transforming back into it's normal form.
    • Making Assimilation part of The Thing's power kit which has a small chance of infecting Survivors upon being injured from it, which the Survivors won't know has happen to them until it's too late and they turn into a Survivor-Thing themselves that can assist The Thing (If the Survivor-Thing refuses to assist The Thing, the killer player can just kick the player from the match and have an A.I take over.)
    • Having The Thing suppress any of the Survivor's aura reading perks and items unless they take a Blood Kit Test.
    • Being able to attack Survivors while Mimicking as one.

    These are just some examples of how to work around SWF on comms, sure it won't really eliminate voice comm people from reporting their locations 24/7, however it still gives The Thing a greater advantage to utilitze it's power against them while adding uncertainty.

    You can also give The Thing a Form Shift via add-ons that allows it to change into one of the Things from the John Carpenter movie that grants it a new power for a limited time until it turns back to it's normal form.

    Also i don't think it's impossible for the devs to give the Survivor's cosmetics to The Thing when mimicking due to the fact that DC bots doesn't lose their cosmetics.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,668

    My issue is what would the Thing look like when NOT shape shifting? The true form of The Thing is never shown so would it just always be a survivor? Or maybe defaults to a random killer? Would we finally see what it actually looks like?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,152

    I don't think The Thing can work as a killer and do the "it could be anyone" thing well. I feel like if they try, it will be disappointing.

    I would really like to have the Antarctica base as a map, though, with MacReady as a survivor. Then I could yell "Cheating #####!" every time the killer catches me and be completely in-character.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,718

    I've always said that if they did a The Thing chapter, then as an ALTERNATIVE to hooking, if you did as much effort as hooking someone, you could instead infect them. This would change their team to the Killer said and then they'd only win with the killer. That would counter SWFs, as the survivor would actively want to trick their friends into thinking they are still on their side.

    Now how would that actually work? I dunno...let's brainstorm, lol. Would be hilarious having a 4 man survivor squad tea-bagging at the exit gate only to suddenly realize that 3 of the survivors are also Things and that you're entirely alone.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 577

    Okay but imagine they make a fun power then give it a skin based on every survivor mutated so we get a Yun-jin ver, Kate Ver, Jake ver etc etc

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,512
    edited January 23

    Best way to do it is by doing a zombie infection/deceit hybrid type game mode since it would allow for more than 5 players in total and make something like assimilation infection justified as a primary hooking alternative.

    In terms of the game mode we already have however, i only see two ways that is feasible enough that assimilation could be implemented since there are only 4 Survivors. You either make it a tool used mainly to cause uncertainty cause of the rng chance you've been infected OR You can do some infection thing to 2 or 3 Survivors max when they've been downed that they won't know the killer has done to them.

    Just use the Original Thing from the 2011 prequel as the default form.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,526

    Well to make it simple have it be the person on the cover of the DVD as in a faceless person in a jacket with the hood up and weapon wise I would image some kind of mutated arm claw thing.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,526

    Won't lie good ideas though the one where survivors are infected and can be kicked for not participating could be a little problematic since basically like a survivor dcing it ruins the fun for everyone and that power could basically ruin the fun for some since it's a nice idea and I won't lie not everyone will like it but of course people start crying saying it's fun fair why do they need to do this when their survivor and then BHVR has to now rework it because little Timmy didn't want to be killer for a few seconds.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,512
    edited January 25

    You can't stop people from dcing no matter what, so it doesn't matter if you can kick them when they've turned into a Survivor-Thing since they've practically already been eliminated as a Survivor and doesn't contribute to their team anymore.

    The main purpose for kicking is only for scenarios where either the Survivor-Thing would refuse to participate and assist the killer or when you would have a Survivor-Thing following & reporting the killer's location 24/7 to their SWF group. Any attempts at bodyblocking the killer can be solved by giving The Thing & Survivor-Things no collision with one another.

    Basically the kicking function would mainly be there just to avoid any attempts at griefing the killer, if needed be then Survivor-Thing players can just be given an option as well to just be eliminated and have a bot take over without suffering a DC penalty since they've already been eliminated as a Survivor.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 962
    edited January 25

    Shape-shifting is what it is known for. As well as being right under your nose, and with no trust with those around you being what they say they are.

    The problem with simply being a re-skinned Wraith that can transition between forms, is that communication does exist. So Survivors can callout who they are, and they won't be wrong. That is indeed a blocker.

    I could see this being addressed by making the Transformation aspect of the Power not only about Transforming into a Survivor, but also transposing with another Survivor: When Transforming the Thing can swap places with any Survivor at any time. Becoming a mobility and a disruption tool whose utilization of Survivors as a Vector makes survivors who group together a danger to one another.

    However, it would need to be limited in such a way as to prevent The Thing from Transforming on a Survivor that just Unhooked a Survivor, the Unhooked Survivor, and to a lesser extent when there is only one Survivor left. And the design of how the Transposed survivors would need to be approached with care.

    Though another issue is that while in the movie being alone makes you easier to pick off, in DBD it makes survivors more efficient, and that lack of trust will turn into players opting to distance from one another as much as possible.

    That would need to be addressed in some manner. By making sticking together beneficial in some degree while not curbing the Transformation transposition too much.